Where did I complain about not being a Chad? You're making up things as you go because you're an effeminate male that enjoys being dominated by women.
Most men who are with women aren't 'chad'. A lot of slayers are far from a Chad. I am not a rotter, you are! I bet you couldn't even jog 8k.
I never said this. You are yet again chatting a load of nonsense. This is your insecurity, not mine. I have done surgery for SELF improvement. My health has improved tremendously. I bet you are overweight lacking any life experience in this regard.
You represent the weakest and most cucked male in existence. Imagine PAYING a woman for sex and then deluding yourself into believing it's androcentrism and life affirming when that same woman has been fucked by thousands of men and you are cuck number 2567. I wouldn't stoop so low because I have respect for myself.
I never ask you for advice. You're a worthless NPC with no original thought. I cringe at you.
When societies become cucked, prostitution is the normal. Masculine men do not pay women lol, they take what they want by FORCE or they use their looks and personality to charm a woman. You are, in fact, the person with the slave morality. You place the pussy on a pedestal and pay for it like the cuck that you are because you are nothing.
I have attracted women with my character and sexuality. I didn't need money or to jester. Because I am SOMETHING. Unlike you, beta Billy.