which languages do you all speak?


INTP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
seems people aren’t too keen on learning the languages of countries they plan to move to. idk why when learning languages isn’t that difficult. maybe it’s not difficult for me because i have autistic hyper fixation on certain topics
you are young and you have time.

i speak german, english and spanish fluently.

the rest is more of a half-assed comprehesion, i.e. french or dutch.
yes maybe

but i know a guy who learned chinese at 40 years old

idk what language i want to learn next. prob khmer, improve my chinese, or indonesian
burgercels definitely get cucked hard when it comes to this. All i ever had to do in school was learn some bean speak and it was essentially just learning vocab
If she speaks to you in your native language you have the home field advantage.

Not saying not to learn another language, but these are the facts
If she speaks to you in your native language you have the home field advantage.

Not saying not to learn another language, but these are the facts
the biggest advantage is you can access 100% of the dating pool
in places with low english levels, you are only able to date a low % of the girls
I considered Spanish but I don't want to go to crime ridden latam, I don't like Spain cos its expensive and beauty standards r against us
don’t bother with gook language mate

south korea is a vassal state of america, english is their official language

shittiest demographics in the world

increasing multiculturalism and immigration, more so than japanese. in 10 years it will be unrecognizable. i lived there 5 years ago and when i was there this year, i saw a large amount of ethnics

choose vietnamese and find some brown skin girl in the south

or cambodia. girls are brown, short, poor, and got beaches
don’t bother with gook language mate

south korea is a vassal state of america, english is their official language

shittiest demographics in the world

increasing multiculturalism and immigration, more so than japanese. in 10 years it will be unrecognizable. i lived there 5 years ago and when i was there this year, i saw a large amount of ethnics

choose vietnamese and find some brown skin girl in the south

or cambodia. girls are brown, short, poor, and got beaches
Fuck yea true. But like idk man I wouldn't mind if it gets taken over by shitskins cos it's not my country so doesn't feel like an invasion

And I feel like they'll go the jap route and not do many immigrants like europe but idk

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