- Mar 22, 2024
- 17
- 13
Hello everyone, this is quite detailed so if you want a tl;dr, just read the bold writings.
So I am a bit worried if they will be onto me...
Ultimately, I think I just have to go. If it doesnt work then I go to SA, and then to SEA. Only one way to find out.
Thanks for reading.
- I'm a 23yr old UKcel and I've been lurking here for sometime. I am half white and half persian with a British RP accent (hence the name). I have slight olive skin, like white but a little tanned, well it depends on the lighting really. Point is, some people in the UK think I am Italian/Spanish/Greek when they ask where I am from and I suppose the others just think full British from my accent.
- I am 6ft tall with an above average face but not good enough (I'll get to my face in the next point).
- I'm definitely not NT. In the UK this is especially important since social circle is such a big thing here. I mean I've literally never seen someone do a cold approach in the street in my entire life. I know I'm not NT because in school I was the popular strange guy. Everyone knew me, lots of people liked me but I was just a meme, just entertainment, people didn't respect me or take me seriously. I also went to a social event once, with my only friend, and he told me after nicely, that a couple of the guys we had made friends with, were saying that I was a bit weird even though I tried 100% to be normal. It also says aspergers when I do the 50 questions autism test.
- I said about my face being above average. I mean I know ioi's are complete cope as I never even went on a date with a girl but every random stranger treats me nicely tbh, never had looks of disgust, I've had girls stare and smile etc, had a few girls turn their head 90 degrees and smile whilst holding their bf's hand. Got cold approached twice by a chinese girl and an avg white girl. Avg in the UK is subhuman sadly. I am not attracted to the avg UK girl (more on this later).
- This whole MTN, HTN shit is just silly semantics since there's no agreed upon definition and people also suck at putting a percentile to a face.
- The whole point is if I was NT, I would never have discovered the blackpill, lack of NT so no social circle completely screws me here. My face is not good enough to make up for it. It's like 80-85th percentile here. Maybe 90th percentile at my peak looks when I had taken the neckpill. Not rare at all, that's a bit more than 5 men a girl has to walk past to find a guy who looks as good or better. It's nothing if you're a sperg.
2. Why I considered EE:
- I have always dreamt of slavic women, mainly russian since the age of 12.
- Sadly with the war, I wouldn't be able to get travel insurance to Russia and Belarus. Not willing to take that risk right now so I need to consider other EE countries.
- I will geomaxx to SEA and SA at one point, but I want to ascend in EE or at least try it first.
- I think some general rules hold true:
- The poorer the country the easier it is.
- The worse the English, the easier it is (except philippines).
- The more you stand out providing you aren't subhuman, the easier it is. e.g pheno.
3. Why it should work:
- So it should be easier than the UK because, I have British accent status halo. A rare look in EE due to looking somewhat Med, in countries with a lot of pale skin e.g hungary, slovakia. Also foreigner halo from speaking English and having white non slav features. Also the avg slav male looks worse than the average slav female and it is full of hot women. I went to EE once when I was a lot younger and I was in complete shock as I had never seen so many slim attractive under 25yr old girls in my life. I felt like the avg girl there was somewhat attractive. So the dating pool is larger. Also in interviews EE girls often say they like Spanish/Italian men. I could even pretend to be from there.
Masking non NT
Possibly the most important point is that I need a country with low levels of English proficiency so they can't tell that I am weird and spergy when talking to them. If their English is not so great then they will be more focussed on their own speech and more likely to assume it is a cultural difference and that I am how the avg british guy talks.- The problem:
So I am a bit worried if they will be onto me...
Ultimately, I think I just have to go. If it doesnt work then I go to SA, and then to SEA. Only one way to find out.
Thanks for reading.