Advice The Harsh Reality Is: Everyone Wants to Geomaxx - Men and Women - From Every Part Of The World


6ft4. vietnammaxxed. nojobmaxxed,virgin.get mogged
Sep 1, 2022
Told me he doesn't get laid anymore and it's too much work to try and heard you can go to places like Colombia and Thailand and get laid or fuck cheap hookers easily. Asked me if I wanted to come with him and another dude and I said yeah JFL.

So now the guy is asking me if I'm still interested and he is still trying to decide where to go. I suggested Philippines because they all speak English but I think he's dreaming of Colombia. I mentioned this to another IRL friend and he was like "Dude go and tell me everything". This is a guy with an LTR too so it's not even like he's incel.

Normalfags are way more open to this than you would believe.
The Harsh Reality Is: Everyone Wants to Geomaxx

All Ethnic girls want to geomaxx to europe and america

Some white girls want to geomaxx for bbc

White guys want to geomaxx for asian and latina cunny

Ethnic guys want to geomaxx for white cunny

EVERYONE wants to geomaxx. this isnt some secret. Everyone and thier uncle knows someone who's gone to thailand or had a SEA wife

The real reality is:

- Only a very small % of men actually find out about geomaxxing and get good info on it

- An even smaller % of men can quit their career which they've worked towards their entire life and persue an online remote career and actually get a job in it which allows them to travel around. Even smaller % can make business/freelancing work.

- An even smaller % have the balls to actually leave their family, friends life at home

- If you have to resort to all this shit, you're probably not an above average man. You're probably below average height and face and have been forced to do this.

- There is a massive language barrier in most countries apart from the main like 1-2 countries so an even smaller % of men will study the language and become fluent in it

- There's way more gooks than whites/mulatto's in the world. Like way way more. And the white population is literally declining while the asian population is forever increasing. There's not enough white/black guys to fulfill gooks needs

Even if it does become more saturated, yes it'll get a bit harder. But all that matters is , its always going to be much easier than the west.

Honestly don't think anyone has anything to worry about in the saturation department.

tdlr: everyone wants to geomaxx. a very very small % can get a remote job/business/balls to geomaxx

@AlexBrown84 @The 13th Warrior @predeterminism @Pokimane @Blex @fatchadlitecel @GigaSubhuman @Coffee7382 @Daiquiris @GallowGlass @Incel22 @Bestimmung @BBCfactory @boringlife @Thousandaire Chad @juste @Throng0707 @Tai Bwo Wannai @Krisp
The Harsh Reality Is: Everyone Wants to Geomaxx

All Ethnic girls want to geomaxx to europe and america

Some white girls want to geomaxx for bbc

White guys want to geomaxx for asian and latina cunny

Ethnic guys want to geomaxx for white cunny

EVERYONE wants to geomaxx. this isnt some secret. Everyone and thier uncle knows someone who's gone to thailand or had a SEA wife

The real reality is:

tdlr: everyone wants to geomaxx. a very very small % can get a remote job/business/balls to geomaxx

@AlexBrown84 @The 13th Warrior @predeterminism @Pokimane @Blex @fatchadlitecel @GigaSubhuman @Coffee7382 @Daiquiris @GallowGlass @Incel22 @Bestimmung @BBCfactory @boringlife @Thousandaire Chad @juste @Throng0707 @Tai Bwo Wannai @Krisp
Normies don't call it geomaxxing they just call it traveling.
Two random comments, 50% chance made by you, proves what exactly?

I don't even give a shit if kpop halo is real or not, this isn't proof of anything. It's the most low-effort shitposting on any blackpill forums, even worse than Indians going around claiming Paki = Med SMV
Nigga cope more. Kpopmaxxing is something only northeast asian men can do. And do it pretty easily at that. Paki coping as Med is literally a transracial cope. Euro girls NEED CHANGS in their country. High demand and low supply. Stacy euro is proud of her normie gook bf
Two random comments, 50% chance made by you, proves what exactly?

I don't even give a shit if kpop halo is real or not, this isn't proof of anything. It's the most low-effort shitposting on any blackpill forums, even worse than Indians going around claiming Paki = Med SMV
Welcome to 2022.... asian girls are getting territorial over asian men. The comments are full of white and asian girls fighting over Gooks
Nigga cope more. Kpopmaxxing is something only northeast asian men can do. And do it pretty easily at that. Paki coping as Med is literally a transracial cope. Euro girls NEED CHANGS in their country. High demand and low supply. Stacy euro is proud of her normie gook bf
Kpopmaxxing is transracial though

All of those dudes are hapa's

It's done by being Asian and trying to look White

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