use the acid oil method if you are a circumcuck. heres a tutorial.
I had achieved consistent flaccid coverage for several months and aside from more sensitivity, little changes occurred to my glans. Inspired by the idea of chemical facial and foot peels, I did some research and stumbled upon glycolic acid. It's commonly added to beauty products and supposedly helps break down keratin. It comes in a wide variety of strengths (some products have as low as 5%), and 70% strength appears to be the max. Since you can dilute it with water, I went with the 70% which cost around $15 on Amazon.
For the first experimental treatment, I decided I would only apply the glycolic acid to half of my glans (the left side). This is why many of the photos focus on the left side. After reading general tips on how to use glycolic acid, this is what I did...
*Preparation-- I wash my glans with a gentle oil-free, scent-free facial cleanser. After letting it dry, I also used q-tips to clean it with rubbing alcohol. I then rinsed with water and let dry.
*Application-- I set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes. I then dipped a q-tip into the bottle of 70% glycolic acid and rub it into the left side of my glans. I repeated the dip and rub procedure a few times until I felt it was sufficiently saturated... After about 30 seconds, it started lightly tingling. The sensation grew more intense, and though it wasn't the sensation of burning or pain, it reached the point of discomfort after 2 minutes.
*IMPORTANT* You must neutralize glycolic acid with baking soda! Water alone will not wash all of it off the skin, and if left too long, it will cause significant burns.
After 2 minutes had past, I neutralized with a solution of 1 part baking soda to 3 parts water. My glans immediately fizzled but the sensation disappated in several seconds. I gently rubbed baking soda onto my glans just in case. Then I rinsed with water.
*Post-Treatment-- There was no visible difference immediately following treatment. However, I noticed my glans felt slightly more sensation. I applied some moisturizer a few minutes later (I've been using squalene oil, Everyone unscented lotion, and Egyptian Magic-- The Egyptian Magic is super greasy so I don't think I'd buy it again, but I figured I'd use it so it's not a waste). I typically apply squalene in the morning, a combo of squalene and Egyptian Magic at night, and I'll use the Everyone lotion periodically too.
Day 1-- Very minor peeling. Heightened sensitivity (but again, not discomfort). Dark spots appeared on glans later that day. The areas with these spots (which were more of deep red gashes where folds/bumps are) were slightly sore by the end of the day.
Day 2-- Less sore than last night but still feeling it. A hard outer "crust" has developed on the side of my glans where I applied the glycolic acid.
Day 3-- No soreness but some sensitivity. The skin/crust on the glans has begun to flake, especially when touched.
Day 4-- No soreness or sensitivity. Still a good amount of flaking.
Day 5-- Flaking seems to be done. The skin is now much more moist and supple.
A week later, there is a significant difference between the left and right sides of my glans. The left side is smoother and much more sensitive (in a good way). Happy with the result, I repeat virtually the same procedure on the right side of my glans. EXCEPT I did not clean the right side with rubbing alcohol before, and I only dipped the q-tip in the glycolic acid twice. The result was pretty much the same, minus the deep red marks and soreness from my first attempt.
A week or so after that, I did a diluted application of 50% glycolic acid for 3 minutes. Hardly any peeling this time, but I think the first two applications did most of the work.