I dont know where to go to have value

As I have highlighted. Unemployed bums on welfare have girlfriends and can get ONS. These men aren't paying for it like you sad cuckolds.
okay cool and hunter biden has inherited millions of dollars and I have to wageslave. Why does them not "paying" have anything to do with paying $100 at a brothel for an hour session. you sound like a tradcuck or male feminist. oil sheikhs are paying 1000s of dollars to have insta thots shit on their faces while you sit and rot about your looksmatch not giving you attention on mongolian basket weaving forums. you think they care about being "effiminate men". complete slave morality, stay on your Anglo pussy prison island and never fucking leave. you are the type of person to simp for the first pattaya prostitute to give them attention on a "date"
You're the retard here, pal. You're parroting LM's and WM's talking points like a sub human NPC. You lack original thought because you are low intelligence.

Paying for it degrades a man's masculinity and strength of character. Something you lack. You aren't a man, you are, in fact, an effeminate male.
Never watched WM, was a fan of LM before he turned on his audience. Fucking prostitutes is not exactly a novel concept, its what most non cucked societies have their women engage in when they are out of line. I was offering you advice to get you out of a sexual rutt you ungrateful khhv, something that helped me out of times I was frustrated. instead you act like a snivelling whiny faggot. failed normie scum. you realize you can try to fuck "normal" women and prostitutes at the same time, its not mutually exclusive. whatever advice I give you will fall on deaf ears anyway, I know your type. Rotter, lazy, terminally online, failed normie, etc. I was respectful, oferred you solutions for both validational and transactional, yet you sperg out on me. Last time I respond to you, keep rotting on your PSL forums.
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this has to be the most cucked thing I have ever heard in my life. Whatever keep whining about not being chad online, imagine not having sex for 7 years JFL. so because chad gets it for free I should be sitting around with blue balls? do you even hear yourself? keep rotting
Where did I complain about not being a Chad? You're making up things as you go because you're an effeminate male that enjoys being dominated by women. 🤣

Most men who are with women aren't 'chad'. A lot of slayers are far from a Chad. I am not a rotter, you are! I bet you couldn't even jog 8k.

>>I am just going to jestermaxx in a club with no friends and connections and hope the thousands of dollars I spent on surgery will get a 5/10 to validate my fragile ego
I never said this. You are yet again chatting a load of nonsense. This is your insecurity, not mine. I have done surgery for SELF improvement. My health has improved tremendously. I bet you are overweight lacking any life experience in this regard.

okay cool and hunter biden has inherited millions of dollars and I have to wageslave. Why does them not "paying" have anything to do with paying $100 at a brothel for an hour session. you sound like a tradcuck or male feminist. oil sheikhs are paying 1000s of dollars to have insta thots shit on their faces while you sit and rot about your looksmatch not giving you attention on mongolian basket weaving forums. you think they care about being "effiminate men". complete slave morality, stay on your Anglo pussy prison island and never fucking leave. you are the type of person to simp for the first pattaya prostitute to give them attention on a "date"
You represent the weakest and most cucked male in existence. Imagine PAYING a woman for sex and then deluding yourself into believing it's androcentrism and life affirming when that same woman has been fucked by thousands of men and you are cuck number 2567. I wouldn't stoop so low because I have respect for myself.

Never watched WM, was a fan of LM before he turned on his audience. Fucking prostitutes is not exactly a novel concept, its what most non cucked societies have their women engage in when they are out of line. I was offering you advice to get you out of a sexual rutt you ungrateful khhv, something that helped me out of times I was frustrated. instead you act like a snivelling whiny faggot. failed normie scum. you realize you can try to fuck "normal" women and prostitutes at the same time, its not mutually exclusive. whatever advice I give you will fall on deaf ears anyway, I know your type. Rotter, lazy, terminally online, failed normie, etc. I was respectful, oferred you solutions for both validational and transactional, yet you sperg out on me. Last time I respond to you, keep rotting on your PSL forums.
I never ask you for advice. You're a worthless NPC with no original thought. I cringe at you.

When societies become cucked, prostitution is the normal. Masculine men do not pay women lol, they take what they want by FORCE or they use their looks and personality to charm a woman. You are, in fact, the person with the slave morality. You place the pussy on a pedestal and pay for it like the cuck that you are because you are nothing.

I have attracted women with my character and sexuality. I didn't need money or to jester. Because I am SOMETHING. Unlike you, beta Billy.
Where did I complain about not being a Chad? You're making up things as you go because you're an effeminate male that enjoys being dominated by women. 🤣

Most men who are with women aren't 'chad'. A lot of slayers are far from a Chad. I am not a rotter, you are! I bet you couldn't even jog 8k.

I never said this. You are yet again chatting a load of nonsense. This is your insecurity, not mine. I have done surgery for SELF improvement. My health has improved tremendously. I bet you are overweight lacking any life experience in this regard.

You represent the weakest and most cucked male in existence. Imagine PAYING a woman for sex and then deluding yourself into believing it's androcentrism and life affirming when that same woman has been fucked by thousands of men and you are cuck number 2567. I wouldn't stoop so low because I have respect for myself.

I never ask you for advice. You're a worthless NPC with no original thought. I cringe at you.

When societies become cucked, prostitution is the normal. Masculine men do not pay women lol, they take what they want by FORCE or they use their looks and personality to charm a woman. You are, in fact, the person with the slave morality. You place the pussy on a pedestal and pay for it like the cuck that you are because you are nothing.

I have attracted women with my character and sexuality. I didn't need money or to jester. Because I am SOMETHING. Unlike you, beta Billy.
>hasnt gotten laid in 12 years
>thinks you have to "work" for pussy
>makes post about roping
>gives tradcel tier copes
>ignores advice and acts like an egotistical faggot despite begging for advice
this has to be the most cucked thing I have ever heard in my life. Whatever keep whining about not being chad online, imagine not having sex for 7 years JFL. so because chad gets it for free I should be sitting around with blue balls? do you even hear yourself? keep rotting
Im getting surgery and LL so i can betabuxx roasties in the west
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>hasnt gotten laid in 12 years
I've had the opportunities in recent times but I dont think the juice is worth the squeeze.

>thinks you have to "work" for pussy
I never said this you stupid retard.

>makes post about roping
I never said I was roping or felt like it. I said I feel that there is no way out of the direction my life his headed because of factors outside of my control.

>gives tradcel tier copes
You're 'advice' is synonymous with cuckoldry and pussy worship.

>ignores advice and acts like an egotistical faggot despite begging for advice
I am superior to you. I will never go as low as you have. Paying a woman for sex is ANTI male and is an effeminate move. No man will hand over his power to a woman.

You're a worthless NPC. Nothing you said was original. It's all programming you've been brainwashed with from LM and WM. LM is your god now worship him.
this guys so fail. he did all this supporting feminism hoping he could get a girlfriend and didnt even get anything out of it. now he ldars and cant even walk
Never get surgeries which can compromise your health. Every surgery I've had was based on improving something that will first help with my health and mobility and then with attractiveness.
I've had the opportunities in recent times but I dont think the juice is worth the squeeze.

I never said this you stupid retard.

I never said I was roping or felt like it. I said I feel that there is no way out of the direction my life his headed because of factors outside of my control.

You're 'advice' is synonymous with cuckoldry and pussy worship.

I am superior to you. I will never go as low as you have. Paying a woman for sex is ANTI male and is an effeminate move. No man will hand over his power to a woman.

You're a worthless NPC. Nothing you said was original. It's all programming you've been brainwashed with from LM and WM. LM is your god now worship him.
>cucks himself for 12 years because he larps as an alpha
>thinks he is superior despite pussy begging in clubs and shitting up forum
>paying a woman 100$ to fuck is pussy begging but getting surgeries to get a fraction of attention from a woman is not
>"i-i could have sex anyime I want I just choose not to"
You will never be chad. you will never fill the void with those surgeries. you will continue to be a pussy begging jester in the west. you WILL betabux.
>cucks himself for 12 years because he larps as an alpha
I have standards, I won't fuck anything that moves because I have self respect.

>thinks he is superior despite pussy begging in clubs and shitting up forum
I'm no alpha. I never claimed to be normie. I haven't stepped foot in a club since September 2017. Yes, I am superior to you. I have stood true to myself. Whereas, you've have become one with the trash of the world.

>paying a woman 100$ to fuck is pussy begging but getting surgeries to get a fraction of attention from a woman is not
There's a big difference between getting surgeries for the sole purpose of improving one's health and then with the added bonus of improving one's looks. Instead of solely doing it to appeal to women.

Paying a woman money for sex is the lowest form of act a man can do. It is the ultimate form of cuckoldry. Your personality is perfectly content with being a cuck.

You will never be chad. you will never fill the void with those surgeries. you will continue to be a pussy begging jester in the west. you WILL betabux
I am the VOID.

My looks in the past got me free sex because I have substance and character. You've never experienced such a thing because you are a follower.
I have standards, I won't fuck anything that moves because I have self respect.

I'm no alpha. I never claimed to be normie. I haven't stepped foot in a club since September 2017. Yes, I am superior to you. I have stood true to myself. Whereas, you've have become one with the trash of the world.

There's a big difference between getting surgeries for the sole purpose of improving one's health and then with the added bonus of improving one's looks. Instead of solely doing it to appeal to women.

Paying a woman money for sex is the lowest form of act a man can do. It is the ultimate form of cuckoldry. Your personality is perfectly content with being a cuck.

I am the VOID.

My looks in the past got me free sex because I have substance and character. You've never experienced such a thing because you are a follower.
This is cope on levels I haven't seen before. Look dude I was offering you tangible advice, I offered you whoremaxxing to get you out of a sexual rut because you have not touched a women in THIRTEEN years. You can cope all you want and call me a cuck and have an ego because you think you are true man for not paying for it and going MSTOW, but you are in absolutely no position to shame ANYONE for how they go about getting their needs met. Sent your own way, not going. I offered you the solution of going to Phillipines or Thailand, yet you still think you are above that. You are going to be 35, lose all of your looks, and still cling onto the hope that your blonde stacy is coming around the corner because she can smell your abstinance. Any day now right? JFL. The worst kind of blackpiller, counting down the days until the agepill hits you and you regret rotting around in your piss bottle room. Its not defeatist to admit your location is not serving you. Stop coping, drop the ego, cut the AMOGGING contest. Take small steps to figure out a plan to leave your anglo cuckhole.
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This is cope on levels I haven't seen before. Look dude I was offering you tangible advice, I offered you whoremaxxing to get you out of a sexual rut because you have not touched a women in THIRTEEN years. You can cope all you want and call me a cuck and have an ego because you think you are true man for not paying for it and going MSTOW, but you are in absolutely no position to shame ANYONE for how they go about getting their needs met. Sent your own way, not going. I offered you the solution of going to Phillipines or Thailand, yet you still think you are above that. You are going to be 35, lose all of your looks, and still cling onto the hope that your blonde stacy is coming around the corner because she can smell your abstinance. Any day now right? JFL. The worst kind of blackpiller, counting down the days until the agepill hits you and you regret rotting around in your piss bottle room.
Im saving the white race and my ego, by becoming a khhv wizard rotting in my dark basement
Imagine being this guy got his jaw recessed by a curry and he crippled himself for life with LL in TURKEY for 4cm lol which you can get with $100 airmaxes all to support feminist roasties in the west instead of going to SEA

Imagine being this guy got his jaw recessed by a curry and he crippled himself for life with LL in TURKEY for 4cm lol which you can get with $100 airmaxes all to support feminist roasties in the west instead of going to SEA

peak slave morality. different side of the coin of pua, JFL
This is cope on levels I haven't seen before. Look dude I was offering you tangible advice, I offered you whoremaxxing to get you out of a sexual rut because you have not touched a women in THIRTEEN years. You can cope all you want and call me a cuck and have an ego because you think you are true man for not paying for it and going MSTOW, but you are in absolutely no position to shame ANYONE for how they go about getting their needs met. Sent your own way, not going. I offered you the solution of going to Phillipines or Thailand, yet you still think you are above that. You are going to be 35, lose all of your looks, and still cling onto the hope that your blonde stacy is coming around the corner because she can smell your abstinance. Any day now right? JFL. The worst kind of blackpiller, counting down the days until the agepill hits you and you regret rotting around in your piss bottle room. Its not defeatist to admit your location is not serving you. Stop coping, drop the ego, cut the AMOGGING contest. Take small steps to figure out a plan to leave your anglo cuckhole.
Cope isn't an argument, old fool.

You're the defeatist here. Imagine fucking a prostitute and being loud and proud, hahaha! I'd rather cut my own dick off than hand over my pride and money to a hooker. You are handing over your essence and claiming to be a man. No man would do such a thing.
Where did I complain about not being a Chad? You're making up things as you go because you're an effeminate male that enjoys being dominated by women. 🤣

Most men who are with women aren't 'chad'. A lot of slayers are far from a Chad. I am not a rotter, you are! I bet you couldn't even jog 8k.

I never said this. You are yet again chatting a load of nonsense. This is your insecurity, not mine. I have done surgery for SELF improvement. My health has improved tremendously. I bet you are overweight lacking any life experience in this regard.

You represent the weakest and most cucked male in existence. Imagine PAYING a woman for sex and then deluding yourself into believing it's androcentrism and life affirming when that same woman has been fucked by thousands of men and you are cuck number 2567. I wouldn't stoop so low because I have respect for myself.

I never ask you for advice. You're a worthless NPC with no original thought. I cringe at you.

When societies become cucked, prostitution is the normal. Masculine men do not pay women lol, they take what they want by FORCE or they use their looks and personality to charm a woman. You are, in fact, the person with the slave morality. You place the pussy on a pedestal and pay for it like the cuck that you are because you are nothing.

I have attracted women with my character and sexuality. I didn't need money or to jester. Because I am SOMETHING. Unlike you, beta Billy.
i do not HAVE to pay. i want to pay. you do know, there is no such thing as free. You must put in effort or SOMETHING. to get your "free".

You ever notice that when you date someone, more women seem attracted to you. And yet, fi your a good boyfriend, you have to pass on that shit. I would rather be able to capitolize on that free pussy. Thank you very much

but paying also helps you game free too

You are trying to date a free bee. But she's trying to be a good girl, and not give you sex right away
you can whine about it. Or you can do what i do. Pretend to be a gentleman. Respect her wishes, hug kiss, whatever good night
then go pay for a girl who wants my money. i get my fuck on
and i dont' have to beat my dick with my hand like it owes me money

next day. I pick up ms freebee and she thinks i am the perfect gentleman. EVENTUALLY she will wonder why i am not trying too hard to fuck her. She will rationalise that she must fuck me in order to keep me interested. And will do so.
and that is what paid girls are for, simply tools to an agenda.

unless you like flogging the dolphin. I would rather a human flesh light, thank you.

im not an ugly guy, not a chad. I get free pussy. But the older you get the more you realise, what a pain in the ass free really is.

i got a girl with me TONIGHT. i will give her 70 dollars to stay the night, if i feel like it i could fuck her multiple times, while she gives me back rubs. cleans my dishes (im in DR and that is what ALL dominican women do) and In the morning, she leaves

and i sigh with relief, as i get my space back


  • reflection alone.jpg
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since you love to tell me who i am. Lets look at you.
you have never left the USA except to go to canada

You are USELESS of 0 value. You hav e not once given any useful information to anyone on this forum. And how can you!? you have never traveled. \
you know why your here? Because you are a loser.

You have no friends. And you think berating me, somehow makes you feel better about yourself. Get help.

last time i respond to you
keep yapping old ass nigga, so many incorrect statements in 1 place im not even going to waste my time. sped.
i do not HAVE to pay. i want to pay. you do know, there is no such thing as free. You must put in effort or SOMETHING. to get your "free".
Using money to get sexual access to a whore isn't akin to using your attributes and chrisma to seduce a woman. Women submit themselves to men they've deemed desirable without expecting anything upfront. The fact that you haven't experienced this made me laugh out loud. I'm no Chad by any means but I will never allow myself to become an effeminate male at the hands of a woman via marriage or prostitution.

next day. I pick up ms freebee and she thinks i am the perfect gentleman. EVENTUALLY she will wonder why i am not trying too hard to fuck her. She will rationalise that she must fuck me in order to keep me interested. And will do so.
and that is what paid girls are for, simply tools to an agenda
Beta male strategies.

i got a girl with me TONIGHT. i will give her 70 dollars to stay the night, if i feel like it i could fuck her multiple times, while she gives me back rubs. cleans my dishes (im in DR and that is what ALL dominican women do) and In the morning, she leaves
Cringe. Imagine paying for what other men can get for free. Again, you are willingly emasculated yourself and you are enjoying every minute of it because you're a normie male who is BORN to SERVE. You need to wife up an old maid. It's in you to do so. You LOVE serving a woman.
Imagine being this guy got his jaw recessed by a curry and he crippled himself for life with LL in TURKEY for 4cm lol which you can get with $100 airmaxes all to support feminist roasties in the west instead of going to SEA

surgerycel stuff in general I always find is just terribly misguided/wrongbrained.

Minor surgeries make sense on their cost:impact:risk profile - things like hair transplants, or a conservative nose job for ethnics. When you start getting into major surgeries - jaw surgery, implants, LL, etc - the risks are very high, the cost is enormous but the impact on your looks is actually surprisingly and laughably low.

Young guys, for fucks sake, if you have 50k disposable just laying around, INVEST that shit, or at the very least just purchase a condo in thailand or PI, either option is just immensely wiser and better ROI than giving that money to some german crackpot to crack your bones open.
Using money to get sexual access to a whore isn't akin to using your attributes and chrisma to seduce a woman. Women submit themselves to men they've deemed desirable without expecting anything upfront. The fact that you haven't experienced this made me laugh out loud. I'm no Chad by any means but I will never allow myself to become an effeminate male at the hands of a woman via marriage or prostitution.

Beta male strategies.

Cringe. Imagine paying for what other men can get for free. Again, you are willingly emasculated yourself and you are enjoying every minute of it because you're a normie male who is BORN to SERVE. You need to wife up an old maid. It's in you to do so. You LOVE serving a woman.
well said, couldn't agree more.
Using money to get sexual access to a whore isn't akin to using your attributes and chrisma to seduce a woman. Women submit themselves to men they've deemed desirable without expecting anything upfront. The fact that you haven't experienced this made me laugh out loud. I'm no Chad by any means but I will never allow myself to become an effeminate male at the hands of a woman via marriage or prostitution.

Beta male strategies.

Cringe. Imagine paying for what other men can get for free. Again, you are willingly emasculated yourself and you are enjoying every minute of it because you're a normie male who is BORN to SERVE. You need to wife up an old maid. It's in you to do so. You LOVE serving a woman.
okay, first off, you are a joke. I use facebook. And i am not fucking "whores". DR prostitution is legal, if you traveled anywhere, you would understand what i am saying below. But I do fuck girls who can be convinced to take money on the side to have sex. But since it's facebook, if they don't like the look of me, they can always say "no".
these girls aren't walking the street. Not even close.

And you are ASSUMING i have never had a girlfriend LOL

i was married you stupid fuck. (sorry, but you annoy me with your assuming) stop playing sherlock holmes. Your deductive reasoning sucks.

I played team sports all through highschool and university. you really dont' think i got pussy by pussy liking me?! LOL

but there comes a time when you get tired of womens bullshit. Yes, i still get pussy for free, I got one right now, that wants to date me. but since i am leaving DR. i don't entertain her.

To be perfectly honest. I do both. I hit on everything. if i get it free, great. But im not going to go on dry spells from some sort of white knight lets treat women like prizes LOL (you are the loser who simps for the girl i just paid money for and am fucking her raw dog while i blow load all over her ass, smiling back at me, while you lay in bed, wondering what she's thinking right now)

im sorry you do not have the money to do what i do. but work hard, keep at it. And some day you will and some day you will understand what i am saying
okay, first off, you are a joke. I use facebook. And i am not fucking "whores". DR prostitution is legal, if you traveled anywhere, you would understand what i am saying below. But I do fuck girls who can be convinced to take money on the side to have sex. But since it's facebook, if they don't like the look of me, they can always say "no".
these girls aren't walking the street. Not even close.

And you are ASSUMING i have never had a girlfriend LOL

i was married you stupid fuck. (sorry, but you annoy me with your assuming) stop playing sherlock holmes. Your deductive reasoning sucks.

I played team sports all through highschool and university. you really dont' think i got pussy by pussy liking me?! LOL

but there comes a time when you get tired of womens bullshit. Yes, i still get pussy for free, I got one right now, that wants to date me. but since i am leaving DR. i don't entertain her.

To be perfectly honest. I do both. I hit on everything. if i get it free, great. But im not going to go on dry spells from some sort of white knight lets treat women like prizes LOL (you are the loser who simps for the girl i just paid money for and am fucking her raw dog while i blow load all over her ass, smiling back at me, while you lay in bed, wondering what she's thinking right now)

im sorry you do not have the money to do what i do. but work hard, keep at it. And some day you will and some day you will understand what i am saying
ok first off, you are old as shit and 10x more of a loser for using facebook. thanks for making that publicly known.

next, the rest of your long ass message is larp and yap. grow up old man and do something with your life.
dont bother with him, he will never travel. I know his type, he just wants to rot and be validated for it
I am NOT a rotter. I have already travelled to another country. The language barrier makes it pointless.
okay, first off, you are a joke. I use facebook. And i am not fucking "whores". DR prostitution is legal, if you traveled anywhere, you would understand what i am saying below. But I do fuck girls who can be convinced to take money on the side to have sex. But since it's facebook, if they don't like the look of me, they can always say "no".
these girls aren't walking the street. Not even close.
I don't fuck prostitutes so I wouldn't know the different ways to pick up pros, you tard.

And you are ASSUMING i have never had a girlfriend LOL
Women date men who they aren't attracted to all the time. You've been an ugly motherfucker your entire life so you have no idea what it's like to have women throw the pussy at you for free with lust.

but there comes a time when you get tired of womens bullshit. Yes, i still get pussy for free, I got one right now, that wants to date me. but since i am leaving DR. i don't entertain her.
Not everyone does get tired of their BS. This is a matter of subjectivity.

but there comes a time when you get tired of womens bullshit. Yes, i still get pussy for free, I got one right now, that wants to date me. but since i am leaving DR. i don't entertain her.
Dating is cope. If a woman is into you, she'll give sex right away. You're not her top pick so you have to jester.

im sorry you do not have the money to do what i do. but work hard, keep at it. And some day you will and some day you will understand what i am saying
You're a panzy faggot that likes being dominated by females. I have plenty of money. I could live in Vietnam for 8 years off my savings. You don't know shit about me you, fat, effeminate clown.
I am NOT a rotter. I have already travelled to another country. The language barrier makes it pointless.

I don't fuck prostitutes so I wouldn't know the different ways to pick up pros, you tard.

Women date men who they aren't attracted to all the time. You've been an ugly motherfucker your entire life so you have no idea what it's like to have women throw the pussy at you for free with lust.

Not everyone does get tired of their BS. This is a matter of subjectivity.

Dating is cope. If a woman is into you, she'll give sex right away. You're not her top pick so you have to jester.

You're a panzy faggot that likes being dominated by females. I have plenty of money. I could live in Vietnam for 8 years off my savings. You don't know shit about me you, fat, effeminate clown.
well lookey here folks, we have a chad in these forums with alot of money. A geomax forum. But if he's getting so much trim in his own country. WHY TRAVEL...obvoiusly something is not exactly true here

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