You should get the hepatitus vaccine if you geomaxx to Thailand as 10% of the population has the disease and its incurable


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
In Thailand, the prevalence of chronic Hepatitis B has significantly decreased due to the country's successful vaccination programs. Historically, Thailand had a high rate of Hepatitis B infection, with around 5-10% of the population affected. However, after implementing universal vaccination for newborns in 1992, the infection rate dropped. Today, the prevalence of Hepatitis B in children under five is less than 1%. This is a result of consistent high vaccination coverage, particularly the birth dose, which has been crucial in preventing mother-to-child transmission(

Among the general population, estimates suggest that between 5-6% of adults in Thailand may still carry the virus, but the overall prevalence has declined thanks to continued vaccination efforts(
there is a combined vaccine for type A and B, it's called twinrix. get that one. i got it years ago already and had no side effects worth mentioning.
you guys don’t automatically get these as children? wtf
oh wait i might have, idk. how tf are u meant to know if u had it or not if u were a child?

my local clinic said its only worth getting it if ur a high risk individual. aka like drug user, sleep with prostitutes etc
oh wait i might have, idk. how tf are u meant to know if u had it or not if u were a child?

my local clinic said its only worth getting it if ur a high risk individual. aka like drug user, sleep with prostitutes etc
i just went online to my healthcare provider and downloaded all of my medical records before i left america and set reminders for the next decade when i need my next shots and such

prob different for brits i guess

but yea in uk it’s a worthless shot to have since it’s a developed country, but for geomaxxers, i’d say it’s a necessity

i think i first got it when i was 13
how long does it take for that stuff to wear off? I have known a few people in first world countries that had it. my assumption is that generally you really had to be a huge slut to get it, or you had to have a weak immune system
Japan's STD of choice is syphilis, which is prevalent for god knows why. It along with chlamydia and gonorrhea are fairly common. All are easily curable with oral antibiotics, except for a resistant strain of gonorrhea which requires you to get antibiotic shots in your ass cheek. HIV and hep are virtually unheard of. Condoms are optional except for prostitutes, foreigners, and people you suspect might be IV drug users (iykyk).

Everyone including prostitutes will often happily take your load inside them, so resist the temptation. Some girls will get mad when you try to use a condom as if you suspect them of being "dirty" or don't care enough about them to be "close".

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