JFL Paying for sex during geomaxxing is ultimate cuckoldry


Well-known Member
Aug 24, 2023
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Paying for sex during geomaxxing is ultimate cuckoldry, while local men in Latin America, Africa and SEA get pregnant and run away, western cuckold white men pay for sex and even marry prostitutes. This situation is extremely funny, where are the benefits of JBW?
Paying for sex during geomaxxing is ultimate cuckoldry, while local men in Latin America, Africa and SEA get pregnant and run away, western cuckold white men pay for sex and even marry prostitutes. This situation is extremely funny, where are the benefits of JBW?
written by never traveller 19 year old. SEA asians are the biggest p4p coomers and prostitution is as common as food in latin america, why the fuck do you think these networks exist in the first place. SEA was sex slave hub for centuries. JBW is real but if you think that a third world chick doesnt see you for prospects than you are heavily bluepilled and will get played by the first thai prostitute that gives you attention. PSL newfags OUT OUT OUT, back to your bonesmashing containment zone
all 3 of you on this thread can try put jbw down out of jealousy

but that wont change the fact that jbw is extremely potent and i benefit from it every day. keep coping tho
Paying for sex during geomaxxing is ultimate cuckoldry, while local men in Latin America, Africa and SEA get pregnant and run away, western cuckold white men pay for sex and even marry prostitutes. This situation is extremely funny, where are the benefits of JBW?
its only 80 year old fat bald white men who pay for sex with 20 year old models in SEA and LATAM

JBW comes into play if you are a lets say a 25 year old white guy and go to SEA, you can date supermodels, famous tv presenters, beauty pagent winners, even as a subhuman white

young blacks are just seen as a wallet tho cos ur not their type, i wouldnt bother if i were you
where are the benefits of JBW?

28/32 of the last Miss Thailand winners , and the thailand king's daughter, are all dating white men :)

you will never have this as a black
written by never traveller 19 year old. SEA asians are the biggest p4p coomers and prostitution is as common as food in latin america, why the fuck do you think these networks exist in the first place. SEA was sex slave hub for centuries. JBW is real but if you think that a third world chick doesnt see you for prospects than you are heavily bluepilled and will get played by the first thai prostitute that gives you attention. PSL newfags OUT OUT OUT, back to your bonesmashing containment zone


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written by never traveller 19 year old. SEA asians are the biggest p4p coomers and prostitution is as common as food in latin america, why the fuck do you think these networks exist in the first place. SEA was sex slave hub for centuries. JBW is real but if you think that a third world chick doesnt see you for prospects than you are heavily bluepilled and will get played by the first thai prostitute that gives you attention. PSL newfags OUT OUT OUT, back to your bonesmashing containment zone
Obviously prospects is a factor, but if I wad broke af and walking on crutches, and thai women know I was broke af, they'd still rather fuck me than their own men. I'm subhuman but they're worse
its only 80 year old fat bald white men who pay for sex with 20 year old models in SEA and LATAM

the domestic sex market in SEA absolutely dwarfs the much more talked about markets catering to foreigners.

like you guys who've never travelled just dont get it, this nonsense about asians being inhibited dorks is strictly USA phenomena. In actual asia, they are gigacoomers. Wives + gfs + whores + rub n tugs after you get off work + karaoke hmm maybe ill drop this month's salary to fuck a hostess instead of sending it to my family back in the bush like i was supposed to.

80 year old fat bald white men are a literal drop in the bucket over there.
the domestic sex market in SEA absolutely dwarfs the much more talked about markets catering to foreigners.

like you guys who've never travelled just dont get it, this nonsense about asians being inhibited dorks is strictly USA phenomena. In actual asia, they are gigacoomers. Wives + gfs + whores + rub n tugs after you get off work + karaoke hmm maybe ill drop this month's salary to fuck a hostess instead of sending it to my family back in the bush like i was supposed to.

80 year old fat bald white men are a literal drop in the bucket over there.
How many women do u think are prostitutes out there? I'm guessing 10%
Obviously prospects is a factor, but if I wad broke af and walking on crutches, and thai women know I was broke af, they'd still rather fuck me than their own men. I'm subhuman but they're worse
you are dreaming. women date UP. not down. Why would she chose you. cause your white.? LOL.
Paying for sex during geomaxxing is ultimate cuckoldry, while local men in Latin America, Africa and SEA get pregnant and run away, western cuckold white men pay for sex and even marry prostitutes. This situation is extremely funny, where are the benefits of JBW?
Some services girls just wont do though even if your chad like in dubia the have a service where you take a fill shit in a girls mouth and she licks it. How would you go about finding a girl wiling to do this other than prostitution?
Some services girls just wont do though even if your chad like in dubia the have a service where you take a fill shit in a girls mouth and she licks it. How would you go about finding a girl wiling to do this other than prostitution?
Exactly. Certain fetish shit is inaccessible without paying
White and tall and blond
but you said it yourself, your a gimp. I am not saying its' impossible. ANYTHING is possible. But it would not be common, so pussy would be far and few between.

gee work hard to fuck pussy once a month for free. Or fuck pussy everyday and pay......im not a poor fag, so i will chose ....BOTH. Take free when you can get it, and pay when you cannot. Simple as.
Paying for sex during geomaxxing is ultimate cuckoldry, while local men in Latin America, Africa and SEA get pregnant and run away, western cuckold white men pay for sex and even marry prostitutes. This situation is extremely funny, where are the benefits of JBW?
unfollowed you stupid dick policing cuckold
you are low t
inject tren boyo, its the only thing that ll save you
written by never traveller 19 year old. SEA asians are the biggest p4p coomers and prostitution is as common as food in latin america, why the fuck do you think these networks exist in the first place. SEA was sex slave hub for centuries. JBW is real but if you think that a third world chick doesnt see you for prospects than you are heavily bluepilled and will get played by the first thai prostitute that gives you attention. PSL newfags OUT OUT OUT, back to your bonesmashing containment zone
id take a 9/10 p4p , which i can easily afford in LATAM anyday over a 4/10 tinderella these soy gynocentric cuckolds get in the west after their 100k "looksmaxxing " procedures lmao
How many women do u think are prostitutes out there? I'm guessing 10%

Nah no way. Most official stats are somewhere between 150 and 200k. Lets just assume its double that to account for all the occasional prostitutes and so on.
You don't pay a girl for sex, you pay her to leave afterwards

Also once you reach a certain age/level in life, you begin to value your time more. Especially if you're financially independent. You'll pay for the comfort, good hotel instead of a shitty room, flying business class instead of sardine class, paying for a girl that doesn't waste your time.

Money can be always earned again, wasting hours and hours of your time on dating with uncertain outcome can never be gained back.

Of course you must ALWAYS remember to separate the two. It is two different worlds which should not intersect
You don't pay a girl for sex, you pay her to leave afterwards

Also once you reach a certain age/level in life, you begin to value your time more. Especially if you're financially independent. You'll pay for the comfort, good hotel instead of a shitty room, flying business class instead of sardine class, paying for a girl that doesn't waste your time.

Money can be always earned again, wasting hours and hours of your time on dating with uncertain outcome can never be gained back.

Of course you must ALWAYS remember to separate the two. It is two different worlds which should not intersect
dating is another w*stern cuckold bullshit, real geomaxxers directly call her home&fuck , easy peasy

And plus only cum inside&impregnate&escape
Like most other stuff in Thailand, mongering is just better quality for less money. And you cannot understate the value of the infrastructure and atmosphere surrounding it which does not exist anywhere else.

Longtime can mean taking a girl back for like 12 hours and fucking/cuddling/chilling/sleeping and they only charge double what 1 hr costs, which for escorts is insane value. If you LT them they also do GFE and will French kiss, go raw, etc. They also love bomb you and try to turn you into one of their boyfriends which feels great but is obviously just a trap (one that still feels good though). All night with a Thai girl costs less than what 1hr with a North American roastie costs. Also the hotels protect you by taking her ID and calling you to make sure everything went fine before releasing her back into the streets.

The taxis are cheap, the food is cheap, the hotels are nice for the price (3-4 star hotels have generally very good service and prices). You can find a random hoe and get a love hotel quick and easy and cheap.

The only reason why paying for sex has a bad rap in the west is that if prostitution was legalized & institutionalized in the way it is in Thailand the price of pussy would plummet to the same price as a meal from a nice restaurant. Women need to keep the social shame/taboo strong to maintain leverage - part of that shaming is programming men who do fuck occasionally into feeling superior by mocking men who monger.

Before he had an existential crisis from liver failure & steroid abuse and repudiated his videos, looks maximus was 100% right about how most men, even blackpilled men have gynocentric attitudes formed by our gynocentric society.
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And they call it as JBW, even lot lizards are cheaper than seamonkeys

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