Vent I Probably Wont Geomax till its to Late


Not so Well-known Member
Mar 3, 2024
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ill probably go to college later next year. Meet some white LTB-MTB date her and marry her for some dumbass reason. For her to divorce me 10 year later since she found a better looking bf off tinder. After getting to the age of 40 I will geomax to the Philippians just to impregnate some MTB Gook. That is ''realistically'' what will happen to me.
don’t settle my friend!

geomax now!

if you must, study at an american university abroad!

go into debt if you must

none of it matters
It will help to not think in extremes. Go to college and focus on your studies. In the meantime learn a target language and try to network with people from that country. You might meet a cute international student, or if not, meet some friends who will prep you for post-college geomaxxing.

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