News Most popular nationalities 2023

Marco Pumpo

40+ countries travelled
Apr 18, 2024
Since there is a lot of nationalist gibberish going on in this forum about which nationalites are the best, let's at least work with the data that is available.
There is the U.S. News World Report that creates a yearly ranking of the best countries. This is NOT based on facts but on a big survey, so it actually represents what people THINK and not was is the reality. And that is exactly what we want to find out here. Which nations are the most popular and have the best image?

2024-04-21 12_43_38-Window.png

Full ranking:
lol niggas would have to pay me to live in those countries other than uk japan switzerland and usa
A lot more context is needed. Japan might be one of the most popular countries but I doubt Japanese guys do well dating.

It is also country dependent:
Koreans dominate Asia, but won't do well in Europe unless they have kpop look and a korean fan girl matches with them.
Spanish are loved in Latam, but won't be exotic in Europe.
Portuguese are loved in Brasil, but won't be exotic in Europe.
UK/CA/AUS/US are exotic between each other and can do very well because of the accent.
Mexicans might be popular in some LATAM countries but be considered 2nd citizens in Spain.
There's also certain groups that have bad reputation in some countries:
US army guys.
Australians in Bali.
Russians in Thailand.
It's highly personal. It depends on your looks, money, ecc.
A white guy would be treated as a god in Asia, meanwhile a black one would be treated like shit.
Another metric that work the opposite way for us geomaxxers is local purchasing power: the less local purchasing power the worse the ranking of the country, but the more attractive you are as a geomaxxer with your $/€.

Also alot of this western media use metrics like lgbt acceptance and stuff like that.
Japan might be one of the most popular countries but I doubt Japanese guys do well dating.
Thai girls told me Japanese are very beloved in their country because they fail to haggle or refuse if they're getting ripped off or overpaying :LOL:
Thai girls told me Japanese are very beloved in their country because they fail to haggle or refuse if they're getting ripped off or overpaying :LOL:
yeah but not for dating lol
thai want korean beauty if they go for asians
or "white europeans/US/UK/CA" if they go for westerners
Japanese do just fine dating wise in Thailand. I don't think lots of the okay/decent Japanese guys are into the typical SEA look though. Their standard of beauty for a girl, is quite high like in Korea. Unless it is the good looking, hi-so, light skinned SEAs...I find Japanese dudes can't be really be fucked with with the medeocre, tan skinned SEA chick. Usually the exemption is if the tan skinned SEA girl is legit objectively REALLY attractive...which in that case ALL nationalities are then interested.

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