I genuinely think most of the Blackpill is a glowie op at this point


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
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Just skimming through newer channels like Rehab Room and its just cringe seeing all the zoomers in the comments just whine about how over it is. At least the NPNW people on 4chan are taking their truceldom by the balls and make valid points, whining about not being a chad is the most retarded counterproductive thing you can do. Then you have the looksmaxxing fags who hang out on Tails comment sections jerking off to their PSL gods and imagining Sergei fucking them in the ass.
Okay and I would love to be Hunter Biden and smoke crack and fuck asian hookers all the day. I can emulate this to an extent in SEA or some poor country. The fact of the matter is 95% of zoomer men who whine the internet would be slaves or would have been dead in some war or been a feudal servent to a land owner with a frumpy ugly wife who you would have to take care of. Like its important to be aware of these things but its just cringe at this point man, like whining about being an incel at 19 years old because your Stacy crush rejected you. At some point you just need to cope somehow. I respect MGTOW boomers who cope with sex dolls and SEA than snivelling blackpill teenagers at this point, at least theyre happy
geomaxxxxxx is my copium i feel good in 3rd world asian dumpsters as long as i have laptop and wifi
gooks mouth around my pencil would be a nice addition
fr man, theres just so many rotters in these circles. if they were happy doing it like some wizards on /r9k/ its fine but these faggots are 19 years old saying they are 6'1 and just whining about not being a chad but dont want to rot either. idk what to tell them, standardcels i guess
fr man, theres just so many rotters in these circles. if they were happy doing it like some wizards on /r9k/ its fine but these faggots are 19 years old saying they are 6'1 and just whining about not being a chad but dont want to rot either. idk what to tell them, standardcels i guess
why would i complain about this?
i think its just psyop to eliminate men from pussy race, they just wank to chico and opry all day
fine for me
why would i complain about this?
i think its just psyop to eliminate men from pussy race, they just wank to chico and opry all day
fine for me
theyre just fucking retards let them rot

based, youre right let them rot kek. I have found my true reckoning with NPNW these days, take what I can from this joo'd system and use the money to geomaxx
id be happy if i wasnt circumcucked. thats the only blackpill crap i care about.
I get what youre saying but online presense is def at all time peak. tons and tons of new tech niggers in alphabet agencies
Yea they also got tech like ai that they’ve had for years now and are only just now feeding to the public.
I've written about it before. Comb through my older posts

Blackpill is just a zoomie version of Nietzsche's nihilism. Kikes are repurposing it to demoralize normies and dumbass zoomers so they can kill themselves and live unproductive lives of discontent.
Schopenchad vs Neitzcuck
I've written about it before. Comb through my older posts

Blackpill is just a zoomie version of Nietzsche's nihilism. Kikes are repurposing it to demoralize normies and dumbass zoomers so they can kill themselves and live unproductive lives of discontent.
I would also like to add that the idea of looksmaxxing and improving yourself for a foid is cucked in of itself and purely gynocentric. Man was made stronger than women thus allowing them to be subservient, NEVER the selector. kikes and glows want men to worship women. Picrel has some decent points (ignore the /pol/ racemixing cope though)


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I would also like to add that the idea of looksmaxxing and improving yourself for a foid is cucked in of itself and purely gynocentric. Man was made stronger than women thus allowing them to be subservient, NEVER the selector. kikes and glows want men to worship women. Picrel has some decent points (ignore the /pol/ racemixing cope though)
Truest shit. The only thing a dude should have to do is stay in decent shape this other bs is cucked beyond belief. Wouldn’t even need to try to be in shape either but we weren’t built to live like we do nowadays so you gotta be conscious of exercise if you work a sedentary job.
why would i complain about this?
i think its just psyop to eliminate men from pussy race, they just wank to chico and opry all day
fine for me
This whole manosphere ideology is caused by women being hypergamous feminist whores

Looksmaxxing is 100% a Jewish psyop to drive up Inceldom, and promote younger men to be doomers and just kill themselves, it's a newer and lesser known ideology then Redpill but Redpill is fucking horrendous

Even in the redpill Andrew Tate is a Zionist agent, he's a mixed half nigger half white pimp, I doubt he made that much money from his "cam business" but even if he did the porn industry is jewish, he's just promoting men to chase the bag and be capitalistic pimps with worthless cars and watches
I would also like to add that the idea of looksmaxxing and improving yourself for a foid is cucked in of itself and purely gynocentric. Man was made stronger than women thus allowing them to be subservient, NEVER the selector. kikes and glows want men to worship women. Picrel has some decent points (ignore the /pol/ racemixing cope though)
Just rapemaxx and go to prison theory
This whole manosphere ideology is caused by women being hypergamous feminist whores

Looksmaxxing is 100% a Jewish psyop to drive up Inceldom, and promote younger men to be doomers and just kill themselves, it's a newer and lesser known ideology then Redpill but Redpill is fucking horrendous

Even in the redpill Andrew Tate is a Zionist agent, he's a mixed half nigger half white pimp, I doubt he made that much money from his "cam business" but even if he did the porn industry is jewish, he's just promoting men to chase the bag and be capitalistic pimps with worthless cars and watches
View attachment 2335
Tates dad is cia - he’s part of the club. Says shit that gets others banned yet he’s magically allowed to stay and magically gains millions of followers overnight. Just another agent of tptb to destroy men and divide the sexes/working class.

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