are there any people here seriously considering moving to philippines?

You wouldn't catch me long term in a tropical climate but im thinking about dicking around there from Nov till around Christmas check out some volcanos and beaches before i head out into Japan then Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to ski bum for the winter.
You wouldn't catch me long term in a tropical climate but im thinking about dicking around there from Nov till around Christmas check out some volcanos and beaches before i head out into Japan then Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to ski bum for the winter.
you been to hokkaido before?

it’s nice. went on a ski trip with my family a few years back
Me after I fix my health problems. Are you gonna move there?
maybe. will have to see how i’m feeling when i finish my current expedition

the shortlist so far is china, taiwan, back to thailand, or ph

maybe i’ll like central asia enough to live there… but prob not. too many muzzies
not since a junior world cup event in 2014. I'm excited to go back then dicking around central asia with some old boarding school friends whose dad's have gasprom russia fux you money.
how did you find this forum btw
how did you find this forum btw
honestly quit my job in wine imports and was kinda sick of life in the west. spent a month doing dabs and playing dark souls. Decided i wanted to travel and gtfo and started doing my research even tho my education is in geopolitics and international relations. ended up here and ended up liking you guys and sticking around and making and account after reading old posts for an hour.
I would need to check it out first. From the look of it, it would be a life of sitting in your condo remote working at weird hours and fucking Asian women.

I could do it right now and it wouldn't be that bad, I would just have to work 7pm-3am.
I would need to check it out first. From the look of it, it would be a life of sitting in your condo remote working at weird hours and fucking Asian women.

I could do it right now and it wouldn't be that bad, I would just have to work 7pm-3am.
fucking Asian women? Bro, you fucked men in the ass and now pretend that you're into women?
honestly quit my job in wine imports and was kinda sick of life in the west. spent a month doing dabs and playing dark souls. Decided i wanted to travel and gtfo and started doing my research even tho my education is in geopolitics and international relations. ended up here and ended up liking you guys and sticking around and making and account after reading old posts for an hour.
We like you back also. You are cool
I would need to check it out first. From the look of it, it would be a life of sitting in your condo remote working at weird hours and fucking Asian women.

I could do it right now and it wouldn't be that bad, I would just have to work 7pm-3am.
I had a friend do that. He likes it.
You wouldn't catch me long term in a tropical climate but im thinking about dicking around there from Nov till around Christmas check out some volcanos and beaches before i head out into Japan then Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to ski bum for the winter.
What's there in Kyrgyzstan?

Almaty must be nice

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