The only way to move to SEA but maintain your western wealth.


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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The only way to move to SEA but maintain your western wealth:

utter fantasy trying to get a western remote job and then geomaxxing to third world. they dont allow that shit. and most are being brought back to office cos jews dont want their real estate prices to collapse anyways

the trick is

buy SEA businesses
buy property in SEA

then youll have somewhere to live for free. and something making you good income(preferably high income)

then once youve got somewhere to sttay, and income from ur SEA businesses, you can move

also it gives a good reason why ur there instead of sexpat. u can say u have business in SEA as a valid reason.

and creating ur own business has like 1% chance of succeeding. just buy an already successful one with your western buxx

and while ur visiting there, u dont feel like an aimless loner loser there for just pussy. ur there to deal with ur business
I heard starting a business in the Philippines is easier than you would expect because there's nobody there with capital. So it can be something as braindead as selling drinking water or a laundromat and paying the locals $5-10 a day to do all the work for you.

Or you could find someone who cooks good food and loan them money.

From my experience in Thailand, I would probably open a laundromat in a place with a lot of retired western boomers/coomers and hire a foid to offer wash & fold services (premium for foreigners) and to watch the property during the day. Would add on vending machines or water dispensary or storage units based on the local needs. Low complexity, high cash flow, safe businesses where you mostly show up to restock things, collect money and pay bills.

A simple business is also something to occupy you when you're not cooming in a pinay.
Yeah if you can find good tenants, also just get 500k outta no where theory to buy a house for 1k rental, even if you "own it", your still a slave to property taxes and what not
Yea sucks to live in a state where shits high like that - multifamilies around me are 400-500k - looking in to out of state properties atm
Yeah if you can find good tenants, also just get 500k outta no where theory to buy a house for 1k rental, even if you "own it", your still a slave to property taxes and what not
its made to keep poor sheep poor and the rich insiders richer and to rob boomer cucks for their soon death. everyone is a gay tranny now to this shit is all gay
Yea sucks to live in a state where shits high like that - multifamilies around me are 400-500k - looking in to out of state properties atm
you cant even get a shit house in some of these cali cities for under 1 million
Also what SEA countries? I know Philippines wants you to cosign with a Gook to own land, yet a nigger can swim to America rob and steal money and buy property 100% in full

I doubt that tho, they usually squat houses and takes a year for them to get evicted or some gay shit, even if they do they get section 6 neetbux for housing
you cant even get a shit house in some of these cali cities for under 1 million
California is for rich delusional boomers and cucks who will put up with anything. I wouldn’t but real estate there if it was cheap - somewhere in state law will be a bunch of bs regulations
Also what SEA countries? I know Phillipines wants you to cosign with a Gook to own land, yet a nigger can swim to America rob and steal money and buy property 100% in full

I doubt that tho, they usually squat houses and takes a year for them to get evicted or some gay shit, even if they do they get section 6 neetbux for housing
a nigger or illegal spic gets free money and food stamps and healthcare meanwhile a wagecuck born here pays for everything and 100k for a doctors visit by cucking thenself and never owns land just rents it all.
The average American is too stupid to ever geomax. Taking out 7 year car loans at double digit interest rates - getting married then divorce raped - living well out of their means and spending money on dumb shit like funko pops every day - don’t be like these dumb animals
The average American is too stupid to ever geomax. Taking out 7 year car loans at double digit interest rates - getting married then divorce raped - living well out of their means and spending money on dumb shit like funko pops every day - don’t be like these dumb animals
even stupid fucks owing child support like 100k for their bastards getting cucked. what a shit deal on a prostitute. fuck these beta bux cux.
The average American is too stupid to ever geomax. Taking out 7 year car loans at double digit interest rates - getting married then divorce raped - living well out of their means and spending money on dumb shit like funko pops every day - don’t be like these dumb animals
Yea I underestimated the difficulty of getting a worthy remote job - time zones are killer better off just living like a god without working

Listen, for 99.9% of us there is no skipping into the fast line

work for 20 years. Dont' waste your money back home. once a year go do an asian trip. DO NOT fall in love.
save your money, dont' buy flashy things. Or fancy cars. All a waste. The moment you can get a mortgage for a house, DO IT.
make sure the house has a basement that you can build an apartment in. Or property you can build an apartment on. DO NOT accept a lesser house. WHy?

cause once you have the apartment. Make some other asshole pay you rmortgage. once you got that going for yoruself. NOW your enitre paycheck is yours. You are living for free (and i mean, the biggest expense, rent/mortgage. Is paid for you. )

Then the money starts coming in faster and faster.

once you can save up enough, buy another property, same rules apply as first house with apartment.

how ever long taht takes you to do. YOUR DONE out 2nd house and 2nd apartment and rent out 1st apartment and save

once you got 100k you are now officially done. You can move to asia. No more worries.
Get a property manager. they usually take 10 percent

But both apartments pay both mortgages. Both houses pay your living in asia land. Simple, and done.

the truth is there will ALWAYS be renters. morons who are shitty with money. Who cannot save for a mortgage. so your investment will always be good
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Listen, for 99.9% of us there is no skipping into the fast line

work for 20 years. Dont' waste your money back home. once a year go do an asian trip. DO NOT fall in love.
save your money, dont' buy flashy things. Or fancy cars. All a waste. The moment you can get a mortgage for a house, DO IT.
make sure the house has a basement that you can build an apartment in. Or property you can build an apartment on. DO NOT accept a lesser house. WHy?

cause once you have the apartment. Make some other asshole pay you rmortgage. once you got that going for yoruself. NOW your enitre paycheck is yours. You are living for free (and i mean, the biggest expense, rent/mortgage. Is paid for you. )

Then the money starts coming in faster and faster.

once you can save up enough, buy another property, same rules apply as first house with apartment.

how ever long taht takes you to do. YOUR DONE out 2nd hour and 2nd apartment and rent out 1st apartment and save

once you got 100k you are now officially done. You can move to asia. No more worries.
Get a property manager. they usually take 10 percent

But both apartments pay both mortgages. Both houses pay your living in asia land. Simple, and done.

the truth is there will ALWAYS be renters. morons who are shitty with money. Who cannot save for a mortgage. so your investment will always be good
realestate is for cucks. id ldar and neet before giving money to a landlord
realestate is for cucks. id ldar and neet before giving money to a landlord
ya but where do you neet? in a god damn tent? unless you live in your parents house. And thats an opportunity as well. Save up your money, get a mortgage and do as i instructed above. Soon you will be able to live where ever the fuck you want, without working. Let some other asshole pay for your lifestyle.
Listen, for 99.9% of us there is no skipping into the fast line

work for 20 years. Dont' waste your money back home. once a year go do an asian trip. DO NOT fall in love.
save your money, dont' buy flashy things. Or fancy cars. All a waste. The moment you can get a mortgage for a house, DO IT.
make sure the house has a basement that you can build an apartment in. Or property you can build an apartment on. DO NOT accept a lesser house. WHy?

cause once you have the apartment. Make some other asshole pay you rmortgage. once you got that going for yoruself. NOW your enitre paycheck is yours. You are living for free (and i mean, the biggest expense, rent/mortgage. Is paid for you. )

Then the money starts coming in faster and faster.

once you can save up enough, buy another property, same rules apply as first house with apartment.

how ever long taht takes you to do. YOUR DONE out 2nd hour and 2nd apartment and rent out 1st apartment and save

once you got 100k you are now officially done. You can move to asia. No more worries.
Get a property manager. they usually take 10 percent

But both apartments pay both mortgages. Both houses pay your living in asia land. Simple, and done.

the truth is there will ALWAYS be renters. morons who are shitty with money. Who cannot save for a mortgage. so your investment will always be good
Yep rent is throwing money away. The average young goober out there should be grateful to their landlord - it’s their fault they can’t be assed to get a mortgage.
Yep rent is throwing money away. The average young goober out there should be grateful to their landlord - it’s their fault they can’t be assed to get a mortgage.
the truth is 80% of people are bad with money. fact. google that shit. Most americans dont' have 500 dollars saved in the bank. Being a land lord is awesome.

bottom line is. buying property and building my first apartment changed my life. That is why i tell EVERYONE.....DO IT.

it really is awesome. Imagine, you buy house, 3 years later, you save up enough to build apartment (in basement or on property).

then the moment you complete that. someone else, pays your mortgage. you are debt free (in a manner of speaking)
in my country, i only pay tax once on my house (18%) . after that. I pay no more taxes. for the rest of my life on that house.
i can’t own land in my country cuz the irs placed a lien on me
i can’t own land in my country cuz the irs placed a lien on me
im not sure what that is. But that sucks. All i know. i make 400 dollars less than i was making working full time. Tax free. And life is good.
Listen, for 99.9% of us there is no skipping into the fast line

work for 20 years. Dont' waste your money back home. once a year go do an asian trip. DO NOT fall in love.
save your money, dont' buy flashy things. Or fancy cars. All a waste. The moment you can get a mortgage for a house, DO IT.
make sure the house has a basement that you can build an apartment in. Or property you can build an apartment on. DO NOT accept a lesser house. WHy?

cause once you have the apartment. Make some other asshole pay you rmortgage. once you got that going for yoruself. NOW your enitre paycheck is yours. You are living for free (and i mean, the biggest expense, rent/mortgage. Is paid for you. )

Then the money starts coming in faster and faster.

once you can save up enough, buy another property, same rules apply as first house with apartment.

how ever long taht takes you to do. YOUR DONE out 2nd house and 2nd apartment and rent out 1st apartment and save

once you got 100k you are now officially done. You can move to asia. No more worries.
Get a property manager. they usually take 10 percent

But both apartments pay both mortgages. Both houses pay your living in asia land. Simple, and done.

the truth is there will ALWAYS be renters. morons who are shitty with money. Who cannot save for a mortgage. so your investment will always be good
how much did it cost you to get these homes up until the point of conversion of basements when they started to pay themselves? Is it wise to get a house with a fucked up basement such that you know all the problems and are able to pass building codes more easy after the conversion? Imagine the previous owner having shoddy electrical wiring and your tenant dying in a fire lol. Im also guessing realestate with this method will give faster rreturns than wageslaving for S&P 500 returns. Its kind of cool that the investment pays for itself and you can automate and stack more houses
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how much did it cost you to get these homes up until the point of conversion of basements when they started to pay themselves? Is it wise to get a house with a fucked up basement such that you know all the problems and are able to pass building codes more easy after the conversion? Imagine the previous owner having shoddy electrical wiring and your tenant dying in a fire lol. Im also guessing realestate with this method will give faster rreturns than wageslaving for S&P 500 returns. Its kind of cool that the investment pays for itself and you can automate and stack more houses
that is really the secret to property's and passive incomes. NEVER EVER buy a piece of property that you cannot make into TWO rentals. PERIOD.

if your going to buy a house, ALWAYS look for a basement to convert into an apartment.

i have been doing that now for 5 years. And the truth is. the more rooms your place has, the harder it is to rent. That is why apartments are almost guaranteed money. 1 bedroom is a GOLD MINE. 2 bedrooms, good investment. 3 or more bed apartments or houses is not so much. i will explain below why 3 bedroom or more is shit.

and the reason is obvious. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments are good for single people, couples and a kid. and usually it's younger people who cannot afford to buy a house yet. That's common. So your catering to that market.

anyone renting a 3 bedroom house or apartment usually due to kids, is 1. rare. and 2 obviously doens't have their shit together, cause they cannot save up enough for a house. Which means, those kids and her or them. Are going to fucking ruin your house.

Right now, i have a 3 bed 3 bath house, and built an apartment 1 bed 1 bath, but it's fucking huge for an apartment 40x15. that rents within 3 days. EASY every fucking time. i paid 45k to build it, another 20K to outfit it. i have been renting it for 1550 for the last 5 years. SO i have paid off my investment. now this is of course CI dollars, (add 20% more to get the USD equivelant).

and being that my properties are in cayman islands. I only paid one time tax on the house. I pay ZERO taxes. so that money is all mine.

but yes, the only advice i can give you. if your going to buy a property for rental income. Make SURE you can convert either the basement, the attic, or build onto the side of the house. AT LEAST A 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT.
that is really the secret to property's and passive incomes. NEVER EVER buy a piece of property that you cannot make into TWO rentals. PERIOD.

if your going to buy a house, ALWAYS look for a basement to convert into an apartment.

i have been doing that now for 5 years. And the truth is. the more rooms your place has, the harder it is to rent. That is why apartments are almost guaranteed money. 1 bedroom is a GOLD MINE. 2 bedrooms, good investment. 3 or more bed apartments or houses is not so much. i will explain below why 3 bedroom or more is shit.

and the reason is obvious. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments are good for single people, couples and a kid. and usually it's younger people who cannot afford to buy a house yet. That's common. So your catering to that market.

anyone renting a 3 bedroom house or apartment usually due to kids, is 1. rare. and 2 obviously doens't have their shit together, cause they cannot save up enough for a house. Which means, those kids and her or them. Are going to fucking ruin your house.

Right now, i have a 3 bed 3 bath house, and built an apartment 1 bed 1 bath, but it's fucking huge for an apartment 40x15. that rents within 3 days. EASY every fucking time. i paid 45k to build it, another 20K to outfit it. i have been renting it for 1550 for the last 5 years. SO i have paid off my investment. now this is of course CI dollars, (add 20% more to get the USD equivelant).

and being that my properties are in cayman islands. I only paid one time tax on the house. I pay ZERO taxes. so that money is all mine.

but yes, the only advice i can give you. if your going to buy a property for rental income. Make SURE you can convert either the basement, the attic, or build onto the side of the house. AT LEAST A 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT.
Thanks for the help man, this is really valuable info. How much do you rent the houses for? And how much does an initial house cost? I googled and it says an average house costs 3.6 million CI, i dont believe that with a median wage of 49k/year. Also, does converting one part into a basement add even more revenue than normal? People say that you should rent for 1% of the property value per month, so a 500k home rents for 5k a month etc, but this doesn't sound realistic, but if you have 2 tenants it actually starts sounding realistic, like a studio basement for 1500 and a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath for 2500
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I have the capital, where is the best business brokerage to find a biz for sale in thailand. Anyone know how tax works? will i have to double pay to burger and thailand
I have the capital, where is the best business brokerage to find a biz for sale in thailand. Anyone know how tax works? will i have to double pay to burger and thailand
don’t know about a brokerage but anything past the exemption will be taxed by America. Anywhere you go america demands tax from you it’s crooked.
Thanks for the help man, this is really valuable info. How much do you rent the houses for? And how much does an initial house cost? I googled and it says an average house costs 3.6 million CI, i dont believe that with a median wage of 49k/year. Also, does converting one part into a basement add even more revenue than normal? People say that you should rent for 1% of the property value per month, so a 500k home rents for 5k a month etc, but this doesn't sound realistic, but if you have 2 tenants it actually starts sounding realistic, like a studio basement for 1500 and a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath for 2500
no dude, i bought my house 8 years ago for 210K. was a modest 1200 sqf. (should have bought another one, i kick myself for that)

then 3 years later i got a divorce, and decided (from the idea of a girl i started dating she was working at a construction company) to build an apartment in the back. after all my land was just sitting there doing nothing.

did that, and this is the 5th year of renting apartment cost me 65k in total (including furniture ect)

so for my 3 bed house, 3200 CI, for my 1 bed apartment 1500CI.

and then i add my retirement pension from gov (i worked for gov for 15 years) after 10 years in cayman, i can retire with pension for life and healthcare for life.

bam done. so i make about 400 dollars less than working full time.

but obviously it's not GUARENTEED income. since if someone moves out, i have to waste money, cleaning, repairing, and then finding a new tenant. (just did this recently, and it sucks)

but overall, it's easy, when you have a property manager. who takes care of everything for 6%.
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no dude, i bought my house 8 years ago for 210K. was a modest 1200 sqf. (should have bought another one, i kick myself for that)

then 3 years later i got a divorce, and decided (from the idea of a girl i started dating she was working at a construction company) to build an apartment in the back. after all my land was just sitting there doing nothing.

did that, and this is the 5th year of renting apartment cost me 65k in total (including furniture ect)

so for my 3 bed house, 3200 CI, for my 1 bed apartment 1500CI.

and then i add my retirement pension from gov (i worked for gov for 15 years) after 10 years in cayman, i can retire with pension for life and healthcare for life.

bam done. so i make about 400 dollars less than working full time.

but obviously it's not GUARENTEED income. since if someone moves out, i have to waste money, cleaning, repairing, and then finding a new tenant. (just did this recently, and it sucks)

but overall, it's easy, when you have a property manager. who takes care of everything for 6%.
why are you such a salty little shit, your not even that poor, your like average wage poor, I mean in 20 years time your fucked but right now your doing ok.

Just be honest bro, your not rich and you know you should be investing or doing something to fucking make money but your really mad at yourself not me, when you were young you were convinced you would be a rich probably by age 25 or 30, then it never happened and you still kept the dream but life fucked you up and now you just want to fuck girlies and do boring shit. The gravy train will end but the more you get mad at me for your own failings in life the more I will bully you and ruin your false peace quicker buddyboyo.
Thanks for the help man, this is really valuable info. How much do you rent the houses for? And how much does an initial house cost? I googled and it says an average house costs 3.6 million CI, i dont believe that with a median wage of 49k/year. Also, does converting one part into a basement add even more revenue than normal? People say that you should rent for 1% of the property value per month, so a 500k home rents for 5k a month etc, but this doesn't sound realistic, but if you have 2 tenants it actually starts sounding realistic, like a studio basement for 1500 and a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath for 2500
no man, 3.5 mil LOL.

alright answered, i see that now

great fucking investment now the same house goes for about 350k

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