Geomaxxing is so retarded

Looksmax turned into incel org a few years ago. No looksmaxxing or moneymaxxing there
again, dont reply, dont encourage. As long as they have the view that its 40 year old sexpats with socks and sandals betabuxxing then its less of these looksmax normies simping overseas. also the idea that geomaxxing is done for because women see chad on tiktok is so retarded, at the end of the day most of these dynamics are based off economic inequality and your compeition in these countries in terms of looks. There are only so many chads to go around, and most arent coping with third world brownoids I will tell you that much. Applying -pill dynamics in the west to overseas is naive, female nature is universal but economic conditions and your competiton in looks arent. Also keep in mind the good majority of .org are coping ethnics and failed normie white htn+. dudes. These guysare no better than the roasties who shame us, the difference is they want to stay in the western dating ringer and cope with their mild successes as a sunk cost fallacy.
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Not retarded, but enraging. To travel thousands of kilometers, and then all problems with relocation of someone to somewhere, only because lithuanian foids are hopeless whores
Do you mind if UK invaded the Baltic and take your foids? We'll defend you from Russia and and start an Anglo - Baltic empire.
third world standards can be raised to unrealistic standards too. the rampant poverty in america or argentina, for example, hasn't stopped the rapid advance of hypergamy even a single bit. whether the rest of the third world has yet or not is up for debate. but the standards are surely and certainly rising. they will continue to rise. if and when they stop seems more like it's your job to prove. your 'economic needs' argument doesn't seem to hold weight

for what it's worth, the people that proved their worth the most in the past have already commented on this and proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. whatever you are enjoying by geomaxxing right now is already 30% or less of what people used to enjoy in the heyday. keep that in mind.
third world standards can be raised to unrealistic standards too. the rampant poverty in america or argentina, for example, hasn't stopped the rapid advance of hypergamy even a single bit. whether the rest of the third world has yet or not is up for debate. but the standards are surely and certainly rising. they will continue to rise. if and when they stop seems more like it's your job to prove. your 'economic needs' argument doesn't seem to hold weight

for what it's worth, the people that proved their worth the most in the past have already commented on this and proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. whatever you are enjoying by geomaxxing right now is already 30% or less of what people used to enjoy in the heyday. keep that in mind.
reading about people doing it 20-30 years ago is ragefuel. Apparently even subhuman white got chad treatment back then
Any white kid who watched Tokyo drift knew what was good. There was a surprisingly high amount of geomaxxing themes in Hollywood then - mainly centered on white dudes going to Japan lol
third world standards can be raised to unrealistic standards too. the rampant poverty in america or argentina, for example, hasn't stopped the rapid advance of hypergamy even a single bit. whether the rest of the third world has yet or not is up for debate. but the standards are surely and certainly rising. they will continue to rise. if and when they stop seems more like it's your job to prove. your 'economic needs' argument doesn't seem to hold weight

for what it's worth, the people that proved their worth the most in the past have already commented on this and proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. whatever you are enjoying by geomaxxing right now is already 30% or less of what people used to enjoy in the heyday. keep that in mind.
not true, economic conditions and opportunities are the actual main drivers of hypergamy. You can go to argentina right now and buy IG models on the cheap and most girls will agree to some kind of arrangement, sure they still have feminism as practice but the true conditions have not caught up. Look at venezuela, feminist as can be in Latin America but now their women are whoring all over the world. jfl if you think american women dont have unparalleled access to resources and government assistance. Applying blackpill lookism to the third world is moot, most girls are looking at kpop jungkok and pretty boy sergei on tiktok and they still are fucking ltns of the west, why do you think this is? Geomaxxing works because women lack the government assistance and gynocentric safety nets that women in developed countries have on top of your local competition of looks being lower. The main concerns are simps and stemcels going to these markets, not some chad looking to party in bali or kao sahn road. The people complaining how things were better 30 years ago are all fat agecels now or boomers complaining they cant afford lady drinks on soi 6 with their pension. OLD was a novelty in 2016 to 2020 so it just simply worked better, the days of getting a hottie straight to your hotel room are over but theres other ways to go about it. I agree social media plays a factor but I have noticed too many times aging faggots blaming everything but their looks and appearance for their decreased success, or alternatively the rotting dorkers who throw all sorts of copes on the wall to sour grapes those who are already travelling. "rampant poverty" in america my sides lmfao, fuck off fed
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not true, economic conditions and opportunities are the actual main drivers of hypergamy. You can go to argentina right now and buy IG models on the cheap and most girls will agree to some kind of arrangement, sure they still have feminism as practice but the true conditions have not caught up. Look at venezuela, feminist as can be in Latin America but now their women are whoring all over the world. jfl if you think american women dont have unparalleled access to resources and government assistance. Applying blackpill lookism to the third world is moot, most girls are looking at kpop jungkok and pretty boy sergei on tiktok and they still are fucking ltns of the west, why do you think this is? Geomaxxing works because women lack the government assistance and gynocentric safety nets that women in developed countries have on top of your local competition of looks being lower. The main concerns are simps and stemcels going to these markets, not some chad looking to party in bali or kao sahn road. The people complaining how things were better 30 years ago are all fat agecels now or boomers complaining they cant afford lady drinks on soi 6 with their pension. OLD was a novelty in 2016 to 2020 so it just simply worked better, the days of getting a hottie straight to your hotel room are over but theres other ways to go about it. I agree social media plays a factor but I have noticed too many times aging faggots blaming everything but their looks and appearance for their decreased success, or alternatively the rotting dorkers who throw all sorts of copes on the wall to sour grapes those who are already travelling. "rampant poverty" in america my sides lmfao, fuck off fed
not true, economic conditions and opportunities are the actual main drivers of hypergamy. You can go to argentina right now and buy IG models on the cheap and most girls will agree to some kind of arrangement, sure they still have feminism as practice but the true conditions have not caught up. Look at venezuela, feminist as can be in Latin America but now their women are whoring all over the world. jfl if you think american women dont have unparalleled access to resources and government assistance. Applying blackpill lookism to the third world is moot, most girls are looking at kpop jungkok and pretty boy sergei on tiktok and they still are fucking ltns of the west, why do you think this is? Geomaxxing works because women lack the government assistance and gynocentric safety nets that women in developed countries have on top of your local competition of looks being lower. The main concerns are simps and stemcels going to these markets, not some chad looking to party in bali or kao sahn road. The people complaining how things were better 30 years ago are all fat agecels now or boomers complaining they cant afford lady drinks on soi 6 with their pension. OLD was a novelty in 2016 to 2020 so it just simply worked better, the days of getting a hottie straight to your hotel room are over but theres other ways to go about it. I agree social media plays a factor but I have noticed too many times aging faggots blaming everything but their looks and appearance for their decreased success, or alternatively the rotting dorkers who throw all sorts of copes on the wall to sour grapes those who are already travelling. "rampant poverty" in america my sides lmfao, fuck off fed
You can't buy genuine attraction. Paying a woman is the most gynocentric shit imaginable unless shes your property after the fact. The women in LA and Asia reject the white men who travel there and take their money in the process. If a white man is sub 5 PSL and below 5'7". There's no point for them to even leave their home country. They won't get anything genuine. Money is COPE.
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You can't buy genuine attraction. Paying a woman is the most gynocentric shit imaginable unless shes your property after the fact. The women in LA and Asia reject the white men who travel there and take their money in the process. If a white man is sub 5 PSL and below 5'7". There's no point for them to even leave their home country. They won't get anything genuine. Money is COPE.
completely flew over your head.
not true, economic conditions and opportunities are the actual main drivers of hypergamy. You can go to argentina right now and buy IG models on the cheap and most girls will agree to some kind of arrangement, sure they still have feminism as practice but the true conditions have not caught up. Look at venezuela, feminist as can be in Latin America but now their women are whoring all over the world. jfl if you think american women dont have unparalleled access to resources and government assistance. Applying blackpill lookism to the third world is moot, most girls are looking at kpop jungkok and pretty boy sergei on tiktok and they still are fucking ltns of the west, why do you think this is? Geomaxxing works because women lack the government assistance and gynocentric safety nets that women in developed countries have on top of your local competition of looks being lower. The main concerns are simps and stemcels going to these markets, not some chad looking to party in bali or kao sahn road. The people complaining how things were better 30 years ago are all fat agecels now or boomers complaining they cant afford lady drinks on soi 6 with their pension. OLD was a novelty in 2016 to 2020 so it just simply worked better, the days of getting a hottie straight to your hotel room are over but theres other ways to go about it. I agree social media plays a factor but I have noticed too many times aging faggots blaming everything but their looks and appearance for their decreased success, or alternatively the rotting dorkers who throw all sorts of copes on the wall to sour grapes those who are already travelling. "rampant poverty" in america my sides lmfao, fuck off fed
thank god for passport controls and crushing inequality, there is always a structural shortage of men giving women in developing countries a 1st world lifestyle

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