Vent It's all so tiring.


Nov 11, 2022
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Bel Air, MD
It's all so tiring having to deal with the average person who is opinionated so strongly about one topic or another. I am by no means saying that I am perfect but I'm closer to ideal in my way of thinking than I ever was in the past. I'm really just trying to look for the truth these days, beyond the deception. I think that's what it has always been about for me. If I had the time, and patience I could honestly set the record straight about so much, I genuinely believe that I could be a beacon of rationality and guidance in this world full of lies and agendas.

For example, it seems like when it comes to the topic of the 'Holocaust' and the 'Jewish Question' there's two sides that are dug in so deep and vehemently hate the opposing side, One is that Jews are good people who have been oppressed throughout history and the holocaust happened exactly as purported by the mainstream, and if you disagree with it at all you are a racist or anti-Semite and you hate all Jews and you're likely a Nazi or white supremacist as well.
Then the other side says every single thing about the holocaust is a lie, no Jews died, and all Jews are completely evil and hate whites or all non-Jews and that Hitler was a great guy and the Nazis were trying to save white people and even humanity as a whole. Often tacked onto that is the idea that all Jews are apart of a larger world-wide or at least international conspiracy to control the world and oppress non-Jews.

When the truth is a mix of both and really outside of these two dichotomies. The problem is a lot of people will get red-pilled about the truth of the holocaust being fabricated/faked and then take it and run and start believing all sorts of Nazi and white supremacist propaganda. It's almost like finding out that because the government did 9/11 and framed Muslim extremists for doing so, that the Muslims must be the good guys and that we should all start defending Islam. I do believe that there are circumstances where it can be said that the supposed 'opposite' side of certain groups are actually the 'good guys' but in general I would not at all say this is the norm.

I realized this especially when just last night I half-jokingly confided in a misogynistic group-chat on Telegram that I am ethnically Jewish. Technically I am ethnically Jewish because everyone actually is. ( All human beings are mixed race to a certain extent.1:13:00 - ).
I also may be more Jewish than other people because my maternal grandmother was adopted and had a German-Jewish surname originally before it was changed after being adopted. From what I understand the name can be both German and Jewish but really surnames hardly truly tells you what ethnicity someone is.
Assuming she was Jewish than I myself am part ethnically Jewish and if you go by Jewish religious law than I am fully Jewish because if the Jewish lineage comes from your mother you are automatically considered a full Jew, from what I understand.

Anyways, I was in this group-chat and someone saw that I had 'Maryland' in my bio and said I wasn't actually from Maryland (I am).
They were chatting amongst each-other about other things and I later replied to an earlier message jokingly stating that I'm actually from Israel (I'm not) but I said that I moved to Maryland and that's where I now live. Someone called me a Jew or something else derogatory and I replied that I am a Christian (I am). Then someone asked if my mother is ethnically Jewish and I replied that she is which subsequently got me banned. Apparently there was a rule against being Jewish. So on-top of it being an extraordinary ignorant misogynist group chat, they're also a bunch of extraordinarily ignorant racists. Keep in mind, I was presenting myself as someone who is of the Christian faith, not someone promoting Judaism at all. Just someone who happens to have some DNA or genetic makeup of being 'Jewish.' It's beyond ridiculous how these people think. Then a friend of mine (who initially told me about the group chat as we were poking fun at their stupidity in private messages) showed me stuff he was saying in the chat after my friend tried engaging them about the stupidity of banning someone because they have a certain strand of DNA, on top of the asinine irony of using Jewish religious law to justify why I'm a Jew. (Which the guy who banned me did.)

My friend basically told the guy who banned me that he hates Jews too but only actual Jews who strongly identify with being a Jew and follow the Jewish religion. Not someone who just has some DNA of being a Jew, which millions upon millions of Americans and Canadians have.
To which shortly, after my friend got banned for allegedly defending Jews. So by this alt-right retard's logic, if someone has fully 'white' DNA (not that it's possible) and they follow Judaism as a religion, they aren't as bad as someone who happens to have 'Jewish DNA' but otherwise be against Judaism/Zionism/Jewish Supremacy and Jewish identitarianism. Even more ironic how a lot of these people cite Jews being exclusionary and racist as to why they're bad and then turn around and are racist and exclusionary themselves.

I myself am a 'Jew' and I say that the official narrative of the so-called 'Holocaust' is a farce. However I don't think Hitler was a good guy, far from it. I'm not a white supremacist and I don't believe the Nazis were good. Simultaneously though I don't think they were these supremely evil super-villains as they are often portrayed to be in mainstream narratives.

My point by saying that is to prove that you don't have to jump to conclusions when receiving new information in shaping a more informed worldview like this. Otherwise you run the risk of becoming a braindead NPC chud that you'll often find lingering on /pol/ or BitChute comments sections.

This concept applies to a wide range of subjects. Including what that chat was about and the so-called 'manosphere' stuff. Ranging from redpill,PUA,blackpill,inceldom,MGTOW and more. There's a lot of good genuine critiques of concepts ranging from feminism, how women are viewed and treated in society and privileges they may have or be afforded that men do not have, and more but becomes completely ruinous and overshadowed by people who are little more than broken-records who regurgitate and repeat ad nauseum unformed misogynistic drivel about how all women are evil, lying sluts who hate all men.

What I want to be taken away from this post is this; don't let yourself be found in a narrow-minded echo chamber of blatant lies and propaganda, don't be afraid to think outside the box, even if it means that hardly anyone agrees with you. It just means that you have to pave your own way and enlighten people to your path.
It may indeed all be very tiring but it's better to speak the truth when everyone else is wrong than to parrot lies with along with the ignorant throng.

John 15:18 "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."

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