What many of you retards get wrong going from the west to asia is relationships
in the west the typical relationship revolves are bonding, partnering, "getting thru life" together, and essentially becoming the same fucking person as much as possible, this is one of the reason it can be both hard from incels, traditionally loners as well as tough/extremely good looking/intelligent men who tend to be loners to get into relationships... It essentially requires not only lots of social melding with friends to date, but melding with another person in an uncomfortable intimate way AND then melding with the friends and relationships of that person and getting along as well as juggling al that shit....
This is not only cucky, but it's a huge fucking waste of time socializing and this is why men who get married tend to not move up much in life....
ASIAN relationships work on one fucking simple rule on the other hand -> make the other person happy, sure there are caveats to this
your ASIAN GF is VERY close and cares about her family so those are the main people whom you will have to also "meld" with to some extent and socially expend time on
However outside of this Asian relationships boil down to keeping your partner feeling good, this is the reason many western men fail and dating women, if your not aware how to do this with a light touch your GF will move environment to a man better suited to do this. You do have to understand your women, if she wants you at home all the time it's likely because she is the jealous type and simply wants to know where you are, if you find the right asian girlfriend you can be out 5 nights a week balls deep in other girls and as long as she is secure you love her and will make her happy she will not give a fuck because unlike western women the entire life of your relationship is not based on social positioning and navigating, something women do effortlessly and man have to constantly put in effort to do....
One that is part culture part inherent is when your constantly putting in effort to keep your partner you become the bitch, when your partner is as invested as you in a simple premise like make your partner happy you are constantly reciprocating and equal and this is why western men find asian women so loving and motherly and submissive!
The Asian philosophy is very fucking simple, where the American philosophy anticipates turbulence and focuses on social adhesion to keep two people together and for that to be the entire focus of the relationship -> keeping you and your partner together often resulting in NASTY BRUTAL splits where numerous familial and friendships relationships are torn and tested when inevitably the act of doing something to do something becomes old.... The Asian philosophy focuses on how to best create an atmosphere where a relationship is conducive, if America is finding any spit of dirt, peppering it with mountians of seeds and spraying as many growth inducing chemicals as possible to create a tangled mess, Asian philosophy is spending time finding the best earth for your plant, carefully planting a single seed and attentively watering it, making sure it gets sunlight and using natural methods to help it's growth, then trimming it for it's best health like a bonsai..... In an Asian relationship with a good women who you take care of, you will feel effortlessly like you want to be in a relationship and inherently you and your partner spend your time directly making each others lives easier.
In Asia, finding casual friends is easy because adult males and females are primarily in relationships that require 2 peoples and their families. It's like how kids have tons of free time to meet other kids.... In the west every adult relationship comes with baggage and tangles of other groups and relationships. Someone always have 2-3 groups of friends they have to involve and inviting even 1 person leads to more coming and their partner has their friends tangled in. You cannot just simply make a single friend and go have fun with them as 2 adult females together or 2 adult makes together would, and with every social group in the west comes mixing of the sexes, and mixing of the lifestyles and rich people loves to handout with "fun" promiscous people, and poor people and, and nerds and jocks etc's it's basically like highschool all over again.... Understand when you bring a girl from Asia to the USA and she makes even a few friends outside the few small cities where her ethnicity live(if you are smart enough to realize that is the best option and move into a Chinatown or Koreatown or Thaitown) that she will essentially be subjected to the world parts of middle and highschool with way more alcohol, sex, drugs, and much more bored and willing to do stupid shit "adult" children.
The key to keeping your asian partner happy this is NOT just happiness, as she will need friends, but HAPPINESS AND STABILITY, the same way being in a war or being in stressful situations or being ran thru sours and ultimately ruins good women so they cease to be marriage material, instability, recklessness, sloth, lust, gluttony, adultry, not even participating it, but being around it, will ruin your women and ultimately ruin your relationship. This is why Asian GF's who come to the west are doomed because the culture is filled to the brim with this shit....
Gaming the system is really the key here, this thread is designed to prepare and help you successfully cultivate and keep a relationship with a high value Asian women. Like all games there are perks, a significant number if not outright many asian women are OK with their husbands sleeping with other women or outright keeping girl friends or mistresses. Obviously there are rules to this, but how do you know what what things you can VS cannot do... over all like all people, most people are focused on a few key things in a relationship, there are dealbreakers, but there are also eroding forces, things people say are ok but over the years lead to breaking up. With asian women this can be hard since many will hide their true feelings and put up with these until they reach the cracking point hoping the bad feelings go away.
To find a womens true less sensitive pressure points you will have to push her and pay attention. The first time you float the idea of fucking other women does she look hurt, does she look hesitant or scared, or is she weirdly happy and giggly about it? If you spend time to find as many soft pressure points as possible not only can you avoid wasting years in a relationship ruining a good woman who is simply putting up with your shit, you can learn the little things that makes her happy and counterbalance even more things you worry she says she is ok with but may not be by doing a better job keeping her truly happy not just satisfied......
in the west the typical relationship revolves are bonding, partnering, "getting thru life" together, and essentially becoming the same fucking person as much as possible, this is one of the reason it can be both hard from incels, traditionally loners as well as tough/extremely good looking/intelligent men who tend to be loners to get into relationships... It essentially requires not only lots of social melding with friends to date, but melding with another person in an uncomfortable intimate way AND then melding with the friends and relationships of that person and getting along as well as juggling al that shit....
This is not only cucky, but it's a huge fucking waste of time socializing and this is why men who get married tend to not move up much in life....
ASIAN relationships work on one fucking simple rule on the other hand -> make the other person happy, sure there are caveats to this
your ASIAN GF is VERY close and cares about her family so those are the main people whom you will have to also "meld" with to some extent and socially expend time on
However outside of this Asian relationships boil down to keeping your partner feeling good, this is the reason many western men fail and dating women, if your not aware how to do this with a light touch your GF will move environment to a man better suited to do this. You do have to understand your women, if she wants you at home all the time it's likely because she is the jealous type and simply wants to know where you are, if you find the right asian girlfriend you can be out 5 nights a week balls deep in other girls and as long as she is secure you love her and will make her happy she will not give a fuck because unlike western women the entire life of your relationship is not based on social positioning and navigating, something women do effortlessly and man have to constantly put in effort to do....
One that is part culture part inherent is when your constantly putting in effort to keep your partner you become the bitch, when your partner is as invested as you in a simple premise like make your partner happy you are constantly reciprocating and equal and this is why western men find asian women so loving and motherly and submissive!
The Asian philosophy is very fucking simple, where the American philosophy anticipates turbulence and focuses on social adhesion to keep two people together and for that to be the entire focus of the relationship -> keeping you and your partner together often resulting in NASTY BRUTAL splits where numerous familial and friendships relationships are torn and tested when inevitably the act of doing something to do something becomes old.... The Asian philosophy focuses on how to best create an atmosphere where a relationship is conducive, if America is finding any spit of dirt, peppering it with mountians of seeds and spraying as many growth inducing chemicals as possible to create a tangled mess, Asian philosophy is spending time finding the best earth for your plant, carefully planting a single seed and attentively watering it, making sure it gets sunlight and using natural methods to help it's growth, then trimming it for it's best health like a bonsai..... In an Asian relationship with a good women who you take care of, you will feel effortlessly like you want to be in a relationship and inherently you and your partner spend your time directly making each others lives easier.
In Asia, finding casual friends is easy because adult males and females are primarily in relationships that require 2 peoples and their families. It's like how kids have tons of free time to meet other kids.... In the west every adult relationship comes with baggage and tangles of other groups and relationships. Someone always have 2-3 groups of friends they have to involve and inviting even 1 person leads to more coming and their partner has their friends tangled in. You cannot just simply make a single friend and go have fun with them as 2 adult females together or 2 adult makes together would, and with every social group in the west comes mixing of the sexes, and mixing of the lifestyles and rich people loves to handout with "fun" promiscous people, and poor people and, and nerds and jocks etc's it's basically like highschool all over again.... Understand when you bring a girl from Asia to the USA and she makes even a few friends outside the few small cities where her ethnicity live(if you are smart enough to realize that is the best option and move into a Chinatown or Koreatown or Thaitown) that she will essentially be subjected to the world parts of middle and highschool with way more alcohol, sex, drugs, and much more bored and willing to do stupid shit "adult" children.
The key to keeping your asian partner happy this is NOT just happiness, as she will need friends, but HAPPINESS AND STABILITY, the same way being in a war or being in stressful situations or being ran thru sours and ultimately ruins good women so they cease to be marriage material, instability, recklessness, sloth, lust, gluttony, adultry, not even participating it, but being around it, will ruin your women and ultimately ruin your relationship. This is why Asian GF's who come to the west are doomed because the culture is filled to the brim with this shit....
Gaming the system is really the key here, this thread is designed to prepare and help you successfully cultivate and keep a relationship with a high value Asian women. Like all games there are perks, a significant number if not outright many asian women are OK with their husbands sleeping with other women or outright keeping girl friends or mistresses. Obviously there are rules to this, but how do you know what what things you can VS cannot do... over all like all people, most people are focused on a few key things in a relationship, there are dealbreakers, but there are also eroding forces, things people say are ok but over the years lead to breaking up. With asian women this can be hard since many will hide their true feelings and put up with these until they reach the cracking point hoping the bad feelings go away.
To find a womens true less sensitive pressure points you will have to push her and pay attention. The first time you float the idea of fucking other women does she look hurt, does she look hesitant or scared, or is she weirdly happy and giggly about it? If you spend time to find as many soft pressure points as possible not only can you avoid wasting years in a relationship ruining a good woman who is simply putting up with your shit, you can learn the little things that makes her happy and counterbalance even more things you worry she says she is ok with but may not be by doing a better job keeping her truly happy not just satisfied......