Advice Quick rule of thumb to determine you have deep set eyes or bug eyes


Sep 17, 2022
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A Koncrete Jungle
Put a finger (as straight as possible) on your browridge and your undereye support, if the eyeball (not your eyelids) doesn't touch your finger you are good. Even better is that if you can blink your eyes with that finger on without problems.
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Or just think

Am I white or am I a gook
A lot of gooks have that sickly yellow tone or brown skin. Also if you look at hapas they have like prey eyes and narrow shoulders even if they are tall for some individuals.

I did have my eyes being deep set so I wouldn't suffer much from that dumbbell from dropping close to my eye, as you have seen it from my other thread.
Can they still look masc/hunter if they arent deep set?
No. If you have eyes protruding it's game over. It makes you more suspicable against attacks towards the eyes. Your weaker spots will be exposed and your enemies will do everything to exploit that.
Dw im planning to get a quadrangular lefort II for my recessed maxilla after i get a custom wraparound to lengthen my jaw and gonial implants
Based. Also noticed the forehead acne, they will go for that too.
No. If you have eyes protruding it's game over. It makes you more suspicable against attacks towards the eyes. Your weaker spots will be exposed and your enemies will do everything to exploit that.

Based. Also noticed the forehead acne, they will go for that too.
Thanks. Can u rate my side profile pls (i think it mogs the avg filipino but is mogged by every other race esp white. My chin is recessed too but thats getting fixed 2 yrs from now.)

What would u rate my eye area? Im going to minox them hard to fraud that masc line before i get my orbital implants

Btw this is waht they llooked like a ye ago so i think i improved even if im still aa recessed monkey
For geomaxxing eye color is more important

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