News theres 0 benefits from being born in burger. immigrants are better off than born jbw citizens.


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2022
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I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood.

Sure, maybe being born in Burgerland is better than being born in some 3rd world dark races shithole, but I don't care about those, I care about other Western/White people and nations, and it's clear that Burgerland is the bottom of the barrel.

Let's start at birth. A majority of American baby boys have their genitals mutilated with circumcision for the love of strange medicine. America and Israel are the only 1st world countries where a majority of baby boys get mutilated, and at least Israel has the religion excuse. America doesn't. Circumcision is worse than rape because at least most rapes don't cause physical damage (and those that do, it's usually minor). Circumcision causes irreversible and severe physical damage to your one and only penis. Sexual pleasure with a circumcised halfcock compared to sexual pleasure with an intact penis is like looking at a beautiful image in 240p grainy black and White vs looking at it in 4K vibrant color.

Then, let's skip ahead to adolescence and early adulthood. I had to wait until I was 21 to get nice drinks in bars and restaurants, until then, I had to pay acquaintances to buy either pure hard liquor that tastes like fucking hand sanitizer, or beer/wine that doesn't get you drunk unless you drink so much you'll be springing more leaks than the Titanic. In all other civilized White countries, the drinking age falls between 16-19. Never forget, it's overemotional foids "WAAA MY CHILD WAS KILLED BY A DRUNK DRIVER BOO HOO HOO" who got the drinking age raised and that stupid Hollyweird cuck Great Replacement Ronald McDonald Reagan helped them. Fuck Reagan. Fuck his stupid amnesty. Dr. Verwoerd was a gorillion times better than stupid cuck Reagan the poo poo head. I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.

Now, let's look at college. The one good thing about American colleges is frats, but my dad didn't let me join one because he was worried I would take advantage of a drunk sorWHORity girl, but who cares? I genuinely don't get it, even though I have never raped a female and I am not planning to rape a female or do anything illegal, I am law abiding. Why would my father care if I took advantage of someone else's daughter, though? Not his daughter, not his problem. If I ever had a son and he raped some other man's daughter, why should I care? I'd be happy that my patrilineage has cucked another man's lineage. Just to be clear, I am not going to rape any female or do anything illegal. And most American females are fat and unattractive, anyway. European females are much more foreskin-friendly, and attractive and fit, and none of them were ever in sorWHORities. I don't take a sorWHORity girl seriously as a human being, she chose to join her exclusionary little illegal hazing mindless conformist plastic promiscuous rich daddy mean girl cult devoid of feminine virtue that cares only about drinking, partying and fucking. I hate these NIGGERS more than a NAZI. If I had been born in Europe, sure, I wouldn't have gotten to join a frat, either, but it wouldn't have made me the odd man out amongst my high school peers because frats and sorWHORities aren't a thing in Europe.

And let's look at the demographics, ~57% of children born in the USA are from non-Western backgrounds. 40% of the children born in the UK aren't ethnically British, but a double digit percentage of those are still White. ~33% of children born in Ireland aren't ethnically Irish, but once again, many of those non-Irish are still White. Don't get me wrong, all ethnic uitlanders have to leave if Irish Civilization is to be preserved, but Irish Civilization is less threatened by continentals than it is by the colored races. It's like the difference between being kicked hard in the nuts with an iron spiked boot and being castrated with no anesthetic (which still is only slightly worse than being a victim of routine infant circumcision. Thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid.

So, let's review. Being born in Burgerland meant
  • I got my genitals mutilated at birth, removing ~70% of the nerve endings in my penis and ensuring I would never experience the true pleasure of sex
  • I had to wait way longer than people in actual civilized countries to start legally drinking, meaning I was condemned to lower-quality drinking experiences as a young adult (personally, I think 18-20 year olds shouldn't have to pay taxes if they can't drink, no taxation without equal rights, it makes way more sense to give victims of MADD's crazy foid anti-teen drinking laws reparations for what was actually done to them than it does to give the blacks reparations for what was done to their great-great-great-great-great-grandparents)
  • The one good thing about American college experience, I never got to be a part of
  • I will become a minority by the time I'm in my mid-30s, whereas for Europeans of my age, it's late-50s (Sweden), late-60s (Germany), and mid-70s (Ireland and Britain)
So fuck Burgerland, fuck Sleepy Joe Brandon, and fuck the Pledge of Allegiance. I wipe my filthy shitty stinky disgusting ass with America's ugly-ass flag and shoot my thick and creamy loads all over it. I wish the Revolutionary War had failed and all of the so-called "founding fathers" (really degenerate treasonous rebels) had been hung for treason, just like Lord Haw-Haw (who wasn't nearly as bad as they were) was. Thank you Dr. Verwoerd I love you.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
Circumcision is worse than rape because at least most rapes don't cause physical damage (and those that do, it's usually minor)
Circumcision causes irreversible and severe physical damage to your one and only penis.
Sexual pleasure with a circumcised halfcock compared to sexual pleasure with an intact penis is like looking at a beautiful image in 240p grainy black and White vs looking at it in 4K vibrant color.
he was worried I would take advantage of a drunk sorWHORity girl, but who cares
Dr. Verwoerd was a gorillion times better than stupid cuck Reagan the poo poo head. I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
Why would my father care if I took advantage of someone else's daughter, though?
If I ever had a son and he raped some other man's daughter, why should I care?
Don't get me wrong, all ethnic uitlanders have to leave if Irish Civilization is to be preserved,
It's like the difference between being kicked hard in the nuts with an iron spiked boot and being castrated with no anesthetic (which still is only slightly worse than being a victim of routine infant circumcision. Thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid.
han it does to give the blacks reparations for what was done to their great-great-great-great-great-grandparents)
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
Thank you for defecating this wall of spiritual retardation on this forum. It is not welcomed and your opinions make you (and this forum) look like a joke. The only reason why I haven't instantly deleted your dog shit is because I'm still considering if I should respect your freedom of speech.
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Thank you for defecating this wall of spiritual retardation on this forum. It is not welcomed and your opinions make you (and this forum) look like a joke. The only reason why I haven't instantly deleted your dog shit is because I'm still considering if I should respect your freedom of speech.
Its the Truth, anyone else who disagrees is a gay nigger lover. Might sound familiar if u know how the Admin here is rlly like…..
what country would you rather be born in
Better to be an immigrant than natural born in Europe - think of all the free shit - only bad part is you probably wouldn’t be white
bro what does what you experience with women have to do with black people? dont be stupid
this is red pill tier 2017 coping with nazism/ groyper shit
its so fucking stupid and shouldnt waste a single second more on it......its the biggest waste of time ever
stop complaining bro. I was born in the most cucked part of the world (EE) and what can I do? Slav whores hate slavcels and would rather fuck 165cm curries than 185cm slavoid. All things I can do is either wagecucking for 5 jewros per h or rot till death in my basement and then rot in dirt
Men can be the biggest nationalists ever but it won’t matter. The women are practically forcing men to move to other nations to find someone and muddy the waters. The globalists (Jews and Anglos) will win because they’ve got the women in their pocket. Gotta do what’s best for you in this lifetime anyway.
stop complaining bro. I was born in the most cucked part of the world (EE) and what can I do? Slav whores hate slavcels and would rather fuck 165cm curries than 185cm slavoid. All things I can do is either wagecucking for 5 jewros per h or rot till death in my basement and then rot in dirt
its not like you can move 200 kms away to Germanlandia and earn 5 times the wage
you stupid fuck 🤣
Gotta do what’s best for you in this lifetime anyway.
Unironically this is the case just gotta cope with a shit existence in this lifetime, this world is for niggers and women. Also once they have kids its over since mixed mutts don’t have any identity or nation. Completely demoralized so they cope with hedonism and capitalism like Andrew Mutt Tate
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood.

Sure, maybe being born in Burgerland is better than being born in some 3rd world dark races shithole, but I don't care about those, I care about other Western/White people and nations, and it's clear that Burgerland is the bottom of the barrel.

Let's start at birth. A majority of American baby boys have their genitals mutilated with circumcision for the love of strange medicine. America and Israel are the only 1st world countries where a majority of baby boys get mutilated, and at least Israel has the religion excuse. America doesn't. Circumcision is worse than rape because at least most rapes don't cause physical damage (and those that do, it's usually minor). Circumcision causes irreversible and severe physical damage to your one and only penis. Sexual pleasure with a circumcised halfcock compared to sexual pleasure with an intact penis is like looking at a beautiful image in 240p grainy black and White vs looking at it in 4K vibrant color.

Then, let's skip ahead to adolescence and early adulthood. I had to wait until I was 21 to get nice drinks in bars and restaurants, until then, I had to pay acquaintances to buy either pure hard liquor that tastes like fucking hand sanitizer, or beer/wine that doesn't get you drunk unless you drink so much you'll be springing more leaks than the Titanic. In all other civilized White countries, the drinking age falls between 16-19. Never forget, it's overemotional foids "WAAA MY CHILD WAS KILLED BY A DRUNK DRIVER BOO HOO HOO" who got the drinking age raised and that stupid Hollyweird cuck Great Replacement Ronald McDonald Reagan helped them. Fuck Reagan. Fuck his stupid amnesty. Dr. Verwoerd was a gorillion times better than stupid cuck Reagan the poo poo head. I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.

Now, let's look at college. The one good thing about American colleges is frats, but my dad didn't let me join one because he was worried I would take advantage of a drunk sorWHORity girl, but who cares? I genuinely don't get it, even though I have never raped a female and I am not planning to rape a female or do anything illegal, I am law abiding. Why would my father care if I took advantage of someone else's daughter, though? Not his daughter, not his problem. If I ever had a son and he raped some other man's daughter, why should I care? I'd be happy that my patrilineage has cucked another man's lineage. Just to be clear, I am not going to rape any female or do anything illegal. And most American females are fat and unattractive, anyway. European females are much more foreskin-friendly, and attractive and fit, and none of them were ever in sorWHORities. I don't take a sorWHORity girl seriously as a human being, she chose to join her exclusionary little illegal hazing mindless conformist plastic promiscuous rich daddy mean girl cult devoid of feminine virtue that cares only about drinking, partying and fucking. I hate these NIGGERS more than a NAZI. If I had been born in Europe, sure, I wouldn't have gotten to join a frat, either, but it wouldn't have made me the odd man out amongst my high school peers because frats and sorWHORities aren't a thing in Europe.

And let's look at the demographics, ~57% of children born in the USA are from non-Western backgrounds. 40% of the children born in the UK aren't ethnically British, but a double digit percentage of those are still White. ~33% of children born in Ireland aren't ethnically Irish, but once again, many of those non-Irish are still White. Don't get me wrong, all ethnic uitlanders have to leave if Irish Civilization is to be preserved, but Irish Civilization is less threatened by continentals than it is by the colored races. It's like the difference between being kicked hard in the nuts with an iron spiked boot and being castrated with no anesthetic (which still is only slightly worse than being a victim of routine infant circumcision. Thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid.

So, let's review. Being born in Burgerland meant
  • I got my genitals mutilated at birth, removing ~70% of the nerve endings in my penis and ensuring I would never experience the true pleasure of sex
  • I had to wait way longer than people in actual civilized countries to start legally drinking, meaning I was condemned to lower-quality drinking experiences as a young adult (personally, I think 18-20 year olds shouldn't have to pay taxes if they can't drink, no taxation without equal rights, it makes way more sense to give victims of MADD's crazy foid anti-teen drinking laws reparations for what was actually done to them than it does to give the blacks reparations for what was done to their great-great-great-great-great-grandparents)
  • The one good thing about American college experience, I never got to be a part of
  • I will become a minority by the time I'm in my mid-30s, whereas for Europeans of my age, it's late-50s (Sweden), late-60s (Germany), and mid-70s (Ireland and Britain)
So fuck Burgerland, fuck Sleepy Joe Brandon, and fuck the Pledge of Allegiance. I wipe my filthy shitty stinky disgusting ass with America's ugly-ass flag and shoot my thick and creamy loads all over it. I wish the Revolutionary War had failed and all of the so-called "founding fathers" (really degenerate treasonous rebels) had been hung for treason, just like Lord Haw-Haw (who wasn't nearly as bad as they were) was. Thank you Dr. Verwoerd I love you.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
so you hate black people are circumsized? 🤣
make it make sense....buddy boyo
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood, but for this thread, and only this thread, I'm going to start it off with something extra.

I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia.
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia.
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia.

It is a well-known fact that sorWHORity girls look down on GDIs ("god-damned independents", people whose daddies didn't buy them Greek-letter friends) more than the Southern plantation owners looked down on their African slaves, and that sorWHORities are even more exclusionary that the KKK ever was, but the KKK doesn't get the same level of hatred from normies. Hell, even Strom Thurmond had more respect for the blacks of the African race than sorWHORity girls have for GDIs. At least good ol' Strom actually had intercourse with a black, and he even let her fuck him unprotected.

I hate sorWHORity girls!!! All that joining a sorWHORity can give you is a reputation. They never cared for me, so I will NEVER say a prayer for them.
Ian Smith, the Rhodesian leader who courageously stood alone for Western Civilization in the darkest continent for a decade and a half, was a GDI. Ian Smith is also the man in my profile picture. Already, any intelligent person will realize, hey, wait a second! Doesn't the fact that Western Civilization's greatest men, from Ian Smith, to Donald Trump, to Dr. Verwoerd, to Andries Pretorius, to Paul Kruger, were all GDIs make you wonder if it's actually sorWHORity girls who are lesser and deserve to be excluded? SorWHORities are the most exclusionary groups to ever exist, and I hate these niggas more than a NAZI. I heard about a GDI man who married a sorWHORity girl who was finished with the cock carousel because of how used up and crusty she had become, and she would never tell him her sorWHORity's secrets even though he had a good job and supported a rich bitch lifestyle for her. What kind of wife keeps secrets from her husband? A spoiled little L.A. girl, who needs to stop it now.

So, given the well-known contempt sorWHORity girls have for GDIs, combined with the fact that sorWHORity girls, being promiscuous cunts lacking in feminine virtue would support black gorilla guerilla fighters because they have big cocks and seem alpha, it's no surprise that sorWHORity girls were involved in the destruction of the Republic of Rhodesia, and it being replaced with the absolute shithole dump fifth-world CUNTry of Chimpbabwe, aka Zimbebwabwabwe. SorWHORity girls were not willing to tolerate a Western Civilization that cared about propriety, instead preferring the Stone Age sexual debauchery of African tribal "culture".

SorWHORity girls also do all kinds of hazing (after all, sorWHORities are just socially acceptable gangs/cults), from stuffing the assholes of new recruits with grapes and making them walk naked and eat any grapes that fall out, to tying strings around men's testicles and pulling on them, to sitting up a recruit on the washing machine naked and circling anything that jiggles, to making a recruit service 4 random men sexually, to preventing recruits from speaking with anyone outside their sorWHORity for a week, to preventing recruits from speaking with any males for a week, to paddling recruits on the ass, to blindfolding and spooking recruits, to making recruits eat the established member's pussies (I've seen several videos of this one online), to making recruits stay up for 2 nights in a row, to dumping recruits in the woods (often completely nude or wearing nothing but their underwear) and making them find their way back to the sorWHORity house, to making recruits drink their warm and salty piss, etc...

People who do that shit aren't good people, and they shouldn't be listened to whenever they flap their gums about issues of societal importance. Whenever a sorWHORity girl starts to talk about shit like consent (please note: I would never do anything nonconsensual to anyone, but it is hypocritical for someone who hazed college students to complain about other people doing nonconsensual things), being a bystander, inclusion, or saying that every human being has something of value that they brought to the table (that is Ye's line, how dare you fucking filthy public urinal holes steal it when your decision to join an exclusionary slut organization proves you don't mean it, sorWHORity girls will never be as good as Ye, either) etc...I ignore whatever she says, for the same reason that I would ignore if Adolf Eichmann had started to flap his gums about the importance of standing against anti-Semitism when he lived in Argentina. No matter how good of a person a sorWHORity girl may seem like after college, don't forget that deep down she is a trashy, hazer, exclusionary, stuck up spoiled little L.A. girl. She needs to stop it now, okay, okay? Even if now she claims to feel bad about or even truly and deeply regret the hazing she did, shall her sins be forgiven? Shall her crimes be reprieved?

I've never done anything truly bad (the only law I ever broke was underage drinking, that is malum prohibitum that hurts no one, it was 5+ years ago, so past the statute of limitations, and I have never assaulted or abused anyone), and in my eyes, a human being is no better than the worst thing they've ever done, so given sorWHORity hazing, how could a sorWHORity girl be considered anything other than the bottom of the barrel of humanity? Whenever you have the misfortune to interact with a sorWHORity girl, just remember that it's a near certainty she abused new recruits in the name of "hazing", and therefore, she is a horrible person, a big pile of rotting elephant feces from a moral perspective. As much as I loathe sorWHORity girls, I would never, ever assault them or do anything illegal to them. I completely 100% disavow all forms of violence and illegal activities. If I ever had a position of authority over sorWHORity girls, I would make their lives difficult, but only in legal and permissible ways, for example if I ever became like a college administrator, I would discipline sorWHORity girls more harshly, like if some incel was caught drinking underage in his dorm alone, I wouldn't punish him at all, but if a sorWHORity girl was caught drinking underage, I would punish her as harshly as I could, including putting her on probation or even expelling that bitch. Fuck that bitch. SorWHORity girls are grotesquely revolting used public cumdumpster urinal nasty skank bitches.

If I were a college professor, I would have students fill out a questionnaire that included a question about affiliation, and if they were in a sorWHORity, I would intentionally give them worse grades. This would of course be easiest for more subjective grades like essays or projects, and harder on math tests. However, none of that is illegal, so it would be okay for me to do it, because if a toilet joins an exclusionary organization that looks down on others, she has no right to complain when one of those others she once excluded looks down on her and excludes her from having a good GPA or even from finishing college. KEEP IN MIND THAT I AM A NEET, SO IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY I WILL EVER BE AN AUTHORITY FIGURE AT A UNIVERSITY, AND THANK YOU TO DR. VERWOERD FOR CREATING APARTHEID. YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORY LIVES ON IN THE HEARTS OF ALL THOSE WHO LOVE WESTERN CIVILIZATION.




I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood, but for this thread, and only this thread, I'm going to start it off with something extra.

I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia.
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia.
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia.

It is a well-known fact that sorWHORity girls look down on GDIs ("god-damned independents", people whose daddies didn't buy them Greek-letter friends) more than the Southern plantation owners looked down on their African slaves, and that sorWHORities are even more exclusionary that the KKK ever was, but the KKK doesn't get the same level of hatred from normies. Hell, even Strom Thurmond had more respect for the blacks of the African race than sorWHORity girls have for GDIs. At least good ol' Strom actually had intercourse with a black, and he even let her fuck him unprotected.

I hate sorWHORity girls!!! All that joining a sorWHORity can give you is a reputation. They never cared for me, so I will NEVER say a prayer for them.
Ian Smith, the Rhodesian leader who courageously stood alone for Western Civilization in the darkest continent for a decade and a half, was a GDI. Ian Smith is also the man in my profile picture. Already, any intelligent person will realize, hey, wait a second! Doesn't the fact that Western Civilization's greatest men, from Ian Smith, to Donald Trump, to Dr. Verwoerd, to Andries Pretorius, to Paul Kruger, were all GDIs make you wonder if it's actually sorWHORity girls who are lesser and deserve to be excluded? SorWHORities are the most exclusionary groups to ever exist, and I hate these niggas more than a NAZI. I heard about a GDI man who married a sorWHORity girl who was finished with the cock carousel because of how used up and crusty she had become, and she would never tell him her sorWHORity's secrets even though he had a good job and supported a rich bitch lifestyle for her. What kind of wife keeps secrets from her husband? A spoiled little L.A. girl, who needs to stop it now.

So, given the well-known contempt sorWHORity girls have for GDIs, combined with the fact that sorWHORity girls, being promiscuous cunts lacking in feminine virtue would support black gorilla guerilla fighters because they have big cocks and seem alpha, it's no surprise that sorWHORity girls were involved in the destruction of the Republic of Rhodesia, and it being replaced with the absolute shithole dump fifth-world CUNTry of Chimpbabwe, aka Zimbebwabwabwe. SorWHORity girls were not willing to tolerate a Western Civilization that cared about propriety, instead preferring the Stone Age sexual debauchery of African tribal "culture".

SorWHORity girls also do all kinds of hazing (after all, sorWHORities are just socially acceptable gangs/cults), from stuffing the assholes of new recruits with grapes and making them walk naked and eat any grapes that fall out, to tying strings around men's testicles and pulling on them, to sitting up a recruit on the washing machine naked and circling anything that jiggles, to making a recruit service 4 random men sexually, to preventing recruits from speaking with anyone outside their sorWHORity for a week, to preventing recruits from speaking with any males for a week, to paddling recruits on the ass, to blindfolding and spooking recruits, to making recruits eat the established member's pussies (I've seen several videos of this one online), to making recruits stay up for 2 nights in a row, to dumping recruits in the woods (often completely nude or wearing nothing but their underwear) and making them find their way back to the sorWHORity house, to making recruits drink their warm and salty piss, etc...

People who do that shit aren't good people, and they shouldn't be listened to whenever they flap their gums about issues of societal importance. Whenever a sorWHORity girl starts to talk about shit like consent (please note: I would never do anything nonconsensual to anyone, but it is hypocritical for someone who hazed college students to complain about other people doing nonconsensual things), being a bystander, inclusion, or saying that every human being has something of value that they brought to the table (that is Ye's line, how dare you fucking filthy public urinal holes steal it when your decision to join an exclusionary slut organization proves you don't mean it, sorWHORity girls will never be as good as Ye, either) etc...I ignore whatever she says, for the same reason that I would ignore if Adolf Eichmann had started to flap his gums about the importance of standing against anti-Semitism when he lived in Argentina. No matter how good of a person a sorWHORity girl may seem like after college, don't forget that deep down she is a trashy, hazer, exclusionary, stuck up spoiled little L.A. girl. She needs to stop it now, okay, okay? Even if now she claims to feel bad about or even truly and deeply regret the hazing she did, shall her sins be forgiven? Shall her crimes be reprieved?

I've never done anything truly bad (the only law I ever broke was underage drinking, that is malum prohibitum that hurts no one, it was 5+ years ago, so past the statute of limitations, and I have never assaulted or abused anyone), and in my eyes, a human being is no better than the worst thing they've ever done, so given sorWHORity hazing, how could a sorWHORity girl be considered anything other than the bottom of the barrel of humanity? Whenever you have the misfortune to interact with a sorWHORity girl, just remember that it's a near certainty she abused new recruits in the name of "hazing", and therefore, she is a horrible person, a big pile of rotting elephant feces from a moral perspective. As much as I loathe sorWHORity girls, I would never, ever assault them or do anything illegal to them. I completely 100% disavow all forms of violence and illegal activities. If I ever had a position of authority over sorWHORity girls, I would make their lives difficult, but only in legal and permissible ways, for example if I ever became like a college administrator, I would discipline sorWHORity girls more harshly, like if some incel was caught drinking underage in his dorm alone, I wouldn't punish him at all, but if a sorWHORity girl was caught drinking underage, I would punish her as harshly as I could, including putting her on probation or even expelling that bitch. Fuck that bitch. SorWHORity girls are grotesquely revolting used public cumdumpster urinal nasty skank bitches.

If I were a college professor, I would have students fill out a questionnaire that included a question about affiliation, and if they were in a sorWHORity, I would intentionally give them worse grades. This would of course be easiest for more subjective grades like essays or projects, and harder on math tests. However, none of that is illegal, so it would be okay for me to do it, because if a toilet joins an exclusionary organization that looks down on others, she has no right to complain when one of those others she once excluded looks down on her and excludes her from having a good GPA or even from finishing college. KEEP IN MIND THAT I AM A NEET, SO IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY I WILL EVER BE AN AUTHORITY FIGURE AT A UNIVERSITY, AND THANK YOU TO DR. VERWOERD FOR CREATING APARTHEID. YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORY LIVES ON IN THE HEARTS OF ALL THOSE WHO LOVE WESTERN CIVILIZATION.




I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
all this politics shit to cope with racism and nazism cause you're not good looking or get the girls you want here?
smh lmao
The Jews have cleverly have made you hate black people and other immigrants. We are fighting amongst each other while they are at the top laughing. Trust me black people are not your enemy.
Black people have a different group evolutionary strategy that's at odds with that of Asian and European people's. So, we're incompatible and can't coexist peacefully in the same environment. This is the reason why segregation existed.

It is, in fact, Europeans and Jews who are at the top, get your facts straight. Blacks are living a life history strategy based on immediate gratification and violence is necessary to ascend with said strategy. They lack the ability to abstract and progress as a people as evident with their uncivilised history with no remarkable innovations.
It is, in fact, Europeans and Jews who are at the top, get your facts straight. Blacks are living a life history strategy based on immediate gratification and violence is necessary to ascend with said strategy. They lack the ability to abstract and progress as a people as evident with their uncivilised history with no remarkable innovations.
im very sorry that you brought this bullshit here , bs right wing politics celling
you should start viewing people as individuals

in fact you ricecels and currycels that ARE in fact the majority of 4chan and stormfront and all that bs, do quite a heavy amount of damage to "my" white race that you worship so much , because now the mainstream thinks we're all nazis in disguise lmao....which is farther from the truth

its all a waste of time ultimately, ofc
Black people have a different group evolutionary strategy that's at odds with that of Asian and European people's. So, we're incompatible and can't coexist peacefully in the same environment. This is the reason why segregation existed.

It is, in fact, Europeans and Jews who are at the top, get your facts straight. Blacks are living a life history strategy based on immediate gratification and violence is necessary to ascend with said strategy. They lack the ability to abstract and progress as a people as evident with their uncivilised history with no remarkable innovations.
95 percent of media is jewish
i got circumsized as a baby. I wonder what mental health effects have been inherited when a baby undergoes surgery. Imagine being born and instantly being surgically altered. The mental health effects are unknown but probably affect your adulthood.
I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood.

Sure, maybe being born in Burgerland is better than being born in some 3rd world dark races shithole, but I don't care about those, I care about other Western/White people and nations, and it's clear that Burgerland is the bottom of the barrel.

Let's start at birth. A majority of American baby boys have their genitals mutilated with circumcision for the love of strange medicine. America and Israel are the only 1st world countries where a majority of baby boys get mutilated, and at least Israel has the religion excuse. America doesn't. Circumcision is worse than rape because at least most rapes don't cause physical damage (and those that do, it's usually minor). Circumcision causes irreversible and severe physical damage to your one and only penis. Sexual pleasure with a circumcised halfcock compared to sexual pleasure with an intact penis is like looking at a beautiful image in 240p grainy black and White vs looking at it in 4K vibrant color.

Then, let's skip ahead to adolescence and early adulthood. I had to wait until I was 21 to get nice drinks in bars and restaurants, until then, I had to pay acquaintances to buy either pure hard liquor that tastes like fucking hand sanitizer, or beer/wine that doesn't get you drunk unless you drink so much you'll be springing more leaks than the Titanic. In all other civilized White countries, the drinking age falls between 16-19. Never forget, it's overemotional foids "WAAA MY CHILD WAS KILLED BY A DRUNK DRIVER BOO HOO HOO" who got the drinking age raised and that stupid Hollyweird cuck Great Replacement Ronald McDonald Reagan helped them. Fuck Reagan. Fuck his stupid amnesty. Dr. Verwoerd was a gorillion times better than stupid cuck Reagan the poo poo head. I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.

Now, let's look at college. The one good thing about American colleges is frats, but my dad didn't let me join one because he was worried I would take advantage of a drunk sorWHORity girl, but who cares? I genuinely don't get it, even though I have never raped a female and I am not planning to rape a female or do anything illegal, I am law abiding. Why would my father care if I took advantage of someone else's daughter, though? Not his daughter, not his problem. If I ever had a son and he raped some other man's daughter, why should I care? I'd be happy that my patrilineage has cucked another man's lineage. Just to be clear, I am not going to rape any female or do anything illegal. And most American females are fat and unattractive, anyway. European females are much more foreskin-friendly, and attractive and fit, and none of them were ever in sorWHORities. I don't take a sorWHORity girl seriously as a human being, she chose to join her exclusionary little illegal hazing mindless conformist plastic promiscuous rich daddy mean girl cult devoid of feminine virtue that cares only about drinking, partying and fucking. I hate these NIGGERS more than a NAZI. If I had been born in Europe, sure, I wouldn't have gotten to join a frat, either, but it wouldn't have made me the odd man out amongst my high school peers because frats and sorWHORities aren't a thing in Europe.

And let's look at the demographics, ~57% of children born in the USA are from non-Western backgrounds. 40% of the children born in the UK aren't ethnically British, but a double digit percentage of those are still White. ~33% of children born in Ireland aren't ethnically Irish, but once again, many of those non-Irish are still White. Don't get me wrong, all ethnic uitlanders have to leave if Irish Civilization is to be preserved, but Irish Civilization is less threatened by continentals than it is by the colored races. It's like the difference between being kicked hard in the nuts with an iron spiked boot and being castrated with no anesthetic (which still is only slightly worse than being a victim of routine infant circumcision. Thank you to Dr. Verwoerd for creating Apartheid.

So, let's review. Being born in Burgerland meant
  • I got my genitals mutilated at birth, removing ~70% of the nerve endings in my penis and ensuring I would never experience the true pleasure of sex
  • I had to wait way longer than people in actual civilized countries to start legally drinking, meaning I was condemned to lower-quality drinking experiences as a young adult (personally, I think 18-20 year olds shouldn't have to pay taxes if they can't drink, no taxation without equal rights, it makes way more sense to give victims of MADD's crazy foid anti-teen drinking laws reparations for what was actually done to them than it does to give the blacks reparations for what was done to their great-great-great-great-great-grandparents)
  • The one good thing about American college experience, I never got to be a part of
  • I will become a minority by the time I'm in my mid-30s, whereas for Europeans of my age, it's late-50s (Sweden), late-60s (Germany), and mid-70s (Ireland and Britain)
So fuck Burgerland, fuck Sleepy Joe Brandon, and fuck the Pledge of Allegiance. I wipe my filthy shitty stinky disgusting ass with America's ugly-ass flag and shoot my thick and creamy loads all over it. I wish the Revolutionary War had failed and all of the so-called "founding fathers" (really degenerate treasonous rebels) had been hung for treason, just like Lord Haw-Haw (who wasn't nearly as bad as they were) was. Thank you Dr. Verwoerd I love you.

I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid.
I dont understand, did your dad go to college with you? He wouldn't have even known if you got with a sorority girl. You are above the age of 18 just fucking rebel against your parents your practically independent if you wanted to be. How old are you anyways?
i got circumsized as a baby. I wonder what mental health effects have been inherited when a baby undergoes surgery. Imagine being born and instantly being surgically altered. The mental health effects are unknown but probably affect your adulthood.
were you born from c section

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