Geomax first day in bangkok report

i was going to make a post about this after my experiences today going there lol

there was a bookstore i went to shop at in the area and as i got to khaoson, i was wondering why there were so many chads and trashy looking foreigners around. it was literally my second time ever going to the khaoson area even tho i lived in bangkok for two years so was very surprised lol

and can’t speak much on clubs as i only go to thai ones through local friends lol. the only time i’ve been to a foreigner type club was at the tail end of my time living in bangkok, and of course it was shit, with some weird american fags trying to start shit with me and my italian friend jfl
late to the thread but speaking of the americans bothering you, I remember walking towards the streets that funnel into khao sahn and some baldcel american started to give me his flyer about his nyc comedy club or something. I gave him a quick smile and kept walking away and then he started screaming at me calling me an asshole and how people these days have no manners. Imagine acting like that in a different country than yours JFL.
thailand is the most non nt country in southeast asia
Agree. It's good to be different here. Feels good to have every head turn on a busy street as they notice you. Going 100% sober as well. Thais like me a lot better when I'm not a stoned zombie, and beer just takes up space that is better filled with food.

I have noticed that the smaller cities around Bangkok seem to be less friendly toward foreigners. Hard to believe I'd be mistaken for a coomer with the Amish vagabond look. 6" goatee and bowl cut coupled with a smugly self-righteous expression even as I abscond all luxuries.
Maybe you're just soy. You can go to the pharmacy and hop on TRT and cialis. Problem solved. Add pregabalin if you want a true cocktail of drugs. Add a dopamine agonist like cabergoline if you want to lose virginity ASAP but don't take it long term. That'll get you over the hump jfl
Funny enough, my t levels are consistently very healthy-above average and my e is at the minimum without dropping into unhealthy range, also plenty of sex drive, but I'm still somehow like this.
Not a virgin though, even with all my avoidant behavior. If women like you enough they'll basically put in all the effort until it happens I guess. I've also already definitely gotten a bit better confidence wise from this trip, being basically worshipped in indo helps.
well where is "here"?

I dont' know what to tell you. You can hope that women will do all the work forever. or you can learn to do it yourself.

that really is your options. The question is, what are you afraid of?
Yeah I know letting women do the work forever won't work, eventually I'll lose whatever cuteness benefits I have.

As for fears, I really am not sure aside from just instinctual. Maybe a fear of failure or rejection since I'm unused to that, and it being in a public environment worsens that, but I've also just always been quite shy and risk averse.

In any case, I appreciate all the advice here, definitely a lot to consider, although I think for now I actually prefer the benefits of sticking with one girl. Unmanly as it is, right now I kinda enjoy the emotional aspects too. It also helps that she constantly wants sex even more than I do, not much reason for me to go elsewhere for it as I haven't gotten bored yet. I wonder how long that sort of thing lasts.

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