Do you think there is a future for Ukraine?

Hymen Connoisseur

Geomaxxing from 2026+
Dec 7, 2024
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Both from the geomaxxing aspect but also just them existing as a country. Slavic whores are best known for gold-digging and they all got free tickets to the west.
Their demographics were already dire before the war. Do you think they'll go extinct now? Once all the men are dead and all the women fled and it's only old people left, surely the country will collapse completely?
cuck country tbh. if i were a ukranian man i'd feel nothing but anger
I mean there 100% are at least some Ukrainian men fighting / dead whose daughters and even wives are getting fucked abroad.
There isn't a country on the planet i'd die for except as a merc if I was desperate. They're all too jewed.
I mean there 100% are at least some Ukrainian men fighting / dead whose daughters and even wives are getting fucked abroad.
There isn't a country on the planet i'd die for except as a merc if I was desperate. They're all too jewed.
exactly what i meant.
I'd never fight for this gay country. I have 2 relatives who dodged the draft which is based af
The natives didn’t even see much of a difference at all between them and Russia until the us started pumping the nationalism propaganda
Stop thinking in terms of countries and start thinking in terms of cities... geopolitics is for losers unless you're a politician. SMV ebbs and flows like the tides. Be an individual and follow where it flows without thinking about bullshit like nationalities, ethnicities, allegiance, just go where you are valued

Imo Ukraine will reach a peace deal, lose some of its territory, restabilize, and return to its general quasi-Western status

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