Geomax Is Geomaxxing still effective in the Former USSR? Where on Earth is left where average 5-6/10 white men can still get attractive 7.5-9/10 white women?

I dont think even 10k a month will get you a stacy in eastern europe. stacy can get pumped by chad so she will do that. and then when she turns 28 she isnt a stacy any more. stacy is effectively off the table until you get to millionaire range. stacies effectively life in a different society

that said, to get a 7 or 8, I think you dont need more than like 3 or 4k.

if some guy insists on a stacy it might be more efficient to just get a sugar baby and then hire her to give birth too. I think that would definitely be on the table for some stacies
3K USD a month living long term as a normie in CE/EE will get you a girl within your looksmatch. Def not girls in the Stacey league.
Yea, like hell will I ever have children with my looksmatch because I'm never going to spawn children that'll grow up to be my looksmatch. So, what option do I have to get a White Stacey that will spawn White Chad and Stacey children for me without having to be a Chad or an upper-class multi-millionaire, i.e. the two things required to get Staceys in the West?

Where the HELL can I actually Geomaxx, in other words?
I dont think even 10k a month will get you a stacy in eastern europe. stacy can get pumped by chad so she will do that.
Are there any who are NOT gold diggers or looking for Chads in Eastern Europe? Where can a 6/10 white man go where the white Staceys don't have the same standards and attitudes as Western Women? I won't bother going anywhere else unless there's one spot on this planet where White Staceys don't have Western standards. I'm looking to Geomaxx, which means going where the White Staceys AREN'T Westernized and don't have Western requirements.
and then when she turns 28 she isnt a stacy any more.
Wait what!? You telling me that a 33 year old woman who's an 8 in looks isn't a Stacey? I never specified age-range, btw. My age range is 25-38 for the 8s I'm looking for.
stacy is effectively off the table until you get to millionaire range. stacies effectively life in a different society
Are there any Staceys who aren't rich and in high-class society?
that said, to get a 7 or 8, I think you dont need more than like 3 or 4k.

if some guy insists on a stacy it might be more efficient to just get a sugar baby and then hire her to give birth too. I think that would definitely be on the table for some stacies
Then again, Geomaxxing doesn't exist in EE as the requirements are the same as in the West.
There is lots of money flowing in Moscow.
Yea, but it's kind of a cap to say that ALL of the 7s, 8s, and 9s are only found in the major cities. Most young women in general are found in major cities, so naturally, there will be more attractive women found there by default.
Even in Kiev a decade ago when I was there you needed at the very least 5k to get a beautiful girlfriend
Kiev, yes. How about Chernihiv, Dnipro, Poltava, Sumy, Ternopil, or Zhytomyr? Besides the expats and foreign male students I spoke to while in Ukraine, even the local men told me that while they aren't as commonly found as in big cities, my chances of getting a beautiful woman were much higher in smaller cities and towns compared to Lviv, and Kyiv.

I remember going to a small town in Poland two years ago called Zory, and I met a young 22-year-old woman working at an ice cream parlor. She was a 7 and an actual model, yet her boyfriend was a 5, maybe even a 4.5 in the face, and didn't have a lot of money compared to foreign men. A local, yet he pulled it off. So, that's why I'm not keen on giving up Geomaxxing just yet. If that guy could get her, then I can land an 8 as I'm better-looking than that dude is.

On a side note, I notice that many guys here are referring me to betabux by default because of my age. I just turned 30, yet I'm no longer qualified as good quality compared to men just a year or two younger than me?

Likewise, one person on here referred to attractive women over the age of 29 as no longer being Staceys. I personally am open to "Staceys" who are 30-43 years old, despite preferring the 23-27 year olds. I know for a fact that the ones in their 30s and early 40s are easier to get. That's for damn sure, yet no one here is bringing that up.
Moscow is at the very minimum 10k....otherwise a girl will just choose a local guy, no reason to be with a foreigner that can't even speak her language, share her culture ecc
What if you learn the language and get into a social circle?
And btw the 10k isn't enough, you need to be inside local social circles otherwise it's all for nothing as you'll never meet the nice girls anyway
Conor Clyne mentioned getting into a social circle anyway. Basically, if you stay in the country long-term, learn the language, get familiar with the culture, and get into a decent social circle, you can get a woman who is two SMV ranks above you compared to just getting a woman in your same SMV rank back home.

If you want to lean in with your money, then you'll likely land a gold-digger, no?
Yes, you can do it, but you need to seriously consider some form of betabuxing.

There is no shame in this. Just means you're leading with your money and you'll deal with some of the problems and insecurities of being married to a girl who has a higher SMV than you.
I've always planned to marry a woman with a higher SMV than me anyway as that'll be the only type of woman who will ever have my future children.
The only other alternative would be absolutely grinding out sets for years in someplace like Kazakhstan, Boratmaxx until you find a unicorn Stacey who likes your exact type. Then hope it translates to marriage. But how much work are you willing to put in, and how long are you willing to wait?
Would Moldova, Serbia, Russia, Bosnia, North Macedonia, and Belarus also work? I was planning to stay long-term (weeks or months) in each of them in order to Geomaxx.

Northern Kazakhstan has an ethnic Russian majority that I can Geomaxx amongst. 👇

Balkan countries are horrible places to geomaxx in an attempt to get a stacey as an average guy. I’ve been to Croatia and did an extended stay in Serbia. Some of the most beautiful women in all of Europe. But they are a conservative culture and an inward facing group of people. On top of that Balkan dudes are tall, Alpha and are Chads. Brutal competition for an average guy.
Yea, but it's kind of a cap to say that ALL of the 7s, 8s, and 9s are only found in the major cities. Most young women in general are found in major cities, so naturally, there will be more attractive women found there by default.

Kiev, yes. How about Chernihiv, Dnipro, Poltava, Sumy, Ternopil, or Zhytomyr? Besides the expats and foreign male students I spoke to while in Ukraine, even the local men told me that while they aren't as commonly found as in big cities, my chances of getting a beautiful woman were much higher in smaller cities and towns compared to Lviv, and Kyiv.

I remember going to a small town in Poland two years ago called Zory, and I met a young 22-year-old woman working at an ice cream parlor. She was a 7 and an actual model, yet her boyfriend was a 5, maybe even a 4.5 in the face, and didn't have a lot of money compared to foreign men. A local, yet he pulled it off. So, that's why I'm not keen on giving up Geomaxxing just yet. If that guy could get her, then I can land an 8 as I'm better-looking than that dude is.

On a side note, I notice that many guys here are referring me to betabux by default because of my age. I just turned 30, yet I'm no longer qualified as good quality compared to men just a year or two younger than me?

Likewise, one person on here referred to attractive women over the age of 29 as no longer being Staceys. I personally am open to "Staceys" who are 30-43 years old, despite preferring the 23-27 year olds. I know for a fact that the ones in their 30s and early 40s are easier to get. That's for damn sure, yet no one here is bringing that up.

What if you learn the language and get into a social circle?

Conor Clyne mentioned getting into a social circle anyway. Basically, if you stay in the country long-term, learn the language, get familiar with the culture, and get into a decent social circle, you can get a woman who is two SMV ranks above you compared to just getting a woman in your same SMV rank back home.

If you want to lean in with your money, then you'll likely land a gold-digger, no?
You shouldn’t have children with 30+ year old women jfl
Balkan countries are horrible places to geomaxx in an attempt to get a stacey as an average guy. I’ve been to Croatia and did an extended stay in Serbia. Some of the most beautiful women in all of Europe. But they are a conservative culture and an inward facing group of people. On top of that Balkan dudes are tall, Alpha and are Chads. Brutal competition for an average guy.
I like Conservative cultures, or more accurately, Traditional cultures. So, that part is a major boon for me. The con here is the Balkan men being Chads. I heard about that from my friend who went to Serbia.

So, it appears that my only hope of getting an 8 and a 6 i.e. proper Geomaxxing as I call it is via going to Latvia, or better yet, Moldova. It's the least visited country in Europe after all. Otherwise, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan it is.
Are there any who are NOT gold diggers or looking for Chads in Eastern Europe? Where can a 6/10 white man go where the white Staceys don't have the same standards and attitudes as Western Women? I won't bother going anywhere else unless there's one spot on this planet where White Staceys don't have Western standards. I'm looking to Geomaxx, which means going where the White Staceys AREN'T Westernized and don't have Western requirements.

Wait what!? You telling me that a 33 year old woman who's an 8 in looks isn't a Stacey? I never specified age-range, btw. My age range is 25-38 for the 8s I'm looking for.

Are there any Staceys who aren't rich and in high-class society?

Then again, Geomaxxing doesn't exist in EE as the requirements are the same as in the West.
there are no WOMEN in existence who dont want chad or money. is there a man that doesnt want pussy? it doesnt exist. what you are asking for is unreasonable and people in this thread keep telling you to your face but you are rejecting them and ignoring them and continuing on your rant

in the past the definition of money was "someone who wont let you starve to death." well too bad buddy. that era is gone. they have that already and now they want more.

maybe you will be better off just hiring a sugar baby. you want a woman thats a ten, in the country you demand specifically, but they arent allowed to want you to be more hadnsome, or speak russian, or want just a little bit of money? the era of free sex is over in the west. its over in eastern europe too. OVER. dude just get a sugar baby or prostitute. I guarantee you no woman is going to agree to your terms
@Kirby9986: You seem to be a dedicated person, doing much more than the random lurker here.
Thank you! I'll be honest. I've invested 12 years into Geomaxxing and have remained single by choice since 2013 and even made a solemn vow on the Bible to either get an 8 with blue eyes, dark hair and pale skin who looks similar to the actress Courteney Cox or I'll never start a family. I've gone on dates with women, some 4s and others 6s, but never have I had a GF and that's because anyone I plan to have a relationship with is going to be the one I'll be starting a family with.

Unlike the others on this forum, I'm a martyr for my standards/requirements and as tenacious as you'll ever get. Hence why I'm lean-maxxing and soon will be bulking in order for my face to become more defined and maybe I'll ascend into a 7. :)
Admittedly, you may be more successful if you don't start asking girls to go to your hotel room straight away (as opined by other members), but at least you're putting more energy into it than most people.
I do not ask women to go into my hotel room. Again, I usually date with the purpose of wanting a relationship, and like to take things slow.
My advice would be as follows:
1. Pay someone to take semi-professional pictures of you. If you have the cash for flight tickets, hotels and such, you must have 50 bucks to pay a photography student.
I have a friend who's a professional photographer, so he might be able to help with this.
2. Geolocate yourself to Minsk, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan to see if it's worth going to any of these cities.
What about anywhere in Moldova such as Chisinau or Tiraspol, or the Belarusian cities of Grodno and Pinsk or the Russian cities of Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Volgograd, Vladivitosk, along with Astana and the other ethnic Russian cities in Kazakhstan such as Petropavl, Semey, and

I personally was planning to Geolocate to these areas over the course of this year and next year in case I can't fit them all into my travel schedule to this year.
3. If yes, learn as much of the language as you can and go there

I plan to learn as much Russian, Romanian, and Belarusian as possible, stay in these countries for more than 2 weeks at a time (long-term) and get into a good social circle in order to get that Stacey I seek to have a family with.
Stupid lookspill babble bullshit. Touch grass and you'll see ugly guys with great looking girls all the time.
there are no WOMEN in existence who dont want chad or money. is there a man that doesnt want pussy? it doesnt exist. what you are asking for is unreasonable and people in this thread keep telling you to your face but you are rejecting them and ignoring them and continuing on your rant
I'm not ranting. What I am irritated by, however, is how many of you are saying that Geomaxxing is dead. What's the point of being invited to this forum if I can't even Geomaxx anyway? If you're a chad or have a ton of money, you have NO reason to Geomaxx as you won't have a problem getting Staceys back home.

Geomaxxing is for men who CAN'T get the Staceys back home. Just saying.
in the past the definition of money was "someone who wont let you starve to death." well too bad buddy. that era is gone. they have that already and now they want more.
You're also leaving out cultural beauty standards, and how that affects what they like. Beauty standards aren't universal. Still, I get that it's not the 90s and early 00s anymore in which you can pick up a desperate starving Eastern Euro Woman anymore, but I was never looking for a greencard bunny.

maybe you will be better off just hiring a sugar baby.
I'm looking for a wife who will bear me children who will be 7s and 8s when they grow up. A sugar baby won't be any mother of my kids.
you want a woman thats a ten, in the country you demand specifically, but they arent allowed to want you to be more hadnsome, or speak russian, or want just a little bit of money?
For the record, I'm looking for an 8, not a 10. Never said I wasn't learning the language and never said I wasn't improving my looks, either. I'm still chasing excellence and trying to reek in more money, too. With all due respect, you talk as if I'm wanting to remain the way I am now, and not improve one iota.

Still, I'm not an egalitarian when it comes to the two sexes, and I do wish that the expectations to look good were for women as it was back in the day. It wasn't merely necessity and resources that caused Staceys 50-100 years ago to have families with 5-6/10 men, it was also the fact that beauty wasn't commodified, men's facial attractiveness wasn't tied to both his sexual and social status as that was put solely on the women, and women were the ones expected to be better-looking of the two partners in a relationship, so by default, men didn't groom or looksmaxx much as they didn't have to since society didn't demand them to until the Sexual Revolution. This goes beyond women being less emancipated, having to rely on a man and not affording to be picky.

Now, the former USSR wasn't hit with that, and I was trying to find the part of the world where the old cultural mentality still applies.
the era of free sex is over in the west. its over in eastern europe too. OVER.
Never asked for free sex... However, is Geomaxxing over for white men, too? If so, I'll just hang up the cap and die alone.

Make any point you want, but I've been single for 16 years, done everything to avoid settling for an MTB/HTB, and invested into going abroad and getting a Stacey for 12 years with my only regret being not going last decade before I potentially missed the boat. Like hell am I going to in a twist of irony go with an MTB/HTB after remaining celibate for this long. I'll take the L and live a celibate life.
dude just get a sugar baby or prostitute.
No gold-diggers.
I guarantee you no woman is going to agree to your terms

It's obvious that Geomaxxing is dead and this whole site is pointless. Seems to me that unless you're a 3-4 White or Hispanic man and looking to go to SEA or Africa where you're deemed exotic will Geomaxxing work. Otherwise, if you're a White man who's a 6 like me, it doesn't work at all as Geomaxxing involves getting Staceys.

Fucking hell!
Stupid lookspill babble bullshit. Touch grass and you'll see ugly guys with great looking girls all the time.

Honestly, from what people are telling me here, that doesn't seem to be the case and according to them, the ugly, average, and slightly above-average men with good-looking women must be wealthy, in which the Staceys they have are gold diggers or something along the lines of that.

Guess my Czech-American friend who lives in Brno was lying to me when he said that he's seen men with average or not-so-attractive faces who earn a middle-income Czech salary with really beautiful model women? Though he's not the kind of man to lie.
Honestly, from what people are telling me here, that doesn't seem to be the case and according to them, the ugly, average, and slightly above-average men with good-looking women must be wealthy, in which the Staceys they have are gold diggers or something along the lines of that.

Guess my Czech-American friend who lives in Brno was lying to me when he said that he's seen men with average or not-so-attractive faces who earn a middle-income Czech salary with really beautiful model women? Though he's not the kind of man to lie.
^^^ Yes. Exemptions do exists. But the exemptions PROVE the rule. Fuck outta here with your whitepill bullshit.
More like NTpill and also JBE lol
You talk as if White men who aren't Chads or rich can't get White Staceys. Funny enough, on, the guys were saying that I could hop over to Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, etc. as a White man and get a Stacey.

The bigger thing here is the NT stuff. Why would my AUTISM specifically be a disqualifier here? I mean come on.
Tbf being a north african in Europe is literally a cheat code, they are incredible pussy magnet, must be because they are exotic and low inib
believe me it's not at all

yeah north african will have hot guys but the average is treated like shit, especially in europe where they have a very bad reputation of stealing and harrassing
Tbf being a north african in Europe is literally a cheat code, they are incredible pussy magnet, must be because they are exotic and low inib
The guy Geomaxxed. Plain and simple. I as a White American man who's a 6 am trying to do the same and get a White Stacey in Eastern Europe after 13 years of investing into doing so. Can a White American NOT Geomaxx in majority White populations?

I'm pretty sure being an American gives guys like me an inherent boost in places like Argentina, Uruguay, Moldova, Belarus, or Kazakhstan? I don't want to give up after all these years of trying to get this and finally having just landed in Czech Republic 3 weeks ago, only to end in failure.
believe me it's not at all

yeah north african will have hot guys but the average is treated like shit, especially in europe where they have a very bad reputation of stealing and harrassing
I've seen this firsthand in Prague.

Whenever I'm out in the city centre, the locals tell me to watch myself when the North Africans and Indians are nearby.
I've seen this firsthand in Prague.

Whenever I'm out in the city centre, the locals tell me to watch myself when the North Africans and Indians are nearby.
yeah nobody likes the average indian or african in Europe

now of course a westernized and handsome guy from there will do well, but it has nothing to do with being from north africa, and more to do with being top 10% of your phenotype
^^^ Yes. Exemptions do exists. But the exemptions PROVE the rule. Fuck outta here with your whitepill bullshit.
I see stuff like that all the time. You lookspilled niggas are so funny. Will literally everything to fir your world view, like I said, go touch grass and you will see what I'm talking about. Also I'm not promoting heckin whitepill. I'm saying that lookspill is retarded.
I see stuff like that all the time. You lookspilled niggas are so funny. Will literally everything to fir your world view, like I said, go touch grass and you will see what I'm talking about. Also I'm not promoting heckin whitepill. I'm saying that lookspill is retarded.
"Lookspill" is not "retarded" because looks are the single most important factor in dating. The problem is that looks-fixaters are not maxxing, they are overmaxxing. They looksmaxx close to their limits and continue to obsess over it while their game, logistics, money, connections, etc. are all lackluster.

You can say the same about any type of maxxing tbh. There are surely some users who are overgeomaxxing, hopping between destinations in an effort to find a Shangri-La that doesn't exist.
"Lookspill" is not "retarded" because looks are the single most important factor in dating. The problem is that looks-fixaters are not maxxing, they are overmaxxing. They looksmaxx close to their limits and continue to obsess over it while their game, logistics, money, connections, etc. are all lackluster.

You can say the same about any type of maxxing tbh. There are surely some users who are overgeomaxxing, hopping between destinations in an effort to find a Shangri-La that doesn't exist.
Then how come there were basically no incels before 20-25 years ago? Even the most ugly guys had no issues. That proves it's a societal issue. Saying looks matter is water. But it doesn't accurately explain le inceldom. Because of the reality that many incels are better looking than many guys in relationships. Society needs Jesus. ✝️
Then how come there were basically no incels before 20-25 years ago? Even the most ugly guys had no issues. That proves it's a societal issue. Saying looks matter is water. But it doesn't accurately explain le inceldom. Because of the reality that many incels are better looking than many guys in relationships. Society needs Jesus. ✝️
Ok and what are you going to do about it? Start the Sneep Revolutionary Corps to overthrow the government and send the world back into the 90s? Looks matter because they matter in our current reality, and the sooner you stop railing against reality the sooner you will be happier
believe me it's not at all

yeah north african will have hot guys but the average is treated like shit, especially in europe where they have a very bad reputation of stealing and harrassing
bro i'm from and lived all my life in western europe and i've seen a clear cultural shift in the last 5/10 years. They have a bad reputation between white men and old women but are simped by young girls so fucking much, especially teen girls. I was surprised as well since they are not very good looking or tall or muscular but they are perceived as "cool" and also they try to aggressively pick up every remotely attractive girl. Meanwhile white europeans are super high inib and afraid to get in legal troubles if they say something remotely offensive to girls, the situation is super shitty and cucked
bro i'm from and lived all my life in western europe and i've seen a clear cultural shift in the last 5/10 years. They have a bad reputation between white men and old women but are simped by young girls so fucking much, especially teen girls. I was surprised as well since they are not very good looking or tall or muscular but they are perceived as "cool" and also they try to aggressively pick up every remotely attractive girl. Meanwhile white europeans are super high inib and afraid to get in legal troubles if they say something remotely offensive to girls, the situation is super shitty and cucked
yeah no way, that's far from the truth
the average morrocan guy gets no action, at least from hot white women
Ok and what are you going to do about it? Start the Sneep Revolutionary Corps to overthrow the government and send the world back into the 90s? Looks matter because they matter in our current reality, and the sooner you stop railing against reality the sooner you will be happier
Railing against reality? I hardly care at all about any of this lookspill stuff. I'm just giving my piece so maybe someone with some critical thinking who touches grass can think about what I have to say and stop saying idiotic stuff like 'muh most men are struggling to get girls in 2025 duhh.' He who hath an ear, let him hear.

The actual reality is that looks aren't nearly as important as anyone on these forums claim that they are. Maybe for hooking up and ONS but the girls who frequently engage in that usually have psychological issues and need validation from men to cope with their mental illness, they are often also very shallow. If you're looking for a long term relationship (what you likely actually want) then it doesn't matter nearly as much. You seem to be missing my entire point that it isn't about looks and that improving them won't change anything if you have nothing interesting to talk about with other people.
yeah no way, that's far from the truth
the average morrocan guy gets no action, at least from hot white women
we are clearly from two different countries then, don't know what to tell you, very hard for a young north african to be incel here. Can't really say the same for a young white european
Your country of origin and language proficiency matter. If you come from a perceived high-status country and can hold a conversation, money doesn’t count as much as you think
Then how come there were basically no incels before 20-25 years ago? Even the most ugly guys had no issues. That proves it's a societal issue. Saying looks matter is water. But it doesn't accurately explain le inceldom. Because of the reality that many incels are better looking than many guys in relationships. Society needs Jesus. ✝️

societal issues cannot emerge from problems that aren't inherently biological. we dont have random 'societal' problems about people going around and doing too much charity.
Your country of origin and language proficiency matter. If you come from a perceived high-status country and can hold a conversation, money doesn’t count as much as you think
Money's role in SMV is a form of statusmaxxing. You can achieve a lot of the effects of having money without actually throwing money around. Being from a high-status country is ez mode for this.

You can also have high-status or money-associated hobbies, frauding if you prefer. I play the piano and banging out a waltz at a public piano always triggers something in a girl's mind. I like to tell them I enjoy repairing pianos (true) and repairing mechanical watches (fraud) as hobbies. My friend learned to fly planes growing up and he frauds that he enjoys flying his plane regularly as a hobby.

Frauding your fashion via fashion reps is good for this. Buy quiet luxury reps, like a Burberry overcoat or something, and don't bring it up until she notices. Then when she mentions it shrug it off like it's no big deal and you just bought it off the rack because it looked nice. Quickly change the subject. Nonchalance is huge. Carefully construct the image that you are a "man of wealth" while spending as little as possible.
you been there? I was.
Hot girls in Kiev knew their value just as much as an American girl because of Instagram and other social media. You either paid or they wouldn't even look at you twice unless you were Chad.
That's why I'm trying to go to the parts of the world where the White Staceys DON'T know their value!

Belarus, and Moldova seem to fit that bill.
@Rance: Yes, beautifully said. For the "quiet luxury" to work better, the genuine or rep items have to be well-known enough by the general public (Rolex instead of an Audemars, Burberry instead of a Loro Piana, even if the latter are seen as more prestigious in the higher circles). I'd avoid any model that is too mainstream and that people would think is a fake product bought for $50. More something in the lines of "oh, so Burberry has something like that? I didn't know". The thing is, most girls (aside from gold diggers) don't actually notice these details because they're rarely into this kind of stuff. So it helps to optimise how you "nonchalantly" put your coat somewhere once you're sitting with her.
@Rance: Yes, beautifully said. For the "quiet luxury" to work better, the genuine or rep items have to be well-known enough by the general public (Rolex instead of an Audemars, Burberry instead of a Loro Piana, even if the latter are seen as more prestigious in the higher circles). I'd avoid any model that is too mainstream and that people would think is a fake product bought for $50. More something in the lines of "oh, so Burberry has something like that? I didn't know". The thing is, most girls (aside from gold diggers) don't actually notice these details because they're rarely into this kind of stuff. So it helps to optimise how you "nonchalantly" put your coat somewhere once you're sitting with her.
Yep good point on the nonchalant "traps" you lay down. Set them up so that the girl is likely to notice it at some point on her own. For example I have a piano as my phone wallpaper and they often ask about it.
@Rance: Ah, good point. I'm still using my stock wallpaper, so it's definitely something to keep in mind
Where on Earth is left where average 5-6/10 white men can still get attractive 7-9/10 white women?

Nowhere on Earth, 6/10 to get a 7 easy, but a 5 to get a 9 impossible unless its with lots of money. Even in SEA or LATAM that doesn't happen at all, and it's much easier.

Lots of money anything is possible. But max I reached is 6-6.5 rated so top 5% in PHP, but not top 1%
the only people who were easily hitting it out ofthe park consistently without effort in eastern europe were the people that went there in the brief period before liberalization was complete, and before cell phone saturation peaked. this was like, a time period of 8 to fifteen years max. I personally saw this period pass in thailand when shit went from amazing to mediocre, and I have seen it pass partially in various other countries through various other stages.

eastern europe, except belarus and maybe bulgaria and serbia and russia to a lesser extent, has significantly liberalized. to the extent that its better, its only better because it hasnt finished liberalizing. which means that your success will come from what brought people success in the past. ltn in the past ONLY had the option to betabuxx. the reason the west is ruined is not ONLY because the standards have risen so much. it is also half because the betabuxx option has been taken off the table completely. to the extent eastern europe is better it is at least half because this option still exists. their standards are also quite high, they just dont have the ability to follow through with their desires. so I am not sure why you're so adamant about avoiding it, its the primary thing that makes the region good. hoping you can return to the magical time that a few lucky people got to go through is just gonna get you stuck in a rut

learn russian if its that important to you. it's not even that hard man. literally like 30 percent of the words are the same. maybe a little less.
Even Serbia got liberalized

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