Geomax Zoomers are geomaxxing and this forum is retarded


live happily
Jan 4, 2024
View attachment ssstik.io_@solotravelevan_1722814362106.mp4

I've been interacting with more geomaxxing/passportbro communties recently and I've realized that it's not white incels, boomers, betabux, or random chads going on a holiday to thailand. There are more and more young gl NT guys who choose to go asia to slay and have fun because they realize that it's way better than the west.

I'm in a telegram with early 20s NT guys that travel in asia and most of them don't even work let alone have remote jobs, they just go there and live with local girls leeching off them while slaying and doing visa runs when they have to. There's a literal 18 year old white guy living in the philippines there lmao. I could make a 10 page thread with these guys experiences shit is honestly obscene.

It makes me realize how autistic this forum is when you have ppl like @predeterminism who have been plotting graphs, studying theories about asia and scheming remote jobs for years without going, when there are 18 yr olds taking flights with nothing but 1000$ in their bank account and tinder gold.

And then you have @QuantativeAnalyticalBS who somehow failed in fucking vietnam and now shits up 90% of the forum with demorlization slop trying to rationalize all of his autistic failures with muh science.

Moral of the story is just go to asia and make memories while you can, if you are ok looking and remotely nt you will succeed. Also you don't even have to be white, there are black guys from the US in the tele doing the same thing.
View attachment 7590

I've been interacting with more geomaxxing/passportbro communties recently and I've realized that it's not white incels, boomers, betabux, or random chads going on a holiday to thailand. There are more and more young gl NT guys who choose to go asia to slay and have fun because they realize that it's way better than the west.

I'm in a telegram with early 20s NT guys that travel in asia and most of them don't even work let alone have remote jobs, they just go there and live with local girls leeching off them while slaying and doing visa runs when they have to. There's a literal 18 year old white guy living in the philippines there lmao. I could make a 10 page thread with these guys experiences shit is honestly obscene.

It makes me realize how autistic this forum is when you have ppl like @predeterminism who have been plotting graphs, studying theories about asia and scheming remote jobs for years without going, when there are 18 yr olds taking flights with nothing but 1000$ in their bank account and tinder gold.

And then you have @QuantativeAnalyticalBS who somehow failed in fucking vietnam and now shits up 90% of the forum with demorlization slop trying to rationalize all of his autistic failures with muh science.

Moral of the story is just go to asia and make memories while you can, if you are ok looking and remotely nt you will succeed. Also you don't even have to be white, there are black guys from the US in the tele doing the same thing.
Those normie faggots are ruining it just like pasportbros
Those normie faggots are ruining it just like pasportbros
More and more normies are doing it, doubt it will ever become oversaturated but certainly there will be more and competition as time goes on.
And then you have @QuantativeAnalyticalBS who somehow failed in fucking vietnam and now shits up 90% of the forum with demorlization slop trying to rationalize all of his autistic failures with muh science.


'Gonna try to engage in thoughtful discussion and give my perspective instead of just calling you a ricecel like everyone else who's tired of you. It would be nice if you could be civil and respond normally instead of sperging out and getting angry.

Yes, people are wired biologically to breed with similar people because it would help them in their specific environment, but I think you disregard other factors too much in your view.

We no longer need a lot of the previously evolved traits that were used for survival because of the modern world. As a result things that are more beauty focused are favored when selecting partners. "Fair skin" would be biologically detrimental in terms of evolution in the past because fair skinned people would be more likely to get skin cancer and die in warm climates, the flat wide noses of filipinos are also beneficial in warm climates yet they favor taller, thinner noses because similarly to fair skin, they find them more beautiful. They also know that having these traits gives you status and more opportunities (see the article you linked talking about how the dude made his skin lighter because he wanted to be a flight attendant).

Even the most bluepilled normies know deep down that looks are the most important factor for how your offspring will be treated and thus everyone wants a good looking partner (blackpill duh). A 6 foot, pale, pointy nosed, light eyed, nord would ascend the average filipinos bloodline 100x and their offspring would likely have an amazing life in the philippines with bountiful opportunities and plenty of social reinforcement if they inherited even a fraction of those traits. Compare this to an average Filipino who fits in line with evolutionary psychology, their offspring would likely just have a normal life, which one do you honestly think women would select for? It would also give them status just walking around together as a couple in public which women like. I have seen this example first hand with my half filipino half nordic friend in Canada who had God status when he went to the philippines. Ofc there's other factors but there's no doubt that having features that are considered beautiful in their culture and the halo of being half played a big part (this guy is no slayer by western standards).

Another example of the importance of social factors is that I live in Canada where FOB indians are completely loathed by everyone, and every respectable/culturally adapted indian I know tries extremely hard to date outside of their race, primarily with white people because they have the highest status here. They know that their kid will be less likely to face the discrimination for being a part of the lowest status group if they manage to inherit more white genes, so it is very logical of them to think like this for the benefit of their offspring. Breeding with a white person would be a terrible decision from an evolutionary biology standpoint, as Indian people are evolved to withstand the hot weather and fit a specific environment that white people are not, but due to social factors and the fact that these adaptations are no longer needed for survival, this mindset is still extremely common. Also to think the average Indian male wouldn't do heinous things to feel the touch of the most mid white blonde girl once in his life is delusional (see rampant bobs and vagene dms).

Your example of black people not being desired despite all the jewish propaganda is just an example that it's very difficult to artificially change people's minds on what they find socially acceptable/attractive, it's something that happens more organically. You can see this with the fat acceptance movement as well, people aren't just gonna magically start finding fat people attractive based on some extremely forced propaganda when it goes against years of conditioning and the association with fitness and youth that lean bodies have. However, things like the recent shift in general female beauty preference to more “pretty” than masculine men, and the shift from skinny to thicc bodies in general male preferences shows that what we find attractive and select can be dynamic and not based solely on evolution.

The men that the most prime foids simp for and have the highest SMV based on looks alone right now are undoubtedly tiktok prettyboy looking guys in the west, and korean idol looking guys in asia, both groups leaning more feminine. Compare these men to some hyper dimorphic androgenic dude that would excel as a hunter gatherer, and just based on looks it’s clear that the prettyboy has a lot more appeal despite being the subpar mate from an evolutionary standpoint.

I would also add that “JBW” in blackpill was never meant to be taken literally, I understand that you have autism and one of their things is that they take everything literally so I will explain. Obviously a short bald ugly low status white dude will have no SMV regardless of race and no one argues against that. JBW was always referring to the fact that whites have an advantage in the dating market due to the average white guy having better looks, money and status than the average ethnic guy, which is definitely true. This is especially noticeable in Asia where their beauty standards favor a lot of features that white people naturally have like taller height, pale skin, high nose bridge, thin noses, good proportions, light big eyes with double eyelids, etc. In addition to the higher status and wealth that white people have or are at least perceived to have there.

Overall I agree with you that most people prefer their own, but I believe it's more nuanced than you think and I challenge you to put aside scientific literature to view it from a more social perspective.'
It's mostly Japan, Osaka is where most of these guys are leeching off foids. Just thought an 18 yr old in the philippines was funny considering the average inhib of this forum.
why osaka? show me some of these guys experiences, ive been doing something like this but only for couple weeks in korea, it was weird
View attachment 7590

I've been interacting with more geomaxxing/passportbro communties recently and I've realized that it's not white incels, boomers, betabux, or random chads going on a holiday to thailand. There are more and more young gl NT guys who choose to go asia to slay and have fun because they realize that it's way better than the west.

I'm in a telegram with early 20s NT guys that travel in asia and most of them don't even work let alone have remote jobs, they just go there and live with local girls leeching off them while slaying and doing visa runs when they have to. There's a literal 18 year old white guy living in the philippines there lmao. I could make a 10 page thread with these guys experiences shit is honestly obscene.

It makes me realize how autistic this forum is when you have ppl like @predeterminism who have been plotting graphs, studying theories about asia and scheming remote jobs for years without going, when there are 18 yr olds taking flights with nothing but 1000$ in their bank account and tinder gold.

And then you have @QuantativeAnalyticalBS who somehow failed in fucking vietnam and now shits up 90% of the forum with demorlization slop trying to rationalize all of his autistic failures with muh science.

Moral of the story is just go to asia and make memories while you can, if you are ok looking and remotely nt you will succeed. Also you don't even have to be white, there are black guys from the US in the tele doing the same thing.
The white failed normies all look like shit.
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"bogging down your posts" your posts bog down the forum jfl everyone here hates you and no one cares about your opinions. also nice all caps ur mad bozo.
That's where the absolute biggest losers go when all else fails, lmao.
most of this happens in japan, and daily reminder that you have been celibate for 12 years and failed in fucking vietnam jfl if ph is where all the biggest losers go maybe it's time for you take a flight
why osaka? show me some of these guys experiences, ive been doing something like this but only for couple weeks in korea, it was weird
Osaka is more open to foreigners apparantly and a good balance between exotic halo and financially stable foids
bogging down your posts" your posts bog down the forum jfl everyone here hates you and no one cares about your opinions. also nice all caps ur mad bozo.
It brings me great pleasure knowing that I get under your skin, failed normie.
most of this happens in jaoan, and daily reminder that you have been celibate for 12 years and failed in fucking vietnam jfl if ph is where all the biggest losers go maybe it's time for you take a flight
No, I haven't you fucking retard. I got laid a few months back with a chinese girl. So shut your mouth punk.
most of this happens in jaoan, and daily reminder that you have been celibate for 12 years and failed in fucking vietnam jfl if ph is where all the biggest losers go maybe it's time for you take a flight
Remember where you're at failed normie. You failed at courting a woman in your home country and now you're forced to geomax. You are a complete fucking loser. I've had the opportunity to be in a LTR with a white girl and CHOOSE not to. Unlike your pathetic arse.
Osaka is more open to foreigners apparantly and a good balance between exotic halo and financially stable foids
in general youre absolutely right, i told our forum autists i did something like you describe, i was leeching of couple of girls and it was easy as fuck. i look like 18 years old at best. nobody believed me lmao
you should just go to asia and make memories even if you have to sleep at hostel sometimes, next day ure lucky and sleeping at girls 90sqm luxurious condo. happened to me
It brings me great pleasure knowing that I get under your skin, normie.
you don't, you were the one that got mad, I just said that no one here likes you or cares about you which is true kek.
No, I haven't you fucking retard.
@predeterminism found ur old looksmax account where you talked about it lmao
So shut your mouth punk.

Remember where you're at failed normie. You failed at courting a woman in your home country and now you're forced to geomax.
"forced to geomax" wait i thought white girls liked white guys better tho because of evolutionary theory and you did better in the UK than vietnam because of that so geomaxxing is pointless what happened to that.
in general youre absolutely right, i told our forum autists i did something like you describe, i was leeching of couple of girls and it was easy as fuck. i look like 18 years old at best. nobody believed me lmao
you should just go to asia and make memories even if you have to sleep at hostel sometimes, next day ure lucky and sleeping at girls 90sqm luxurious condo. happened to me
based and trve.
most of this happens in japan, and daily reminder that you have been celibate for 12 years and failed in fucking vietnam jfl if ph is where all the biggest losers go maybe it's time for you take a flight
You have to be completely retarded to believe a 6/10, 6'3" guy with a porn star dick is optionless, lmao. I've always had options, unlike your pathetic arse. I just haven't been content with my options in the West and have chosen to remain celibate.
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You have to be complete retarded to believe a 6/10, 6'3" guy with a porn star dick is optionless, lmao. I've always had options, unlike your pathetic arse. I just haven't been content with my options in the West and have chosen to remain celibate.
but you were content with some old chinese hag? jfl at your delusions retard it's over for your autistic "arse"
found ur old looksmax account where you talked about it lmao
You're assuming I've been completely honest. News flash, I haven't. I know you fools would try and use my words against me. I'm always a step ahead of you low IQ simpletons.

"forced to geomax" wait i thought white girls liked white guys better tho because of evolutionary theory and you did better in the UK than vietnam because of that so geomaxxing is pointless what happened to that.
You're assuming the girls you'll be dealing with will be into you. lmao. They'll view you as another naive Western who'll have his bank account drained. God, I'd legit get off on seeing it happen to you more than crack cocain. I get so much pleasure knowing your kind is being utter emotionally and physically destroyed by foreign women. It's deserved after all for how childish and naive you are about the world.
but you were content with some old chinese hag? jfl at your delusions retard it's over for your autistic "arse"
You're the one who is finished because your pathetic ass has had NO opportunities up until this point and now you're hoping asian women will give you a try. Pathetic. Rope ASAP.
You're assuming I've been completely honest. News flash, I haven't. I know you fools would try and use my words against me. I'm always a step ahead of you low IQ simpletons.

You're assuming the girls you'll be dealing with will be into you. lmao. They'll view you as another naive Western who'll have his bank account drained. God, I'd legit get off on seeing it happen to you more than crack cocain.
sometimes its not about money but about status of showing with white on the street or she thinks she can get shengen/usa citizenship. and you can exploit her financially

'Gonna try to engage in thoughtful discussion and give my perspective instead of just calling you a ricecel like everyone else who's tired of you. It would be nice if you could be civil and respond normally instead of sperging out and getting angry.

Yes, people are wired biologically to breed with similar people because it would help them in their specific environment, but I think you disregard other factors too much in your view.

We no longer need a lot of the previously evolved traits that were used for survival because of the modern world. As a result things that are more beauty focused are favored when selecting partners. "Fair skin" would be biologically detrimental in terms of evolution in the past because fair skinned people would be more likely to get skin cancer and die in warm climates, the flat wide noses of filipinos are also beneficial in warm climates yet they favor taller, thinner noses because similarly to fair skin, they find them more beautiful. They also know that having these traits gives you status and more opportunities (see the article you linked talking about how the dude made his skin lighter because he wanted to be a flight attendant).

Even the most bluepilled normies know deep down that looks are the most important factor for how your offspring will be treated and thus everyone wants a good looking partner (blackpill duh). A 6 foot, pale, pointy nosed, light eyed, nord would ascend the average filipinos bloodline 100x and their offspring would likely have an amazing life in the philippines with bountiful opportunities and plenty of social reinforcement if they inherited even a fraction of those traits. Compare this to an average Filipino who fits in line with evolutionary psychology, their offspring would likely just have a normal life, which one do you honestly think women would select for? It would also give them status just walking around together as a couple in public which women like. I have seen this example first hand with my half filipino half nordic friend in Canada who had God status when he went to the philippines. Ofc there's other factors but there's no doubt that having features that are considered beautiful in their culture and the halo of being half played a big part (this guy is no slayer by western standards).

Another example of the importance of social factors is that I live in Canada where FOB indians are completely loathed by everyone, and every respectable/culturally adapted indian I know tries extremely hard to date outside of their race, primarily with white people because they have the highest status here. They know that their kid will be less likely to face the discrimination for being a part of the lowest status group if they manage to inherit more white genes, so it is very logical of them to think like this for the benefit of their offspring. Breeding with a white person would be a terrible decision from an evolutionary biology standpoint, as Indian people are evolved to withstand the hot weather and fit a specific environment that white people are not, but due to social factors and the fact that these adaptations are no longer needed for survival, this mindset is still extremely common. Also to think the average Indian male wouldn't do heinous things to feel the touch of the most mid white blonde girl once in his life is delusional (see rampant bobs and vagene dms).

Your example of black people not being desired despite all the jewish propaganda is just an example that it's very difficult to artificially change people's minds on what they find socially acceptable/attractive, it's something that happens more organically. You can see this with the fat acceptance movement as well, people aren't just gonna magically start finding fat people attractive based on some extremely forced propaganda when it goes against years of conditioning and the association with fitness and youth that lean bodies have. However, things like the recent shift in general female beauty preference to more “pretty” than masculine men, and the shift from skinny to thicc bodies in general male preferences shows that what we find attractive and select can be dynamic and not based solely on evolution.

The men that the most prime foids simp for and have the highest SMV based on looks alone right now are undoubtedly tiktok prettyboy looking guys in the west, and korean idol looking guys in asia, both groups leaning more feminine. Compare these men to some hyper dimorphic androgenic dude that would excel as a hunter gatherer, and just based on looks it’s clear that the prettyboy has a lot more appeal despite being the subpar mate from an evolutionary standpoint.

I would also add that “JBW” in blackpill was never meant to be taken literally, I understand that you have autism and one of their things is that they take everything literally so I will explain. Obviously a short bald ugly low status white dude will have no SMV regardless of race and no one argues against that. JBW was always referring to the fact that whites have an advantage in the dating market due to the average white guy having better looks, money and status than the average ethnic guy, which is definitely true. This is especially noticeable in Asia where their beauty standards favor a lot of features that white people naturally have like taller height, pale skin, high nose bridge, thin noses, good proportions, light big eyes with double eyelids, etc. In addition to the higher status and wealth that white people have or are at least perceived to have there.

Overall I agree with you that most people prefer their own, but I believe it's more nuanced than you think and I challenge you to put aside scientific literature to view it from a more social perspective.'
holy shit bro please see a therapist ded srs
You're assuming I've been completely honest. News flash, I haven't. I know you fools would try and use my words against me. I'm always a step ahead of you low IQ simpletons.
god damn bro you're a fucking genius. light yagami tier mind games there, this forum is clearly no match for your intellect
You're assuming the girls you'll be dealing with will be into you. lmao. They'll view you as another naive Western who'll have his bank account drained.
Guys are leeching off foids draining their bank accounts in Japan while you left vietnam with nothing. Autism is a curse.
God, I'd legit get off on seeing it happen to you more than crack cocain.
Hahahaha your imagine saying this about some random guy on a forum you've never met. You need to spend some time offline.
You're the one who is finished because your pathetic ass has had NO opportunities up until this point and now you're hoping asian women will give you a try. Pathetic.
I already lost my virginity to a cute japanese jb in canada while you're out here going for old chinese single moms in the UK jfl
Rope ASAP.
You're seething so fucking hard dude you need help hahahahahaa
These failed normies can't even set a watch let alone manipulate a woman out of her money.
well, i wouldnt be able to pull tinder swindler kind of move but i kinda exploited kindness of asian girls and i lived at their places, eating their food, getting gifts etc
i am absolutely 100% sure i could live without any money in korea/china, this is killing me inside because im working now, even though its remote i can hear clock ticking back of my head
99% of people would die for my job and money i make yet im still dreaming of bum life in asia, im mentally deranged
well, i wouldnt be able to pull tinder swindler kind of move but i kinda exploited kindness of asian girls and i lived at their places, eating their food, getting gifts etc
i am absolutely 100% sure i could live without any money in korea/china, this is killing me inside because im working now, even though its remote i can hear clock ticking back of my head
99% of people would die for my job and money i make yet im still dreaming of bum life in asia, im mentally deranged
That's how I feel reading through the telegram, leeching in Asia just seems like peak life tbh. I'm lucky I get to go study there but if I didn't I would just book a flight asap.
yea i actually feel bad for him recently
Yeah same honestly. The fact that he's still blogposting here when no one likes him and he's made it clear that he's above everyone and we're all "simpletons" just shows how ostracized he is.

He clearly has more a lot more issues than autism and it's definitely a little sad to see his life unfold.
well, i wouldnt be able to pull tinder swindler kind of move but i kinda exploited kindness of asian girls and i lived at their places, eating their food, getting gifts etc
I already know this simply by your initial response to me. Not everyone is a completely insincere asshole sociopath like you who's ready to manipulate others for personal gain.
I already know this simply by your initial response to me. Not everyone is a completely insincere asshole sociopath like you who's ready to manipulate others for personal gain.
i meant i wouldnt be able to exploit girls directly, but when shes asking me to stay at her place because she wants white cock, whats the problem here, in this scenario ima cheap manwhore not a sociopath
Yeah same honestly. The fact that he's still blogposting here when no one likes him and he's made it clear that he's above everyone and we're all "simpletons" just shows how ostracized he is.
Good. I love knowing you losers hate me. My posts get thousands of views. I will continue to stand out with my intellectual superiority like I have always done in the manosphere since I joined.
Good. I love knowing you losers hate me. My posts get thousands of views. I will continue to stand out with my intellectual superiority like I have always done in the manosphere since I joined.
you only stand out because you're one of the most active users who spams the forum with dogshit and baits people into responding with horrible takes. You also call everyone here low iq losers but are on here 24/7 which means you have nothing better to do then interact with people you think are losers that also happen to hate you.

You were literally blogposting here from the club the other day. You went to a place you're supposed to go to have fun and decided that being on here to talking to "low iq losers" was the better option jfl dude fix your life.
View attachment 7590

I've been interacting with more geomaxxing/passportbro communties recently and I've realized that it's not white incels, boomers, betabux, or random chads going on a holiday to thailand. There are more and more young gl NT guys who choose to go asia to slay and have fun because they realize that it's way better than the west.

I'm in a telegram with early 20s NT guys that travel in asia and most of them don't even work let alone have remote jobs, they just go there and live with local girls leeching off them while slaying and doing visa runs when they have to. There's a literal 18 year old white guy living in the philippines there lmao. I could make a 10 page thread with these guys experiences shit is honestly obscene.

It makes me realize how autistic this forum is when you have ppl like @predeterminism who have been plotting graphs, studying theories about asia and scheming remote jobs for years without going, when there are 18 yr olds taking flights with nothing but 1000$ in their bank account and tinder gold.

And then you have @QuantativeAnalyticalBS who somehow failed in fucking vietnam and now shits up 90% of the forum with demorlization slop trying to rationalize all of his autistic failures with muh science.

Moral of the story is just go to asia and make memories while you can, if you are ok looking and remotely nt you will succeed. Also you don't even have to be white, there are black guys from the US in the tele doing the same thing.
Agreed but the actual amount of people who will geomaxx purely for puss is a very small minority. People who post on social media are the loudest, and majority of these guys end up going to the same 5 tourist centers and hotspots.
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guys guys, order! order!

explore the world! go to unclaimed territories! mark virgin territories! there’s plenty in this bountiful world for all of us! no need to argue!

to my subjects i say, allow for differing of opinions, don’t compare yourself to others that walk similar paths! focus on your own and it will surely bring you good fortune!
guys guys, order! order!

explore the world! go to unclaimed territories! mark virgin territories! there’s plenty in this bountiful world for all of us! no need to argue!

to my subjects i say, allow for differing of opinions, don’t compare yourself to others that walk similar paths! focus on your own and it will surely bring you good fortune!
yeah, i fall into this trap too. With each passing day BP is starting to look like a cope for neurotic zoomers.
yeah, i fall into this trap too. With each passing day BP is starting to look like a cope for neurotic zoomers.
it’s not cope but more important to set your life up so you don’t have to deal with it on a daily basis

example being living in a hypergamous environment. move away from that. don’t live in expat bubbles that bring their western problems with them when settling in new countries etc etc

i think this bp curse will always be floating somewhere in our conscious so we will just have to accept that and make due
it’s not cope but more important to set your life up so you don’t have to deal with it on a daily basis

example being living in a hypergamous environment. move away from that. don’t live in expat bubbles that bring their western problems with them when settling in new countries etc etc

i think this bp curse will always be floating somewhere in our conscious so we will just have to accept that and make due
yeah, nothing wrong with looking at your life from an objective view. I meant a cope in the sense that most of the people who follow are not actual sub5s and just normie tier dudes who use lookism as crutch for rotting in their rooms. Nothing wrong if you have decided its over and you want to play vidya all day but if you are shitposting on inkie forums about it then its just cope. I only have real sympathy for actual sub4 men or dudes who have been dealt a very shit hand. Just look at DBDR face leaks for all you need to know, most of these guys are just neurotics who actually dont have it bad but because of soycial media want le chad life, when if they were actually blackpilled and looked at their life objectively they can take paths to either improve it or find what actually makes them happy or satisfied in this life, which every man born in a western country has at least potential to do so.
you only stand out because you're one of the most active users who spams the forum with dogshit and baits people into responding with horrible takes. You also call everyone here low iq losers but are on here 24/7 which means you have nothing better to do then interact with people you think are losers that also happen to hate you.

You were literally blogposting here from the club the other day. You went to a place you're supposed to go to have fun and decided that being on here to talking to "low iq losers" was the better option jfl dude fix your life.
Look how emotionally invested you are in the conversation. I've already disproven 'your' ethnical BS theory of JBW. It never existed and you bitches are so butt hurt. Clubs are fucking shit. If it was fun people wouldn't be poisoning themselves to death with alcohol to numb their senses. Why are you so inconsistent normie?
Also I dont know why you guys still engage with Quantcuck, I hid his posts ever since his first vietnam one. From that point on I knew he was a fed or a grade A schizo
You pay for sex. Why should anyone take a gynocentric cuck like you seriously when you regularly submit and worship pussies in submission? You aren't a man
Look how emotionally invested you are in the conversation.
Not emotionally invested, you're the one seething. Just giving you genuine advice.
I've already disproven 'your' ethnical BS theory of JBW. It never existed and you bitches are so butt hurt.
Not interested in theorizing with your autistic ass. I see guys slaying and living for free in asia that's all I need. No ones butt hurt except you because you failed in SEA and your life is miserable.
Clubs are fucking shit. If it was fun people wouldn't be poisoning themselves to death with alcohol to numb their senses. Why are you so inconsistent normie?
Idek what to tell you, everytime I get baited into engaging with you I lose brain cells, I'm done.
Not emotionally invested, you're the one seething. Just giving you genuine advice.
You tagged me to this post. You are a butt hurt bitch who can't take the fact that I've debunked your entire worldview.

Not interested in theorizing with your autistic ass. I see guys slaying and living for free in asia that's all I need. No ones butt hurt except you because you failed in SEA and your life is miserable.
More mindless speculation based on absolutely nothing. You're the one who tagged me. Your life has to really suck cock. That's all you're good at after all 🤣

Idek what to tell you, everytime I get baited into engaging with you I lose brain cells, I'm done.
Look at how pathetically triggered all of you white supremacists are. The funny thing is that JBW Theory is ethnicel propaganda and you mindless fools eat it up. The real white supremacists would use eugenics on you subhumans.
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