Well-known Member
- Aug 5, 2022
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First of all, no one in the world gives a shit about kpop kdrama statistically
Data taken from Google searches for Kdrama:

apart from 1-2 south east asian countries philippines and korea itself.
- theres not even enough data to show the interest in western countries cos of how little searches it has
Data taken from Google about searches for "Korean boyfriend" and "English boyfriend" in SEA:

(reminder this is just english boyfriend. I didn't even include white boyfriend, american boyfriend, german boyfriend etc which would've been 100x more brutal)
searches for english men and english boyfriend has increased over the last 5 years, getting exponentially higher
searches for korean men and korean boyfriend has DECREASED over the last 5 years, getting exponentially LOWER
English boyfriend is searched 6x more than Korean boyfriend
Which ironically correlates to one of my previous thread's where I statistically proved White male smv is 6x higher than Korean male SMV via dating statistics in America and Korea

Google Data Showing the Increase in popularity for Kdramas and stagnation/decrease of the popularity of korean boyfriend or korean men:

kdrama kpop popularity has stayed the same the last 5 years
Korean men and korean boyfriend was actually searched way more before kpop kdrama was around,
and since kdrama kpop has become popular, searches for korean men and korean boyfriend has actually decreased
Basically proving statistically that Kpop Kdrama has not increased SMV of Korean men.
Data from Google about the popularity of people learning Korean language over the last 5 years:

If they really wanted Korean boyfriends and go to to korea, they'd learn korean
"learn korean" on google, is just as popular as it was 5 years ago
before kpop shit went mainstream

and specifically in Philippines, the only country that shows any minor interest for their entertainment industry.
Women are searching "learn korean" exponentially less , the more kpop kdrama grows
Conclusion: Korean men are still genetically subhuman and despite kpop kdramas popularity, searches for korean men and korean boyfriend is actually decreasing, and searches for english men and english boyfriend is exponentially increasing in SEA
Kdrama Kpop has statistically NOT increased the popularity of Korean men. And statistics show there has been an decrease in interest for Korean men and korean boyfriend over the last 5 years
White men are 6x more popular in SEA than Korean men . Searches for white men is actually exponentially increasing. And searches for Korean men is actually exponentially decreasing.
Data taken from Google searches for Kdrama:

apart from 1-2 south east asian countries philippines and korea itself.
- theres not even enough data to show the interest in western countries cos of how little searches it has
Data taken from Google about searches for "Korean boyfriend" and "English boyfriend" in SEA:

(reminder this is just english boyfriend. I didn't even include white boyfriend, american boyfriend, german boyfriend etc which would've been 100x more brutal)
searches for english men and english boyfriend has increased over the last 5 years, getting exponentially higher
searches for korean men and korean boyfriend has DECREASED over the last 5 years, getting exponentially LOWER
English boyfriend is searched 6x more than Korean boyfriend
Which ironically correlates to one of my previous thread's where I statistically proved White male smv is 6x higher than Korean male SMV via dating statistics in America and Korea

Final Evisceration of Korean men. White american men vs Korean men. [Marriage statistics in both countries combined]
Final Evisceration of Korean men. White american men vs Korean men - 50k korean women marry white men in america. (specifically white men not american korean men). - ONLY 9k korean men marry white women in america. - 13k korean women marry...

Google Data Showing the Increase in popularity for Kdramas and stagnation/decrease of the popularity of korean boyfriend or korean men:

kdrama kpop popularity has stayed the same the last 5 years
Korean men and korean boyfriend was actually searched way more before kpop kdrama was around,
and since kdrama kpop has become popular, searches for korean men and korean boyfriend has actually decreased
Basically proving statistically that Kpop Kdrama has not increased SMV of Korean men.
Data from Google about the popularity of people learning Korean language over the last 5 years:

If they really wanted Korean boyfriends and go to to korea, they'd learn korean
"learn korean" on google, is just as popular as it was 5 years ago
before kpop shit went mainstream

and specifically in Philippines, the only country that shows any minor interest for their entertainment industry.
Women are searching "learn korean" exponentially less , the more kpop kdrama grows
Conclusion: Korean men are still genetically subhuman and despite kpop kdramas popularity, searches for korean men and korean boyfriend is actually decreasing, and searches for english men and english boyfriend is exponentially increasing in SEA
Kdrama Kpop has statistically NOT increased the popularity of Korean men. And statistics show there has been an decrease in interest for Korean men and korean boyfriend over the last 5 years
White men are 6x more popular in SEA than Korean men . Searches for white men is actually exponentially increasing. And searches for Korean men is actually exponentially decreasing.
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