Advice Are there any other races i can pass off as? (Pics included)


Well-known Member
Sep 8, 2022
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was wondering it can ascend me because i am statusminned (seen as lower class) bc i am filipino.
This another morph with rhino for a smaller nose
Can I larp as another race like latino? I dont want to be seen as a filipino because that will lower my status and SMV.

And if i go for this look can I maybe go to Japan or somewhere other than the philippines? I know its over in Europe or Latin america.

Btw im 16, 5'6 and virgin/incel
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i guess u could do japan. idk PM me we should try figure out how to get on japanese dating apps to test ourselves with morphed pics
I hope dude i think every race in the world mogs filipinos
filipinos mog tf out of east asians. east asians just brainwashed everyone to think their whiter skin is more higher status and attractive through media brainwashing.

oh shit actually i remembered eastern europeans have mongoloid DNA too so they have chance of liking u . go north of EE, where theres the most blonde and ginger girls
actually i think i just figured out the solution for u.

eastern european OR russian women with mongoloid DNA will like u. + they're extreme attracted cos SEA on equator and they're furthest from equator.

and east asian women wont date cos beauty standard is light skin. but there is no skin colour tax in the west. if anything its a halo to be darker. blonde and ginger north EE white women are the ideal match for u other than filipinas

i think im an actual genius
was wondering it can ascend me because i am statusminned (seen as lower class) bc i am filipino.
View attachment 269
This another morph with rhino for a smaller nose
View attachment 270
Can I larp as another race like latino? I dont want to be seen as a filipino because that will lower my status and SMV.

And if i go for this look can I maybe go to Japan or somewhere other than the philippines? I know its over in Europe or Latin america.

Btw im 16, 5'6 and virgin/incel
View attachment 271
You facemog the average Asian by a lot tbh
latinas are half spanish half SEA. they have mongoloid DNA so they are attracted to SEA men if gl
They aren’t half SEA jfl, If you are talking about native Americans, the genetics are way different and they don’t share even 5% of genetics with Asia
You look Filipino you won’t be changing anyone’s mind on what race you are, Just stick to your own country. You are 5'6, low tier normie and asian. You are not getting shit in east asia.

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