Green flags to consider when looking to geomax to the best possible countries


Well-known Member
Mar 10, 2024
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There are lots of posts around about red flags and green flags about women, but let's make a topic about green flags for countries. This is what I consider when I choose a country for dating and why I believe some countries have huge potential, while others suck.
This list is not for where to get laid the easiest, you already know that answer. It's based on where you can find high quality girls and date up as an average looking guy (I guess the lingo is mid tier normie).

Unless you've been living under a rock you know that in many places women have all the power in the dating market, everything is stacked against you. It's like playing with a rigged dice and so, unless you're a real Chad, you just can't win no matter how much you try.
The green flags list is how to choose countries where the playing field is more balanced and as a man you have a better chance to find your high value partner.

1) Look for countries that don't have Diversity&Inclusion (D&I) policies in the workplace. Without those, women are cut out from the vast majority of high paying jobs and they'd be forced to consider the financial situation of a man like women throughout all past history always did. They can't stay single and sleep around well into their 30s like they do now, they'd need somebody to take care of their financial needs. They know their beauty is their best asset to attract a man so they can't wait until after their prime to settle with a non Chad/Chadlite partner. That's one of the most important points. D&I policies created an oligarchy where 10-20% of men get all the girls, they destroyed the dating market for the vast majority of men and prevent the majority of them from getting girls in their prime years.

2) Look for countries that have banned dating apps (Bumble, Tinder) or social media apps like Instagram because that's another source of extreme power for women. If a girl is beautiful she gets thousands of orbiters and suitors through IG and/or dating apps. Thanks to some sanctions, some countries don't have these apps available anymore which decrease substantially the power women hold in the dating market. Another plus if girls can't monetize videos from platforms like Youtube and IG because many beautiful girls these days don't even need to work....they get simps to pay them a salary by watching their videos, even just their vlogs through Youtube that they monetize. It's THAT bad. But Youtube blocked monetization in some countries.

3) Look for countries that don't enforce woke policies like radical feminism. A radical feminist will make your life hell, she has no feminine polarity (extremely important for maintaining long term attraction and for a relationship to stay successful after the initial honeymoon phase). Feminists are also dumb as fuck although they feel they're smart because they're well read in liberal rhetoric and propaganda. Don't even engage with them, it's time wasted.

4) The lower the men competition the better. It's very important to take into consideration the level of the men and not just the girls. Some retards will say "I'm not gay bro, I don't even notice the guys". Don't listen to these idiots, always gauge how attractive the local men are and how financially successful they're. In many cases it's even more important than the level of the girls because if you go in a city/country full of Chads you won't get anything no matter how many beautiful girls are there. Meanwhile even if the level of the local women is low (with fewer amount of attractive girls) but the local guys are mostly ugly and poor you can be successful with the attractive girls despite the fact there are fewer of them. As an example avoid Scandinavia, I personally consider the girls there overrated in terms of looks as I didn't see as many attractive girls as the stereotypes say but I saw the biggest amount of good looking guys around. If you're smart it's an automatic pass without even considering the other points above.

5) If the level of the men is similar, choose the country/city with the most attractive girls. Again, this is a corollary to the point above.

6) Bigger cities (capitals) are always better than 2nd/3rd tier cities: in almost any case when you go abroad, you want to stay in the capital because that's where the most universities are located, that's where the most jobs are located and that's where the most beautiful girls from the other cities/town/villages end up moving to after they finish high school to either study or work. In many countries you see that the capital is full of young people and smaller cities are just families and old people. Choose wisely. In smaller cities you can have more problems with the language (less girls will speak english), they're more social circle oriented and many of the most beautiful girls will be in relationships with some guys already (they tend to marry earlier in the smaller cities), there are less events and opportunities to meet girls and the quality of girls will simply be less because the beautiful girls will monetize their beauty in the capital. Of course the con is that the male competition tend to also be higher in the capital but this con is offset by all the other pros in the majority of cases.

7) Choose countries that are somewhat under the radar and not completely saturated with sex tourists. If a country or location is hyped a lot, almost surely you should discard it because even if it was great in the past, the best times are now gone. Believe it or not, most people tend to go to the same places and those places aren't always the best....quite the opposite. Don't follow the herd, use your own brain and go exploring yourself. Don't rely on traveling with a GPS on Tinder/Bumble, just go there in person. Almost all the most hyped destinations suck for won't find high quality girls there....but everybody flock there nonetheless. The average men out there is very low IQ. If the media trash a country with endless propaganda it doesn't mean it sucks, it might hide a gem with some of the hottest girls on the planet and very few foreigners visiting as competition because they got all brainwashed. Use that in your favor. Nowadays we have so many men in the West that look for remote jobs and almost all of them go to the same hyped places in part because they don't have any standards and in part because they don't have a brain to think for themselves, they just follow the herd. They love to call themselves digital nomads because it hides the fact they're sex tourists. Avoid their popular places. It doesn't take much to outsmart them.

8) Choose countries where a bigger age difference is tolerated. There are some countries in which 2-3 years of age difference is the maximum that is tolerated otherwise they perceive you as a creep. In some other countries you can date girls 8-10 years younger without anyone caring. Don't be a fool because more than 10 years isn't widely accepted anywhere (unless maybe in some 4th world countries) and you'll only end up dating a trophy wife or a gold digger. There is a fine line and you should not stretch it too far.


Always keep in mind that pussy paradises don't exist anymore and finding a high quality partner require lots of effort no matter where. This list is just to help you find countries where the playing field is more balanced.
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Chongqing and Chengdu
  1. As far as I know China has little in the way of D&I although there may be some quotas based on gender.
  2. The Great Firewall is the ultimate form of cutting off social hypergamy. Yes, you have Douyin and Xiaohongshu, and plenty of people have VPNs, but it's stifled enough to not create a huge culture around Western-style clout chasing as is the case with Instagram.
  3. Radical feminism is hardly a thing in China and feminist movements still feel like they did in the 1960s U.S. Reducing domestic abuse, more women in the workforce, etc. Even these are often stamped out.
  4. The further south you go in China the shorter the men get, and frankly, the less attractive the facial features are. Sichuan women are notoriously beautiful but the guys are still a bit shorter there than in the north.
  5. As said above, Sichuan women are gorgeous.
  6. I think this doesn't apply to China since Beijing is rather restrictive and not hailed as a very fun place.
  7. Shanghai is foreigner central but still not as saturated as somewhere like Tokyo. Chongqing and Chengdu have very few foreigners. Those that exist are rarely tourists, rather either foreign businessmen on business trips or resident English teachers.
  8. China has traditional relationship roles and you often see larger age gaps. This has downsides (super transactional) but age gaps aren't a huge issue.
I agree, indeed China is my favorite destination in Asia and Chongqing and Chengdu my two favorite cities there

And Russia is my favorite place in Europe
I can probably think of a few things to add but the first one that comes to mind is an addendum to #5. Choose a destination where your personal valuation of the women is high relative to both their local SMV and global SMV. For example, I'm more into East Asian woman, so a girl who is really a 6 might be more of a 7.5 for me. Whereas a white girl who I judge as a 6 could perceive herself as an 8 or higher due to the huge halo around whiteness that most people experience.

So many times I have "overvalued" Asian women and "undervalued" white women due to my personal tastes. I was talking with my friend about the Netflix show "3 Body Problem" and casually noted how the Asian actress is the most attractive woman on the show. He was shocked and like, "bro, she is not that good looking, obviously this white/Latina woman is way more attractive"


Also, as I've said before, if you have a thing for black girls then you've got the golden ticket, because sadly they usually take a sizable SMV hit due to their ethnicity. You get to enjoy what you like without extra competition.
There are lots of posts around about red flags and green flags about women, but let's make a topic about green flags for countries. This is what I consider when I choose a country for dating and why I believe some countries have huge potential, while others suck.
This list is not for where to get laid the easiest, you already know that answer. It's based on where you can find high quality girls and date up as an average looking guy (I guess the lingo is mid tier normie).

Unless you've been living under a rock you know that in many places women have all the power in the dating market, everything is stacked against you. It's like playing with a rigged dice and so, unless you're a real Chad, you just can't win no matter how much you try.
The green flags list is how to choose countries where the playing field is more balanced and as a man you have a better chance to find your high value partner.

1) Look for countries that don't have Diversity&Inclusion (D&I) policies in the workplace. Without those, women are cut out from the vast majority of high paying jobs and they'd be forced to consider the financial situation of a man like women throughout all past history always did. They can't stay single and sleep around well into their 30s like they do now, they'd need somebody to take care of their financial needs. They know their beauty is their best asset to attract a man so they can't wait until after their prime to settle with a non Chad/Chadlite partner. That's one of the most important points. D&I policies created an oligarchy where 10-20% of men get all the girls, they destroyed the dating market for the vast majority of men and prevent the majority of them from getting girls in their prime years.

2) Look for countries that have banned dating apps (Bumble, Tinder) or social media apps like Instagram because that's another source of extreme power for women. If a girl is beautiful she gets thousands of orbiters and suitors through IG and/or dating apps. Thanks to some sanctions, some countries don't have these apps available anymore which decrease substantially the power women hold in the dating market. Another plus if girls can't monetize videos from platforms like Youtube and IG because many beautiful girls these days don't even need to work....they get simps to pay them a salary by watching their videos, even just their vlogs through Youtube that they monetize. It's THAT bad. But Youtube blocked monetization in some countries.

3) Look for countries that don't enforce woke policies like radical feminism. A radical feminist will make your life hell, she has no feminine polarity (extremely important for maintaining long term attraction and for a relationship to stay successful after the initial honeymoon phase). Feminists are also dumb as fuck although they feel they're smart because they're well read in liberal rhetoric and propaganda. Don't even engage with them, it's time wasted.

4) The lower the men competition the better. It's very important to take into consideration the level of the men and not just the girls. Some retards will say "I'm not gay bro, I don't even notice the guys". Don't listen to these idiots, always gauge how attractive the local men are and how financially successful they're. In many cases it's even more important than the level of the girls because if you go in a city/country full of Chads you won't get anything no matter how many beautiful girls are there. Meanwhile even if the level of the local women is low (with fewer amount of attractive girls) but the local guys are mostly ugly and poor you can be successful with the attractive girls despite the fact there are fewer of them. As an example avoid Scandinavia, I personally consider the girls there overrated in terms of looks as I didn't see as many attractive girls as the stereotypes say but I saw the biggest amount of good looking guys around. If you're smart it's an automatic pass without even considering the other points above.

5) If the level of the men is similar, choose the country/city with the most attractive girls. Again, this is a corollary to the point above.

6) Bigger cities (capitals) are always better than 2nd/3rd tier cities: in almost any case when you go abroad, you want to stay in the capital because that's where the most universities are located, that's where the most jobs are located and that's where the most beautiful girls from the other cities/town/villages end up moving to after they finish high school to either study or work. In many countries you see that the capital is full of young people and smaller cities are just families and old people. Choose wisely. In smaller cities you can have more problems with the language (less girls will speak english), they're more social circle oriented and many of the most beautiful girls will be in relationships with some guys already (they tend to marry earlier in the smaller cities), there are less events and opportunities to meet girls and the quality of girls will simply be less because the beautiful girls will monetize their beauty in the capital. Of course the con is that the male competition tend to also be higher in the capital but this con is offset by all the other pros in the majority of cases.

7) Choose countries that are somewhat under the radar and not completely saturated with sex tourists. If a country or location is hyped a lot, almost surely you should discard it because even if it was great in the past, the best times are now gone. Believe it or not, most people tend to go to the same places and those places aren't always the best....quite the opposite. Don't follow the herd, use your own brain and go exploring yourself. Don't rely on traveling with a GPS on Tinder/Bumble, just go there in person. Almost all the most hyped destinations suck for won't find high quality girls there....but everybody flock there nonetheless. The average men out there is very low IQ. If the media trash a country with endless propaganda it doesn't mean it sucks, it might hide a gem with some of the hottest girls on the planet and very few foreigners visiting as competition because they got all brainwashed. Use that in your favor. Nowadays we have so many men in the West that look for remote jobs and almost all of them go to the same hyped places in part because they don't have any standards and in part because they don't have a brain to think for themselves, they just follow the herd. They love to call themselves digital nomads because it hides the fact they're sex tourists. Avoid their popular places. It doesn't take much to outsmart them.

8) Choose countries where a bigger age difference is tolerated. There are some countries in which 2-3 years of age difference is the maximum that is tolerated otherwise they perceive you as a creep. In some other countries you can date girls 8-10 years younger without anyone caring. Don't be a fool because more than 10 years isn't widely accepted anywhere (unless maybe in some 4th world countries) and you'll only end up dating a trophy wife or a gold digger. There is a fine line and you should not stretch it too far.


Always keep in mind that pussy paradises don't exist anymore and finding a high quality partner require lots of effort no matter where. This list is just to help you find countries where the playing field is more balanced.
Some of this stuff doesn't really apply if you are just trying to smash/chad larp/p4p which is like 95% of geocoomers lol. If you are trying to do the whole dating thing I think its honestly not even bad even in the hyped places if you are there for a while, people will stay on sukhimvit road or poblado for like a week and use a free tinder with 2 selfies and wonder why foids aren't lining up to suck their dicks. Most people who say a place is overrun operate like this
check sex ratio

in china it can vary a decent amount from city to city

and point 8 is good

unless you’re a sex tourist like @BeardedUnicorn

then it’s better to go to places with well established transactional infrastructure
People don’t talk about this enough but language is a huge factor

The more girls you can communicate with the more you can date. Hanging out with people you can barely communicate with gets old really fast

Either a country with decent English or a country who’s language is accessible
I can probably think of a few things to add but the first one that comes to mind is an addendum to #5. Choose a destination where your personal valuation of the women is high relative to both their local SMV and global SMV. For example, I'm more into East Asian woman, so a girl who is really a 6 might be more of a 7.5 for me. Whereas a white girl who I judge as a 6 could perceive herself as an 8 or higher due to the huge halo around whiteness that most people experience.

So many times I have "overvalued" Asian women and "undervalued" white women due to my personal tastes. I was talking with my friend about the Netflix show "3 Body Problem" and casually noted how the Asian actress is the most attractive woman on the show. He was shocked and like, "bro, she is not that good looking, obviously this white/Latina woman is way more attractive"

View attachment 9003

Also, as I've said before, if you have a thing for black girls then you've got the golden ticket, because sadly they usually take a sizable SMV hit due to their ethnicity. You get to enjoy what you like without extra competition.

Wow...if you think that Asian girl is more attractive than that white is gonna so much easier for you in terms of dating. That Asian girl is like a 5.5 at best to me while that white girl is like a 6.5.
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Wow...if you think that Asian girl is more attractive than that white is gonna so much easier for you in terms of dating. That Asian girl is like a 5.5 at best to me while that white girl is like a 6.5.
yeah i do like asian girls but at least in that pic, the asian girl looks extremely mid
i wouldn't even rate it a 5.5, she looks like a 5 at most
Fuck, but its more expensive to stay in china right? like Chongqing than phillipines? how do i get girls in china? what apps? is it tantan and momo? what else? or do i cold approach in the center, im 6'4 and mtn.
Fuck, but its more expensive to stay in china right? like Chongqing than phillipines? how do i get girls in china? what apps? is it tantan and momo? what else? or do i cold approach in the center, im 6'4 and mtn.
we don't spoonfeed here. Everything it's already there for whoever wants to search
Wow...if you think that Asian girl is more attractive than that white is gonna so much easier for you in terms of dating. That Asian girl is like a 5.5 at best to me while that white girl is like a 6.5.

Yeah it's not a flattering photo for her and they are similar to me for sure.
Fuck, but its more expensive to stay in china right? like Chongqing than phillipines? how do i get girls in china? what apps? is it tantan and momo? what else? or do i cold approach in the center, im 6'4 and mtn.
its harder to stay and adapt to China but i wouldnt say more expensive
Not really. Noone has posted proof of tantan or momo being good
if ur like mtn or 6'4 like me you think i can cold approach in the caffes? or city center or clubs? i dont want to scroll on phone all day im not npc man im irl maxxer
I can probably think of a few things to add but the first one that comes to mind is an addendum to #5. Choose a destination where your personal valuation of the women is high relative to both their local SMV and global SMV. For example, I'm more into East Asian woman, so a girl who is really a 6 might be more of a 7.5 for me. Whereas a white girl who I judge as a 6 could perceive herself as an 8 or higher due to the huge halo around whiteness that most people experience.

So many times I have "overvalued" Asian women and "undervalued" white women due to my personal tastes. I was talking with my friend about the Netflix show "3 Body Problem" and casually noted how the Asian actress is the most attractive woman on the show. He was shocked and like, "bro, she is not that good looking, obviously this white/Latina woman is way more attractive"

View attachment 9003

Also, as I've said before, if you have a thing for black girls then you've got the golden ticket, because sadly they usually take a sizable SMV hit due to their ethnicity. You get to enjoy what you like without extra competition.
That asian's a solid 3-4 and I have a preference for asians. Man I envy people with asian faceblind.
That asian's a solid 3-4 and I have a preference for asians. Man I envy people with asian faceblind.

Yeah I more just think the white/Latina girl is ugly as sin, not that the Asian girl is particularly attractive. I'd say 4.5 and 5.5 respectively. You'll have to search for better images of them, preferably video clips, if you want to get what I mean.
Yeah I more just think the white/Latina girl is ugly as sin, not that the Asian girl is particularly attractive. I'd say 4.5 and 5.5 respectively. You'll have to search for better images of them, preferably video clips, if you want to get what I mean.
White foids can't be compared to spic animals
Fuck, but its more expensive to stay in china right? like Chongqing than phillipines? how do i get girls in china? what apps? is it tantan and momo? what else? or do i cold approach in the center, im 6'4 and mtn.
I don't recommend going straight to Chongqing if it's your first time in China. Start with Shanghai as it's the easiest to navigate and live in for a foreigner. Once you're used to that, go explore the rest. The culture shock in China can be big and they don't speak much english

China isn't much more expensive than staying in BGC in Manila, but contrary to Manila it's not a shithole and the girls are way hotter
I don't recommend going straight to Chongqing if it's your first time in China. Start with Shanghai as it's the easiest to navigate and live in for a foreigner. Once you're used to that, go explore the rest. The culture shock in China can be big and they don't speak much english

China isn't much more expensive than staying in BGC in Manila, but contrary to Manila it's not a shithole and the girls are way hotter

I do feel like there's a lot of variables here.
  • Whether you've ever lived in another country before
  • How much Chinese language study + societal research you've done beforehand (would also include things like being friends with Chinese people growing up)
  • Whether you're able to visit the country before moving. Teachers coming from the other side of the globe might not have the luxury of being a tourist before they take the plunge, and have to choose a city, thus being locked in for at least a year
  • Your personality and how well you handle the feeling of being overwhelmed
I don't recommend going straight to Chongqing if it's your first time in China. Start with Shanghai as it's the easiest to navigate and live in for a foreigner. Once you're used to that, go explore the rest. The culture shock in China can be big and they don't speak much english
Eh it honestly isn't, assuming you've been to other Asian countries. I don't think I'd even been on a metro before I went.
Come prepared ensuring everything on Alipay and Wechat works (and Apple Maps), always have your passport on you, etc., and it's kino; all those apps have translation and few things require human interaction.

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