
  1. Copium

    Rate this Guy Brutal pt.2

    could he slay in Philippines
  2. Copium

    Reason Number 20698 to Geomax

    They ruin everything. First is niggers look at any slum in the US is full of them and according to the FBI 52% of murders were committed by niggers yet only 12% of the US is Black. And dont me started at the rape...
  3. Copium

    JBW strongest in India

    look at this suifuel for any indians
  4. Copium

    Recommendation Guyana is the MOST Underrated Country

    In this post, I'm gonna discuss why you should geomaxx to Guyana Pros 1. Its very diverse (this is beneficial so you wont be targeted.) Pro 2. Low tourist numbers (Low Competition) Pro 3. They speak English Pro 4. Its Cheap Pro 4. There Hot (alot of hot woman) Cons 1. There...
  5. Copium

    How to find and Anime Girl IRL

    First we need to figure out what racial mixture would create something similar to this First thing that similar with anime girls is big eyes According to CBC people from nothern Europe tend to have bigger eyes...
  6. Copium

    I figured out the meaning of life

    Its pretty simple whats the purpose of a deer to eat over grown grass and reproduce. As a human we serve no purpose in the food web so the only thing we can do is reproduce. Money is cope because when you die you dont get to use that money. entertainment is cope because only the things you seen...
  7. Copium

    Sad What degree should I get?

    Hello I am currently a 20 yo NEET who's parents have recently forced them out of the house. My parents live in a nice house and my Dad is worth about to 2 million so my goal was to sit and wait for him and my Mom to die to collect the money however this isn't an option any more. You see I have a...
  8. Copium

    How good looking do you need to be to get a Stacy in every country

    North America LATAM Africa Middle East South Asia South East Asia Eastern Europe Western Europe Oceania Chadlite (pretty boy) White HTN with Blue eyes White MTN White HTN White MTN White HTN White HTN(with money) Tall white Chad (with pretty boy) . Tall White Chadlite This is just my...
  9. Copium

    Top 3 Countries with Lowest age of Consent

    (disclaimer: This thread is for educational purposes please uses the information in this thread at your own digression) Top 3 Countries for Geomaxing for lowest age of Consent 3. Brazil with an age of consent set at 14 it makes it one of the lowest in the world 2. China With an age of...
  10. Copium

    Advice EE doesnt make Sense

    Just a question why would I woman in an EE country surronded by white men choose a white geomaxer. It just doesnt make sense why would she choose YOU a man who couldnt get pussy in your own country over the local EE chad its just doesnt make sense to me. @Stellar_Travels @Marco Pumpo explain to...
  11. Copium

    Whats the difference between ''Passportbros'' and "Geomaxers" ?

    Other than ''Passportbros'' wanna settle down and are usually redpilled. Just a question since there promoting the same main idea to travel to SEA,EE and LATAM. I guess jbw theory since they dont know about it???
  12. Copium

    What country could this guy slay in / Brutal

    One of the few ppl I could find that I mog
  13. Copium

    Blue eyes Mog

    Your looks will go up by at least 1 point if you have blue eyes (ethnic country's SEA and LATAM) Thats why full blooded niggers will never mog aryans. Mulattoes and Whites only
  14. Copium

    How to oldcels find this fourm

    This also goes for the the bluepilled cuck @IrishSnowman what did you have to search up to find this place. Just curious? @biggunsar @Marco Pumpo @ImFree007 and any other oldcels that I forgot
  15. Copium

    Best Place to Geomax

    Which one is the best
  16. Copium

    Every Country King Of Asia Height Mogs

    Every Counrty @KingOfAsia height mogs sources:
  17. Copium

    Could I slay in SEA (Face Reveal)

    Boyos could I slay
  18. Copium


    Pros 1. Hotter women than SEA 2. Your Children will not look like ERs 3. More Expensive than SEA This is Better because it keeps out the Riff Raft So you have less White Competition (JBW) It also has more infrastructure so you can continue to live your Western life unlike...
  19. Copium

    Genghis Khan maxxing

    I want to coin a new term I call it Genghis Khan maxxing. Its basically when you go a country with the only purpose of having has many kids as possible. I think the best country to do this is probably the Philippians. Due to abortion being illegal and having no child support there the...
  20. Copium

    How to MoneyMaxx

    Does anyone know a consistent way to make money. I dont want to work a dead end job but I dont know of any ways to make money constantly. If anyone knows of a low skill way of making good money. I cant geomax if I dont have money If you know anyways please share :)