JFL still getting houndreds of matches after i left bangkok (over 1k matches overall for sure)

Blue eyes are a massive halo icl especially in asia. I have seen tinder bios saying shit like "blue eyes only" in a few asian countries just like girls say 6ft only. Big halo.
I thought most incels are just ignored like me tbh.
never in my life, they mocked me by "hey, handsome" just like you mock skinny person calling her fattie
blue eyes but my face is really shit and there is no room for softmaxing, my bones are just ugly
also im framelet, semi-manlet at 5'10 and a lot more

im really shit, im one of these subhumans people laugh out loud on the street in groups
Interesting, I am 5'7 manlet with blue eyes but not khhv and get iois. Would I get similar results? I always hear thailand is mostly freelancers and I believe it.
Interesting, I am 5'7 manlet with blue eyes but not khhv and get iois. Would I get similar results? I always hear thailand is mostly freelancers and I believe it.
everyone looks better than me all you need is good profile with non autistic photos
you cant widen your bideltoid, mine is tiny, i could probably gymmax but im too lazy
im just moving my ass to place where people are smaller, thats geomaxing
could hop on some roids. but prob not worth it honestly. gymmaxxing is good anyway aside from foid attention
id be incel in sea id be forced to pay for sex just like burger with my circumcucked cock

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