dude, dont' worry about being cheap. IM CHEAP AS FUCK. and i dont' care
i look for places taht give me the best quality of life for as little as i can pay.
it's my fucking money, not anyone elses! and if i can bank 50% or more of what i make every year, GOOD FOR ME. means im frugal, and smart. Not trying to look the part and be stupid
Dif between rich people and poor people? (not the mega rich but normal rich)
rich people dress almost like hobos. they buy shit only when needed and they try to horde their wealth.
poor people spend their last dime to appear like they have money on clothes and shit they dont' need. that is why they remain poor.
why i exclude mega rich. They have so much money they cannot possibly spend it in a life time. And so they blow through money. Since it's of non importance to them.
but even musk and gates. Look at how musk lives or what he wears. Or gates...he even does the fuckin dishes by hand. You dont' think that guy has a maid to do everything?
live like you dont' have money, when you do. and you will always have money