My Testosterone level results (GTFIH)


Nov 11, 2022
Reaction score
Bel Air, MD
test level results.PNG
My test levels are at 719 ng/dL which is the higher end for a guy my age 16-19 years old. Keep In mind I literally eat fast food everyday and I drink lots of soda and sugary snacks and I literally never exercise. Keep coping gymcels! :ROFLMAO:

Also JFL at jewish doctors saying that having literally 2 ng/dL test level at 12 is normal. Not to mention having 150 ng/dL test level at 19 holy fuck the doctors are retarded and want the masses dead. I think I was in the four digit T levels back in the summer when I was working out a lot in the sun and doing nofap. It was probably chad tier T levels ngl.

I don't recommend working out or doing nofap btw but that could've increased it. Mostly just sun exposure though.

JFL @ all you who said I looked soft as well. I just don't have facial or body hair because of my race it's that simple.

@Kahn @Aphex @fatchadlitecel @geomaxer @The 13th Warrior @predeterminism @Kevin_Logan @Bestimmung

This probably also explains why I'm so aggressive IRL and not a pawn of the matrix. It all makes sense now.
ive never tested my t but its pointless to me because im a circumcuck and i can get hard and fuck asian prostitutes without condoms and cum in them. this jew feminist world is for cucks theyll give a fucking tranny test but not a weak male lol fuck jews hitler was right gas them i wish they all died in the holocaust but none actually died because the holocaust never existed. not only that theyll give a bitch some stupid implants in their arm or vag that releases female hormones and when you mix it with the jew pills they take it makes them mindless consumer idiots. this world is all fucking stupid bots.
That's my name lol
Hispanics always have high T
I actually heard something about that just recently, saw in on Zoomer Trader's channel. I have no clue why that is though.
ive never tested my t but its pointless to me because im a circumcuck and i can get hard and fuck asian prostitutes without condoms and cum in them. this jew feminist world is for cucks theyll give a fucking tranny test but not a weak male lol fuck jews hitler was right gas them i wish they all died in the holocaust but none actually died because the holocaust never existed. not only that theyll give a bitch some stupid implants in their arm or vag that releases female hormones and when you mix it with the jew pills they take it makes them mindless consumer idiots. this world is all fucking stupid bots.
Jewish doctors in USA are bots.
i forgot to add that i will never test my t because it involves me giving up my genome to the government and they are going to use the human genome project and build a huge database of everyones dna to find out how to cater and genetically manipulate every single group and every single person in this fake reality. the covid vax was a test for rna modification. i will never be taken alive by them.
i forgot to add that i will never test my t because it involves me giving up my genome to the government and they are going to use the human genome project and build a huge database of everyones dna to find out how to cater and genetically manipulate every single group and every single person in this fake reality. the covid vax was a test for rna modification. i will never be taken alive by them.
Idk what they do with the blood afterwards but they probably won't drink outs since ours is not pure enough for them to consume.
Idk what they do with the blood afterwards but they probably won't drink outs since ours is not pure enough for them to consume.
they need adrenochrome. theyre taking it and logging it into a database so they can feed it to ai and find out how to manipulate people based on their dna in the future. theyre also going to wage biological wardare against certain ethnicities and groups of people. as well as hire a kgb cia gestapo type of assassination crew and a militarized police force to eradicate anyone with dna characteristics that certain undesirable people have. someone that shares the dna of someone thats more likely to fight back against their system will cease to exist. its over for you now that you gave them this. labcorp is a psyop cia shill in disguise. everything thats set up for you in this life is a trap.
over 4 me lol
for sure over. now that they have this info you need to geomax and hide forever. i dont think that will be possible in your future though because they will have drones with facial recognition everywhere and every camera in the world will be connected to the internet 24/7 being constantly monitored by ai. you will be vaporized just like how proles in 1984 die.
I wish I tested my t levels before starting blast and cruise ngl, although at least now i can confidently say my level is above 2k ng/dl :ROFLMAO:
I wish I tested my t levels before starting blast and cruise ngl, although at least now i can confidently say my level is above 2k ng/dl :ROFLMAO:
how do you feel off the steroids? what ones do you take?
Citizen, you have been identified as having genetic traits linked with increased non-compliance and criminal activity. For your own safety you have been placed under house arrest pending a full review at a further date.
how do you feel off the steroids? what ones do you take?
I havent come off, I just use test but the amount I used depends on if im bulking or cutting (on cycle vs off cycle/ blast n cruise basically)

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