Not so Well-known Member
- Mar 3, 2024
- 178
- 216
Anyone who says looks are not the most important is not only low iq but should also be banned. Fuck redpill Hamza subs BRoo jUst SELf IMprOve. Gym is cope as long as your under 15% body fat. Every Hamza sub is a trucel or normie. The only way the will ever get in a relationship is through betabux. LMS is OVER its LLL Looks Looks and Looks. If Hamza advice is sooooo good they why are all of his gf mtb. because he is a indian htn and with race tax hes ltn with money he can betabux some white girl but every one with an iq above 100 knows she only with him for clout. And dont get me started with game jfl.
his gf doesnt even know what redpill is jfl
his gf doesnt even know what redpill is jfl

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