Thailand has become more difficult than other SEA countries to get laid

for me, i have an inner jew. So i go where it's cheapest. but i try to live well, while living cheap. that's the challenge. I bank most of my money.
I can hear yoda's voice when describing me "hmmm the jew is strong in this one" LOL
Definitely have autism bro
yes, for a certain niche black people do very well, if they dress well and are masculine
also happens to kpop guys recently

but in general it's not the case, an average black guy has less matches than an average white guy
There is no niche for blacks in asia

Just like there's no niche for short guys

You're just unattractive

If u see a black guy doing well in asia its cos he's western born and has western height and money, not cos he's black

But kpop guys isn't a niche, everyone likes them there cos they're replicas of white guys. White guys fit the beauty standard in every aspect

Whites > bleachmaxxed curtains asians > mulattos > normal asians > Latinos arabs indians > blacks
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There is no niche for blacks in asia

Just like there's no niche for short guys

You're just unattractive

If u see a black guy doing well in asia its cos he's western born and has western height and money, not cos he's black

But kpop guys isn't a niche, everyone likes them there cos they're replicas of white guys. White guys fit the beauty standard in every aspect

Whites > bleachmaxxed curtains asians > mulattos > normal asians > Latinos arabs indians > blacks
change blacks > indians lol
There is no niche for blacks in asia

Just like there's no niche for short guys

You're just unattractive

If u see a black guy doing well in asia its cos he's western born and has western height and money, not cos he's black

But kpop guys isn't a niche, everyone likes them there cos they're replicas of white guys. White guys fit the beauty standard in every aspect

Whites > bleachmaxxed curtains asians > mulattos > normal asians > Latinos arabs indians > blacks
there is a niche for blacks everywhere, might not be big depending on the country but it exists
and have seen it many times

i would say kpop is a niche in many parts of the world, in europe many girls don't like asian, it's mostly for girls that are into kpop
and realistically korean guys that look like that are 1%
listen, why are guys in this forum tearing down other guys. Isn't the point of this forum to talk about and how to get pussy. Some of you are like fucking girls. "your nails are ugly" type bullshit.

what are you, fags?


we should be building each other up, not teraing each other down like bitches do. Fuck......
listen, why are guys in this forum tearing down other guys. Isn't the point of this forum to talk about and how to get pussy. Some of you are like fucking girls. "your nails are ugly" type bullshit.

what are you, fags?


we should be building each other up, not teraing each other down like bitches do. Fuck......
this forum is like gotham city, man...
this forum is like gotham city, man...
no sometimes it's like super fag city.

and it's fucking sad. you can tell the difference between men and boys. I mean, seriously. Bitching about hairstyles, height. If your incels or not. FUUUUUUCK. this forum is about getting laid. NOT about critiquing other guys. that is really really...REAAALLLLY fucking gay.

If you are looking that hard at guys and wondering if they are good looking or not. i have some really bad news for you...........

and for some rocket fuel, my latest conquest. met at this flea market thing. or whatever the indonesian version is. She was with some guy, thought it was her boyfriend. but the moment he saw me checking her ass out. he's like " like my friend" and he sounded gay as fuck. i was like CHACHINGGGGGG.....

she has a rocking ass. but has a kid., not worth dating, just fucking. But finally found a girl i would not be embarrased to be in public with (most girls here look super fucking young, like 12 or 14). this girl is filled out but not fat. (won't fuck fat, just won't do it) basically saying she looks her age, she's 22. she looks 22. But a mature 22.


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no sometimes it's like super fag city.

and it's fucking sad. you can tell the difference between men and boys. I mean, seriously. Bitching about hairstyles, height. If your incels or not. FUUUUUUCK. this forum is about getting laid. NOT about critiquing other guys. that is really really...REAAALLLLY fucking gay.

If you are looking that hard at guys and wondering if they are good looking or not. i have some really bad news for you...........

and for some rocket fuel, my latest conquest. met at this flea market thing. or whatever the indonesian version is. She was with some guy, thought it was her boyfriend. but the moment he saw me checking her ass out. he's like " like my friend" and he sounded gay as fuck. i was like CHACHINGGGGGG.....

she has a rocking ass. but has a kid., not worth dating, just fucking. But finally found a girl i would not be embarrased to be in public with (most girls here look super fucking young, like 12 or 14). this girl is filled out but not fat. (won't fuck fat, just won't do it) basically saying she looks her age, she's 22. she looks 22. But a mature 22.
Your posts are life fuel for getting my biz and affairs in order and moving abroad full time
listen, why are guys in this forum tearing down other guys. Isn't the point of this forum to talk about and how to get pussy. Some of you are like fucking girls. "your nails are ugly" type bullshit.

what are you, fags?


we should be building each other up, not teraing each other down like bitches do. Fuck......
why i stopped posting, too many neurotic faggots here
new score tonight. met her on the back of some random guys scooter.

she was eye fucking me and smiling biggly.

so i dont' give a fuck, went up to her. got her whatsapp. tonight was second date. nailed it! and dumped all of my baby gravy into her. Dont' care.

another tight puss. and tiny. 4 foot 7 or something. but looked all woman. so i assume she's gotta be mid 20's, i didn't ask

so basically my record is almost all 100%. rejected outright only ONCE. in a mall by a similair looking but a bit hotter. to my defense the girl looked like she was in a rush. so meh.

and in 6 months that's it. EVERY girl i have asked for whatsapp, i got. Not saying I fucked them all, some yes, some no, but the "first base" was gotten.

its so easy mode, i dont' even think about rejection anymore. I "expect" the number. Period. LOL. crazy i know, it's defintely not western thinking witth those bitches there.

Infact, i have zero anxiety anymore, approaching girls for their whatsapp thanks to asia land

but tinder and those apps. i have ZERO luck. it's not that i dont' get matches. It's just they all seem to fucking busy to talk.

So my new strategy, fuck it. meet em in the street and in public. at least here, i got their full attention.


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new score tonight. met her on the back of some random guys scooter.

she was eye fucking me and smiling biggly.

so i dont' give a fuck, went up to her. got her whatsapp. tonight was second date. nailed it! and dumped all of my baby gravy into her. Dont' care.

another tight puss. and tiny. 4 foot 7 or something. but looked all woman. so i assume she's gotta be mid 20's, i didn't ask

so basically my record is almost all 100%. rejected outright only ONCE. in a mall by a similair looking but a bit hotter. to my defense the girl looked like she was in a rush. so meh.

and in 6 months that's it. EVERY girl i have asked for whatsapp, i got. Not saying I fucked them all, some yes, some no, but the "first base" was gotten.

its so easy mode, i dont' even think about rejection anymore. I "expect" the number. Period. LOL. crazy i know, it's defintely not western thinking witth those bitches there.

Infact, i have zero anxiety anymore, approaching girls for their whatsapp thanks to asia land

but tinder and those apps. i have ZERO luck. it's not that i dont' get matches. It's just they all seem to fucking busy to talk.

So my new strategy, fuck it. meet em in the street and in public. at least here, i got their full attention.
Yep. That's how approaching is meant to go down. She welcomed it and you had the balls to shoot your shot.

Good on ya!
Yep. That's how approaching is meant to go down. She welcomed it and you had the balls to shoot your shot.

Good on ya!
i guess part of my point is, western women have become to toxic, that men are past the point of fear, to approach and ask for numbers now a days

i consider myself to be an average looking guy.

so i have experienced the toxic culture women have created in the west.
i guess part of my point is, western women have become to toxic, that men are past the point of fear, to approach and ask for numbers now a days

i consider myself to be an average looking guy.

so i have experienced the toxic culture women have created in the west.
respect to you

i wish i could do this but im non nt

saw a sexy chink girl eye fucking me today when leaving a resturaunt. all i did was look at her and walk away

maybe i need to pay someone and take a course?
respect to you

i wish i could do this but im non nt

saw a sexy chink girl eye fucking me today when leaving a resturaunt. all i did was look at her and walk away

maybe i need to pay someone and take a course?
what fucking course? there is no course, life is the course

just fucking DO IT.

you see her eye fucking you, remember what biggunsar's mom always used ot say about him about women. Just ask, all they can say is "no".

HOLY FUCK, you travel the fucking world. What happens when you try to upgrade your ticket and the girl at the counter says no....or do you not try, cause your afraid she will say no? come on now..........

what the hell is the difference getting her whatsapp

it's just her whatsapp number or (fb or whatever the fuck she uses). Once you get her online with you, you can work your charm online. TRUST ME online is super easy to con girls, compared to in person.

alex...alex...alex (my middle brothers name is named alex too). You travel the world, you got balls. You get on airlines i wouldn't fucking even THINK about flying with for fear of dying.
and your worried about what a bitch will say? dude...........
HOLY FUCK, you travel the fucking world. What happens when you try to upgrade your ticket and the girl at the counter says no....or do you not try, cause your afraid she will say no?
that’s different. i remember one time in copenhagen getting ready to take business class flight to asia and some danish blonde girl trying to turn me away cuz i didn’t have covid test

so i walked 10 mins away, went on photoshop and made a fake one muahahahahgagaa

but idk why i don’t do approach more often lol. the only times i’ve done it, it’s worked out

maybe i just need more reps?
that’s different. i remember one time in copenhagen getting ready to take business class flight to asia and some danish blonde girl trying to turn me away cuz i didn’t have covid test

so i walked 10 mins away, went on photoshop and made a fake one muahahahahgagaa

but idk why i don’t do approach more often lol. the only times i’ve done it, it’s worked out

maybe i just need more reps?
IT"S NOT DIFFERENT. thats' my entire point

Her no is the same no. As all the other no's. Who cares what women think. they are not our equals.

so you go and ask her for her whatsapp and she says "no"

okay.... Laugh and say "okay, have a nice day". while shaking your head lightly with a huge smile. walk away making her think she made the mistake. TRUST ME, she will think about it, later that day.

its her loss right? Do you got herpes? No...then she missed out on good dick, simple as.

you do realise women are NOT like men. and am asking this in all seriousness.

we don't have menstraul issues. And that is a BIG deal.
why? because woman ARE hormonal. you have no idea what that means. It means women think differently depending on the month.

meaning. before, during and after her periods. She will give a different response to the same come on line.

IM FUCKING SERIOUS. even how you look. depending on the before, during and after. her period. will make a women respond differently to the same guy.

they have shown that during a womans period, she is more often to be sexually attracted to a man with a beard or stubble, but after her menstrual, likes a smooth face (same man)

what this all means is. and im trying to help you guys realise this

is the same woman, you can hit on, the same way, 3 different times in the same month and get a different response each time.

one will be success, one will be meh, the other will be a flat out no. ALL DUE TO A GIRLS HORMONES

it has really nothing to do with you. That is why i say just hit on her, all she can do is say no. And depending on what time of month it is. She will say yes.

you guys have all this info, but you gotta put it all together

and what i have learned is simple. ABC, always be chasing....hit on everything, all the time. PERIOD. cause you will not know what time of month it is for her. And you got a better chance at fucking her, if you try. Than a ZERO chance at fucking her by not trying.
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i agree, approaching a girl to ask for her number shouldn't be harder than ordering at a chinese restaurant when you speak 0 chinese, heck, ordering is probably a lot more embarassing in many cases

it's a random girl, in a country you don't even speak the language and nobody knows you, worse thing that can happen is she doesn't understand you or says no

easier said than done of course, but if you are already doing well in terms of matches/dating apps, your success will be good as long as you have some game
new score tonight. met her on the back of some random guys scooter.

she was eye fucking me and smiling biggly.

so i dont' give a fuck, went up to her. got her whatsapp. tonight was second date. nailed it! and dumped all of my baby gravy into her. Dont' care.

another tight puss. and tiny. 4 foot 7 or something. but looked all woman. so i assume she's gotta be mid 20's, i didn't ask

so basically my record is almost all 100%. rejected outright only ONCE. in a mall by a similair looking but a bit hotter. to my defense the girl looked like she was in a rush. so meh.

and in 6 months that's it. EVERY girl i have asked for whatsapp, i got. Not saying I fucked them all, some yes, some no, but the "first base" was gotten.

its so easy mode, i dont' even think about rejection anymore. I "expect" the number. Period. LOL. crazy i know, it's defintely not western thinking witth those bitches there.

Infact, i have zero anxiety anymore, approaching girls for their whatsapp thanks to asia land

but tinder and those apps. i have ZERO luck. it's not that i dont' get matches. It's just they all seem to fucking busy to talk.

So my new strategy, fuck it. meet em in the street and in public. at least here, i got their full attention.
Meeks tier advice

i guess part of my point is, western women have become to toxic, that men are past the point of fear, to approach and ask for numbers now a days
Western women are only openly and passively toxic to males they see as beneath them. The men who're desired in the West get royalty treatment.
i agree, approaching a girl to ask for her number shouldn't be harder than ordering at a chinese restaurant when you speak 0 chinese, heck, ordering is probably a lot more embarassing in many cases

it's a random girl, in a country you don't even speak the language and nobody knows you, worse thing that can happen is she doesn't understand you or says no

easier said than done of course, but if you are already doing well in terms of matches/dating apps, your success will be good as long as you have some game
i think you got it.

but you know what the problem is? the western woman have made it so UNCOMFORTABLE and so awkward and almost taboo to walk up to a girl and simply jus ttalk to her. that we are programmed to be "afraid".

if you see a man or a fat girl who looks like urkel, are you afraid to go up and ask them questions. THEN WHY should we be afraid with women we like.

western woman have become so toxic, in some states they tried making "just going up and talking to a girl" sexual assault. I am not fucking joking here.

that is how FUCKED their thinking has become and how toxic they are. They want all the power and men basically slaves. I want a man who goes to work, simps for me, but i don't want them to have any say in ANYTHING. And he should accept me fucking other guys, cause he's my simp. it's become insane in the west. Feminism has DESTROYED any country it touches.

women are the inferior.
any woman that argues with me, i prove im right. . I simply say "the reason you have equality is because men allow you to have equality" when we don't allow you equality you don't have it. They usually freak and say "bullshit" that's when i hit them with the proof. "oh ya, explain the middle east" if women were so "superior" why dont' they have even the simple right to drive a car?!

they shut up real quick.

western women are toxic, that is why asia land and latin land is so popular
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if you watch some chad using tinder or instagram, he can order any girl he wants to his place
you shouldn't have to be a fucking 11 to get laid by 6's.

sorry, fuck western women

that's why you see guys that are fit and like a 8. fucking marrying fat chubbies that are like a 4
women have squashed the manhood out of men, because it benefits them.

its like if you could belittle women for so long, making laws and social rules to keep them so low on the totem, so much so, they are even afraid to approach you to simply start a conversation. You are a 4, have literal 9's that are fucking lining up to suck your dick and these women would be greatful for the opportunity to have you in their mouths.

THAT is what feminism has done to the west
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I'm MTN at best and did fine in Thailand, this thread is a lie
Agreed. Thought it depends a lot on which part of Thailand you spend time in.

There are parts of Thailand which are completely P2P (pay to play) such as Pattaya, Sukhumvit. Then there is Phuket which is bizzarely flooded with Russians, weirdos and entitled tourists. And if you avoid these areas, people will be more genuine.

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