Europeans and arabs are the same racial group you absolute tit.
Low status men will try and maintain control over women by surpressing their choice hence your reference to them being their "property". The men who had harems had the intellectually capacity to rise to the top and outcompete their rival and thus had superior genes. These men didn't not force women into the harem, I know you're thinking that LOL. They attracted them with their superior status or initally with their physical markers signalling superior health and strength. All long term relations ARE transactional.
Not at all. It's not my fault that you've failed to comprehend my argument. I will reiterate.
Women will stick to their men as long as it benefits them. The prevalence of WMAF in America is down to the superior socio-economic status of white America men, it is not attraction based (chart bellow.) Asian american's are stratified all across America, unless asian women date their brother, of course they're going to be open to the advances of white men. A significant portion of Vietnamese women took up arms and fought against the Americans. There are within group differences in life history and thus women on the extreme ends, have different modes of selecting a mate because they're evolved to different selection pressures.
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The men in hunter gatherer tribes who HAD all of the resources, they were the genetically supeiror males, hence women's evolved psychology to detect good genes. Hunter gatherer tribes, which accounted for 99.9% of human evolution, the males like yourself are too weak and inferior to force your will on the females in said tribe without having your neck snapped by the top guys. I have no doubt this changed when civilization enabled low status males within human structured environments to suppress and forced women in said structures to be married to them by stripping their ability to move around and select what they want. They were suppressing female mate choice. In hunter gatherer tribes, women selected who they desired and they went after men who have the best genetics overall e.g Chad, or the current chief who has all of the resources and status in said tribe.
Oofy doofy is a fact. It is you who is ignorant on this subject and has failed to comprehend the significance of it. If the media and society has been structured in a way to give a certain type of male a leg up, whether he's short, tall, bald or black, he'll enjoy an artificial privilege which will enhance his reproductive success because of his superior ecconomic status.
Women are pragmatic and aren't looking to have fun. They throw themselves at Chads with the hope that he'll romantically get involved once he's finished fucking her. They are literally throwing all their chips at Chad when they're young and their best looking with the hope that Chad will commitment to them. Once this strategy fails, they look to you and I to pick up the broken pieces. That's why the birth rate is so fucked up.
Again, a woman doesn't have to be attracted to a male for a relationship and offspring from said relation to take place.
>Europeans and arabs are the same racial group you absolute tit.
I didn't say they werent categorically but to make they claim that somehow women are loyal to the tribe because of this is absolutely brain dead. If this were the case you would see middle eastern guys having high smv for white females but there is no evidence to suggest this. Explain why pajeets and blacks also worship white women then with your logic. or why kpop stars get surgery to mimic white features and put on blue contacts, and why ethnic girls always are self hating because of darker skin
>Low status men will try and maintain control over women by surpressing their choice hence your reference to them being their "property". The men who had harems had the intellectually capacity to rise to the top and outcompete their rival and thus had superior genes. These men didn't not force women into the harem, I know you're thinking that LOL. They attracted them with their superior status or initally with their physical markers signalling superior health and strength. All long term relations ARE transactional.
One look at history completely disproves this, men would wage wars and conquer women and force them into harems or they would get them through resources, which in pre historic times were much more difficult to obtain. Females had little agency in this. Its true that these things can be predetermined through genetics but again there is no society in existence where women are picking and choosing who they mate with until now. If the theory holds up then balding scientists with high iq and resource abilities would be at the top and women would be creaming over them but this is not true.
>Not at all. It's not my fault that you've failed to comprehend my argument. I will reiterate. Women will stick to their men as long as it benefits them. The prevalence of WMAF in America is down to the superior socio-economic status of white America men, it is not attraction based (chart bellow.) Asian american's are stratified all across America, unless asian women date their brother, of course they're going to be open to the advances of white men. A significant portion of Vietnamese women took up arms and fought against the Americans. There are within group differences in life history and thus women on the extreme ends, have different modes of selecting a mate because they're evolved to different selection pressures.
Asian males make significantly more than their white counterparts and they live in communities that have similar makeups. By this logic WMAF should be non existent in the Bay Area but it is the most common type of relationship you will come across.
>The men in hunter gatherer tribes who HAD all of the resources, they were the genetically supeiror males, hence women's evolved psychology to detect good genes. Hunter gatherer tribes, which accounted for 99.9% of human evolution, the males like yourself are too weak and inferior to force your will on the females in said tribe without having your neck snapped by the top guys. I have no doubt this changed when civilization enabled low status males within human structured environments to suppress and forced women in said structures to be married to them by stripping their ability to move around and select what they want. They were suppressing female mate choice. In hunter gatherer tribes, women selected who they desired and they went after men who have the best genetics overall e.g Chad, or the current chief who has all of the resources and status in said tribe.
What? If this was the case females would be just as strong and fast as men and can ward them off if they were meant to select for their mates. So which is it, physical prowess or intellectual capacity? The warchief would just horde all the women and it would be an ugly ogre over gymcel caveman, not some prettyboy twink. Also speak for yourself ricenigger, even if you are 6'4 white its absolutely pathetic you can't get any females. You would fail in any society and be a castrated slave
>Oofy doofy is a fact. It is you who is ignorant on this subject and has failed to comprehend the significance of it. If the media and society has been structured in a way to give a certain type of male a leg up, whether he's short, tall, bald or black, he'll enjoy an artificial privilege which will enhance his reproductive success because of his superior ecconomic status.
Has to be low iq or troll and not worth addressing
>Women are pragmatic and aren't looking to have fun. They throw themselves at Chads with the hope that he'll romantically get involved once he's finished fucking her. They are literally throwing all their chips at Chad when they're young and their best looking with the hope that Chad will commitment to them. Once this strategy fails, they look to you and I to pick up the broken pieces. That's why the birth rate is so fucked up.
True but how does this prove oofy doofy theory? Also that is not why the BR is fucked up theres tons of other reasons. Again if women were the arbitrars of muh eugenics then clearly these positive traits would be manifesting in society but any metric measuring intelligence is down in the shitter. Women are also just capable of producing dysgenic people as men, but gynocentrists dont like this fact. With this framework a 2/10 female producing with a 9/10 chad is muh eugenics....and by the logic of your oofy doofy theory its the betabux reproducing then its clearly not the aggressive dominant features that allowed men to form harems aka muh chads (which in hunter gatherer were the ogrecels).
>Again, a woman doesn't have to be attracted to a male for a relationship and offspring from said relation to take place.
Only factual statement but contradicts everything you said above