Story How To Date An Asian Woman [book written in 2005] [You know you have an asian fetish if...] "what is she looking for?" "social and behavioral taboos"


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Aug 5, 2022
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meant to be studying for an exam i have in 7 hours but im procrastinating

so here's the summary of the book

How To Date An Asian Woman

Jeff BeckerCopyright 2005-2014

Table of Contents

Part One: Why We Love Asian Women
1. Is It True What “They” Say About Asian Women?
- The Asian Mystique
- You Know You Have An Asian Fetish If ...

Part Two: What An Asian Woman Really Really Wants ...
1. What’s Her Motivation?
2. What Is She Looking For In A Caucasian Male?
3. Social and Behavioral Taboos
4. The Importance of Doing Your Homework

Part Three: A Crash Course In Asian Woman - Inside and Out and From Head To Toe
1. Understanding Her Body And Soul
2. Understanding Her Culture
3. Understanding Her Religion

Part Four: Where To Meet An Asian Woman
1. Where Do Asian Women Hang Out?
2. Top Ten Cities To Find Asian Americans
3. International Hot Spots

Part 5. Dating An Asian Woman
1. Online and Offline Dating Services
2. Writing An Online Profile or Newspaper Ad
3. Tips For Writing Emails and Letters To Asian Women
4. The ONLY Idea For A First Date
5. Dressing To Impress
6. The First Date
7. Making Wise Choices
8. After the First date
9. The Second Date
10. What Turns An Asian Woman On?
11. Managing The Long Distance Relationship

Additional Resources

If you observe men who are obsessed with Asian women you willnotice that they all say the same three things:Once you have had sex with an Asian woman you fall in loveOnce you have had sex with an Asian woman, you won’t “go back”-- Caucasian women never seem quite as attractive ever againSex with an Asian woman is more gratifying because of a certainanatomical differenceSince Asian women generally have smaller and thinner body framesthan Caucasian or African women, it is believed that they have proportionallysmaller vaginal openings. Medical research has hinted at this

All it mightsimply be is an American desire for bodies marked by a certain melanin tone,narrow eyes and straight black hair. This alludes to a far off ancient exoticplace where the life purpose of a woman is simply nothing more than to aplease a man. This notion of Asian submissiveness is very attractive in itself.

Quite simply, many of them are very beautiful both inside and out.Culturally many of them have been raised to respect and honor men, which isof course, a real perk for American men who may feel American women, aretoo competitive for them.

As one Asian woman female friend of mine put it: “The one thingthat North American woman do all of the time is make the man feel tiny. AnAsian woman will never do that as to keep harmony the man must be made tofeel as big and strong and like the protector as possible.”

Most Americans think the term Asian refers to Japanese or Chinesewomen. The term Asian actually includes over include 40 distinctnationalities and ethnic groups ranging from the more numerous Chinese,Indian, Vietnamese and Filipino to the less well-known Hmong, Lao, SriLankan and Indonesian races. The more correct term for individuals from Japan or China is“oriental.” However avoid using the word “oriental” when in conversationwith an Asian woman as it is considered to be racist and pejorative.However no matter what the race, certain sexual stereotypesuniversally apply when it comes to men’s fantasies about Asian women. Ofcourse the beauty of this is that many Asian women embody at least two ormore of the following facets within their one personality. This adds to theirinterest and multi-faceted natures that never seem to bore a man.

You Know You Have An Asian Fetish If...
- The sight of white face paint reminds you of Geishas and not street-mimes
- You’ve started renting anime instead of regular movies
- Other people start accusing you of having “yellow fever” and you have not been diagnosed with diphtheria
- If Lucy Liu is your favorite Charlie’s Angel
- You take singing lessons so you can impress Asian girls when it is time to sing Karaoke
- You are attracted to tiny feet
- You start asking your Caucasian girlfriend to wear her hair in a ponytail so her features appear more Asian
- You believe Woody Allen did the right thing.
- You put up with acupuncture treatments just to get a good view of the clinician leaning over you
- You start thinking that purchasing used panties out of vending machines (as they are sold in Japan) is a good idea
- You find yourself surfing Asian dating and marriage sites for hours looking for a life-long partner
why asian women like white men

In theory, the answer would be “there is no reason,” but still, it happens every day. Here are several of the most common motivations that Asian women have for wanting to be with a Caucasian.

White Males Look Like Movie Stars. Yes, it’s true. Western culture has so permeated the Asian cultures that the white male is now prized as the trophy husband. If you look anything like George Clooney, Tom Cruise, or Harrison Ford, your chances are doubled when it comes to having an Asian woman consider you as a real prize.

White Males Have Larger Penises Than Asian Men. If you want to believe the results of that ethnographic study out of Western University that I cited earlier, it found that on average, black males have the largest penises, followed by white males and then by Chinese men. Although men would like to believe that size doesn’t matter to his polite, submissive, and very smart Oriental lady, there is just the teeniest, tiniest chance it does. And this might be why she is motivated to find a man – to get as much pleasure out of her sexual experiences as possible.

White Males Are Less Chauvinistic Than Asian Men. Depending on the culture she is from, she may feel frustrated by the limitations of etiquette. She may simply want a more modern lifestyle in which she is greatly encouraged to be ambitious or to pursue her own career.

She May Be Trying To Escape An Arranged Marriage. Arranged marriages are very common in most Asian cultures, and she simply might not like the partner that her parents have chosen for her. This is more common if you met her online.

She Might Want to Immigrate to An English Speaking Country. This could definitely be her motivation if she lives in a communist country or a very poor country in which her or her family has no future. This type of reason is also more common in online relationships or women that contact you through a newspaper ad.

She Desires To Fit Into Western Society. Most Asian women are junkies when it comes to being addicted to western style foods, fashion, and culture. You might just be her stepping-stone into being transported into that culture finally and for good so that she can leave the stuffier traditions of her ancestry behind.

She Wants Her Children to Have Caucasian Physical Traits. Sometimes an Asian woman is so addicted to Western culture that she simply wants to have bigger, stronger children without almond-shaped eyes. She may simply want to do this because she feels without the physical ethnic bias, her progeny might be treated better. In Asia, the natural almond eye shape that we consider to be so attractive is actually considered to be unattractive. That is why eyelid surgery to create eyelids is one of the most popular plastic surgeries among Asian women today.

What Is She Looking For In A Caucasian Male?

Just because you are obsessed with Asian women doesn’t mean the feeling is mutual. So how do you make yourself more attractive to her? Here is a list of twenty common accomplishments, behaviors, and character traits that almost all Asian women find attractive in a Caucasian:

A boyish yet daring gentleman. This quality is typical of male movie stars that are revered in Asia. Ideally, you are strong but gentle. Think James Bond, Keanu Reeves, and George Clooney.
You must be intelligent. As Asians revere education, the more degrees you have behind your name, the better.
You must be respected and honored by all of your friends. Gangsters, homeboys, or criminals do not attract most Asian women.
You must be confident and emotionally stable. Asian women don’t like insecure, angry, or jealous men any more than any other race of women.
You must be able to get along with her family and friends and incorporate them into your own life and social circle. This is crucial. Also, be ready for the possibility that she might ask her parents to move in with you if the two of you decide to marry.
You must be educated. Wisdom is very important to an Asian woman. Even if your education did not lead you to be a great success, it is still just as important, if not more, than a fat bank account. However, it helps to have a fat bank account. Most Asian women see your prosperity as a reflection of the inner you. If you are not prosperous, then there must be something wrong with your inner spirit.
A familiarity with Buddhism, Feng Shui, and the basic geography of the country she comes from. This goes a long way towards making her feel comfortable and emotionally secure in your presence.
You must have a good relationship with your mother and father. Asian families have great respect for the elderly, and it will be very important for your Asian girlfriend to be accepted by your parents. This is why you should heal any rifts between you and your own parents before you consider bringing an Asian girl into your life. She will simply demand to meet them until you give in. If she sees your parents don’t respect you, then she won’t either.
You must make it clear you are looking for a wife. Most Asian females are not looking for a casual sexual relationship. They simply do not see the point of practically engaging in anything that does not lead to a promising future.
You must behave yourself in public. Asian women do not approve of men who are loud, brash, or showoffs. They also appreciate formal etiquette, such as having their coat removed for them or having the chair pulled out for them in a restaurant.
You must have fashionable clothes and a good haircut. Asian women are not shallow, but it is very important for you to emanate a kind of well-being. This is symbolized by your ability to be able to pay for and maintain the latest hairstyles and fashions.
You must like Karaoke. It is very important for most Asian women to be with a man who is a good Karaoke singer. This means that he is not afraid to express his feelings.
You must be a good tipper. Asians see tipping as necessary and as indicative of faith in the future and that there is more money where that came from.
You must be able to hold your liquor. This is a sign of virility and strength.
You must love Asian food. Keeping a pantry stocked with common Asian flavorings is one way to impress an Asian woman.
You must own a lot of high-tech gadgets and understand how to operate them. This is where a lot of Caucasian men fall short compared to Asian men. Being computer literate is also very important to an Asian woman who sees computer language as the universal language of commerce.
You must not have been married before. Many Asian women are very perturbed at the idea of having to marry someone who still has a wife who is alive. This is because their belief in fate mandates that she must be your one and only. Widowers are okay.
You must be modest. Asian women don’t like braggarts. They believe it attracts the evil eye and all kinds of bad luck. Be humble about your accomplishments and ask her about hers, and she will treasure you like a jewel.
You must have personal integrity. If she finds out that you lie, cheat, or steal, she will probably not give you a second chance. Asian women value honesty, even if the truth hurts. They also have no fear of leaving a situation that does not seem appropriate for them.

fucks theres loads more, just read it urself
White women are infinitely more attractive
theyre the most attractive indeed but they are extremely bitchy thats why incels chose geomaxxing over painfully trying to even get the attention of a stacy

theyre the most attractive indeed but they are extremely bitchy thats why incels chose geomaxxing over painfully trying to even get the attention of a stacy
noodles are way hotter to me than jbw stacy. id rather have a 3/10 noodle than a 10/10 jbw stacy. i actually read his post.

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