What Geomaxxing Truly Looks Like


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2024

Which other country could you be old and still loved by a person? Not the west. Luckily hes a 6 feet 6 mogger moneymaxxed geomaxxed gymmaxxer so he can pick a model

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Women's 'love' is conditional. Women are the same everywhere.
Its like going to a car shop and paying 300k for a car in Europe, and it stops working after a few years, same car abroad but price is like 10k. Then people get pissed when they see you driving the SAME fast 300k car but you bought it for 10k at another dealership
Its like going to a car shop and paying 300k for a car in Europe, and it stops working after a few years, same car abroad but price is like 10k. Then people get pissed when they see you driving the SAME fast 300k car but you bought it for 10k at another dealership
Yep. That's why MGTOW is a thing. I'm going my own way straight to Asia. It's my right as a Brit to conquer Asia with my seed one womb at a time.

Which other country could you be old and still loved by a person? Not the west. Luckily hes a 6 feet 6 mogger moneymaxxed geomaxxed gymmaxxer so he can pick a model

He mogs me to oblivion although being 30 years older JFL. The west is so fukced that even this 6'6 gymmaxed normie failed and needed to geomax
He mogs me to oblivion although being 30 years older JFL. The west is so fukced that even this 6'6 gymmaxed normie failed and needed to geomax
Most women reject him for being too tall. He's at a disadvantage when it comes to dating compared to men who're 5'11".
Most women reject him for being too tall. He's at a disadvantage when it comes to dating compared to men who're 5'11".
Never been in SEA yet so idk whats the situation in there but 6'4-6'6 is the most desirable height in developed countries and it was proven by filters on dating apps so the girls can wear heals and wont heightmog you. 5'11 = manlet nowadays

Never been in SEA yet so idk whats the situation in there but 6'4-6'6 is the most desirable height in developed countries and it was proven by filters on dating apps so the girls can wear heals and wont heightmog you. 5'11 = manlet nowadays

View attachment 7006
Come on bro. There's no data set for the 'bumble' chart. For all we know, an Indian trucel created this. It's sole purpose is to alter your perception of reality. I've stated this many times already on this forum.

5'11" is a perfectly fine height. 6'6" is trucel tier height.
Come on bro. There's no data set for the 'bumble' chart. For all we know, an Indian trucel created this. It's sole purpose is to alter your perception of reality. I've stated this many times already on this forum.

5'11" is a perfectly fine height. 6'6" is trucel tier height.
There is too much evidence to cope with heightpill. 1000+ hours of heighpill on yt and tiktok, the most attractive stacy Adriana Lima could've dated anyone she wanted, but married to 6'7 truecel. Whole page on incelwiki with dozens of studies attached also.

5'11 = trash genetics because it's average. 6'6 = superior because only 1% of men have it. There is no reason for 5'2 indian janitor to do a fake study saying 6'6 is the most desired height. Bluepilled cuck society would rather tell a lie that 5'9 is the best height just so 80% of male population wont get triggered lol.
Its like going to a car shop and paying 300k for a car in Europe, and it stops working after a few years, same car abroad but price is like 10k. Then people get pissed when they see you driving the SAME fast 300k car but you bought it for 10k at another dealership
good analogy

and they both end up breaking down eventually. no matter where you get it
Its like going to a car shop and paying 300k for a car in Europe, and it stops working after a few years, same car abroad but price is like 10k. Then people get pissed when they see you driving the SAME fast 300k car but you bought it for 10k at another dealership
@GeoMOG told me similiar
Come on bro. There's no data set for the 'bumble' chart. For all we know, an Indian trucel created this. It's sole purpose is to alter your perception of reality. I've stated this many times already on this forum.
hilarious how you keep bumping into this chart again and again. this "indian trucel" is ruining your personal mission if true :LOL:
@GeoMOG maybe you can buy him the bumble data as a birthday gift some day.

5'11" is a perfectly fine height. 6'6" is trucel tier height.
ironically, i'm 5'11" so i wouldn't mind at all if you were actually right about this.

it's undoubted that there is a ceiling effect (i.e. an 8 feet guy is considered a creep by everyone).

where exactly the ceiling is remains unclear though as far as i can see. you are deducting it from a study with 95 females in france which is not representative by social science standards, especially not for other countries. apart from that you fell back to saying it's the general theory in the field. do you have any other study result backing up these values?

Which other country could you be old and still loved by a person? Not the west. Luckily hes a 6 feet 6 mogger moneymaxxed geomaxxed gymmaxxer so he can pick a model

honestly the second video. I realy did not sense she genuinely liked him. Like i get it. Two types of relationships. One that is magnetic. She will fawn over you, the other she's being more pragmatic and thinking "i will learn to love him" in time. But during that time, your setting her up all fat like cars, homes, jewelry, clothes.

But the second kind of relationship is difficult to gauge. Could be she's just using him. who knows
There is too much evidence to cope with heightpill. 1000+ hours of heighpill on yt and tiktok, the most attractive stacy Adriana Lima could've dated anyone she wanted, but married to 6'7 truecel.
Cherry picked outliers isn't proof of anything.

If we take a look at unedited street tour footage from any major Western city most men who're with women are below average to average in height.

5'11 = trash genetics because it's average. 6'6 = superior because only 1% of men have it.
Oh look, another black pill NPC.

It's actually the other way round. 6'6" height is such a deviation from the norm that said male will be uglier and less intelligent on average. The upper limit for what some women find attractive is 6'3". Again, the data on this is clear. There's a homogamous preference for partners who're similar percentile in height.

Bluepilled cuck society would rather tell a lie that 5'9 is the best height just so 80% of male population wont get triggered lol.
What the hell are you chatting? Society is clearly not 'blue pill' on height.

Whole page on incelwiki with dozens of studies attached also.
I bet you haven't even read a single one of those studies, lmao.
hilarious how you keep bumping into this chart again and again. this "indian trucel" is ruining your personal mission if true :LOL:
You're black pill NPCs, ha!

it's undoubted that there is a ceiling effect (i.e. an 8 feet guy is considered a creep by evereveryone
You've failed to grasp anything I've said. The adverse association with height and genetic health starts at 6'1" and goes off a cliff past 6'3". Meaning, these males who're significantly taller than average will have a plethora of genetic abnormalities that will scream to people that they have bad genetics. They have it tougher than a 5'11" guy who's genetics are less mutated and within the genetic optimal zone.

you are deducting it from a study with 95 females in france which is not representative by social science standards, especially not for other countries. apart from that you fell back to saying it's the general theory in the field. do you have any other study result backing up these values?
A sample size of around 100 is enough to have meaningful results. No offense, but you aren't worth my time. It's like I'm typing with a child. You're 38 for christ sake. I directly quoted the study from the most reputable source in the field, the Cambridge handbook for evolutionary psychology. I hate to break it to you but you have low intelligence. All of you have been psyop'd into a reality that doesn't exist. LMAO. I hope you've had every Covid vaccine to date. Please, tell me you have had them?
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hilarious how you keep bumping into this chart again and again. this "indian trucel" is ruining your personal mission if true :LOL:
@GeoMOG maybe you can buy him the bumble data as a birthday gift some day.

ironically, i'm 5'11" so i wouldn't mind at all if you were actually right about this.

it's undoubted that there is a ceiling effect (i.e. an 8 feet guy is considered a creep by everyone).

where exactly the ceiling is remains unclear though as far as i can see. you are deducting it from a study with 95 females in france which is not representative by social science standards, especially not for other countries. apart from that you fell back to saying it's the general theory in the field. do you have any other study result backing up these values?
I would rather give myself an enema of the finest wine than waste it on some fucking useless "data"

the guy still doesn't understand the concept there are 10 guys who are 5'9" for every 6'1" tall guy so 6'1" being>5'9" is a huge fucking statistic, or that in case where it's pulling from a demographic hes making assumptions about the demographic matters while when it's pulling data from women it matters less because the statements aren't about what specific women want they are about what women want full stop... again the only relevant thing there is what % selected height and it's not worth fucking $500
the guy still doesn't understand the concept there are 10 guys who are 5'9" for every 6'1" tall guy so 6'1" being>5'9"
You don't seem to understand that humans are a polygamous species. 1 tall man can share multiple women. Out in reality, I see tall men alone most lot of the time, let alone with multiple women. Your entire lame arse premise has been debunked.

You're a larping poorfag. Nothing you say holds weight.
You've failed to grasp anything I've said. The adverse association with height and genetic health starts at 6'1" and goes off a cliff past 6'3". Meaning, these males who're significantly taller than average will have a plethora of genetic abnormalities that will scream to people that they have bad genetics. They have it tougher than a 5'11" guy who's genetics are less mutated and within the genetic optimal zone.
i get it, you're saying that you and @GeoMOG with 6'4" are genetically abnormal freaks that women will select against. just like my friends of the same height who easily slay in the west. they must be really good at compensating this major flaw then.

A sample size of around 100 is enough to have meaningful results. No offense, but you aren't worth my time. It's like I'm typing with a child. You're 38 for christ sake. I directly quoted the study from the most reputable source in the field. I hate to break it to you but you have low intelligence. All of you have been psyop'd into a reality that doesn't exist. LMAO. I hope you've had every Covid vaccine to date. Please, tell me you have had them?
so the answer to my question is: no, you don't have another study.

you cannot outrule differences between countries with a sample only taken in france.

ridiculous how high you are thinking of yourself. btw you haven't answered my question about what degree you have, so i assume none. you wouldn't make it far anyway as a complete sociopath.
i get it, you're saying that you and @GeoMOG with 6'4" are genetically abnormal freaks that women will select against. just like my friends of the same height who easily slay in the west. they must be really good at compensating this major flaw then.

so the answer to my question is: no, you don't have another study.

you cannot outrule differences between countries with a sample only taken in france.

ridiculous how high you are thinking of yourself. btw you haven't answered my question about what degree you have, so i assume none. you wouldn't make it far anyway as a complete sociopath.
bro he just isn't operating in reality anymore

he tried to call me out and now he's saying I am a poorfag, I could post just my uber eats bills and mog him into oblivion
i get it, you're saying that you and @GeoMOG with 6'4" are genetically abnormal freaks that women will select against. just like my friends of the same height who easily slay in the west. they must be really good at compensating this major flaw then.
You're assuming every very tall man has bad genetics. Have you ever heard of averages? I guess not.
so the answer to my question is: no, you don't have another ststudy.
Until you debunk the study, requesting for another makes no logically sense. You're simply moving the goal post because you can't support 'your' black pill ideology.

you cannot outrule differences between countries with a sample only taken in france.
The homogamous preference applies to all human races. If you want to get technical, the women from other countries outside of European one's will prefer an optimal range lower than that seen in Europe. Such as, a preference for an optimal height of 5'6" to 5'9", in SEA countries.

ridiculous how high you are thinking of yourself
Considering you three made the same moronic mistake, I most certainly am superior to you three, intellectually speaking. It is painfully obvious. Are you going to continue living in a deluded state?
btw you haven't answered my question about what degree you have,
I'm in the process of getting a degree in a hard science subject.

you wouldn't make it far anyway as a complete sociopath.
Absolute projection. You have the normie personality type. Being born with said personality type, means that you're a sub clinical psychopath from birth. You're stupid and lack passion, and most importantly, sexuality! You're the perfect sub human pawns for whatever regime comes into power. Your nature is sickening.
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Cherry picked outliers isn't proof of anything.

If we take a look at unedited street tour footage from any major Western city most men who're with women are below average to average in height.

Oh look, another black pill NPC.

It's actually the other way round. 6'6" height is such a deviation from the norm that said male will be uglier and less intelligent on average. The upper limit for what some women find attractive is 6'3". Again, the data on this is clear. There's a homogamous preference for partners who're similar percentile in height.

What the hell are you chatting? Society is clearly not 'blue pill' on height.

I bet you haven't even read a single one of those studies, lmao.
Pure low iq delusion denying heightpill. You see heighmatched couples on streets more because 6'6 can be seen in less than 1% of male population, not because it's undesirable. 192cm guy saying average height is good, same cope as chad saying looks don't matter, basically denying hypergamy. Average height in the last 200 years increased significantly because manlets weren't reproducing and now women are free to date whoever they want so will chase taller guys even more. Cherrypicking at its finest, "look I found one single study disaproving 6'6 as the best height im so intelligent". Don't know if you're below 3 digit iq in real life, but this post is just hilarious.
Pure low iq delusion denying heightpill
There is no linear height preference. You are the delusional one. The field of evolutionary psychology has documented that women select for men who are a couple of inches above the average height with 6'1" being the max preferred height by the majority of European women. It can differ heavily by race and slightly by ethnicity. This is observable in reality. It is you who is the deluded one, black pill NPC.

(David buss, one of the founders of evolutionary psychology discussing female height preference.)
View attachment Screen_Recording_20240607_171647_YouTube.mp4

You see heighmatched couples on streets more because 6'6 can be seen in less than 1% of male population, not because it's undesirable
If very tall height was selected for like you claim, we'd see genetic evidence for alleles associated with height increasing. The genetic evidence actually shows that height on the genetic level is decreasing with every generation. 1 tall man can impregnate thousands of women. Yet, we don't see height increasing with every generation. Why? Because outlier height is selected against by women.

192cm guy saying average height is good
You are twisting what I said. I never said average height was preferred by most females, I said 5'11", which is above average height for a European male, is prefer by most women over very tall men who're 6'3"+.

Average height in the last 200 years increased significantly because manlets weren't reproducing and now women are free to date whoever they want so will chase taller guys even more.
You are completely ignorant of this topic. Height has only increased across Western nations solely down to superior diets, with Netherlands being an exception. The alleles associated with taller height started declining in the 1980s and has continued to decline ever since.

Outlier tall height signifies genetic problems. Thus, said males will on average look uglier and have neurological developmental issues.

Cherrypicking at its finest, "look I found one single study disaproving 6'6 as the best height im so intelligent". Don't know if you're below 3 digit iq in real life, but this post is just hilarious.
It is a reputable study that has passed rigorous testing and holds more weight than 10 outlandish studies posted on obscure journals. Like you foolish black pillers tend to link as evidence.

Women ultimately don't care a whole deal about height. As long as a man is at least below average in height, other factors such as his social status are many magnitudes more important to females.

You're a black pill NPC. You and the rest of the ideologues have no argument that's based in reality. You're living in a delusion. Its quite sad really. I noticed at age 19 that the linear height pill was a myth because I noticed in reality how women have a preference for males who're only slightly above average in height. Something you and the rest of the simpletons failed to observe because you're all stupid. This is my subject of expertise. You need to sit down and listen to the experts on human nature, boy.
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In the US most girls have a preference for 5'11 up to 6'2 I would say.
Outside those ranges they prefer 6'3+, rather than someone shorter than 5'11.

That's their perfect man but in reality only hot girls can choose the height they want.
Average girls have to settle for someone that's only slightly taller than them. The supply of tall guys is limited, every girl can't be with someone tall such as 6 feet.

In the same way, all girls would prefer their boyfriend to have a lean gym body or a rich guy. But what you see in real life differs from that, simply because not everyone is rich or goes to the gym.

A tall height boosts your attractivity +1
in the same way a good gym body will give you a +1, or being rich/good job will +1

being average won't give you a boost nor a big handicap when it comes to dating most girls

but being very short is can be a deal breaker, even dating average girls
In the US most girls have a preference for 5'11 up to 6'2 I would say.
Outside those ranges they prefer 6'3+, rather than someone shorter than 5'11.

That's their perfect man but in reality only hot girls can choose the height they want.
Average girls have to settle for someone that's only slightly taller than them. The supply of tall guys is limited, every girl can't be with someone tall such as 6 feet.

In the same way, all girls would prefer their boyfriend to have a lean gym body or a rich guy. But what you see in real life differs from that, simply because not everyone is rich or goes to the gym.

A tall height boosts your attractivity +1
in the same way a good gym body will give you a +1, or being rich/good job will +1

being average won't give you a boost nor a big handicap when it comes to dating most girls

but being very short is can be a deal breaker, even dating average girls
wrong faggot

@QuantativeAnalyticalBS @Marco Pumpo

let me explain -> girls like guys that other girls want/WK

if your 6'5" then to girls 6'3-5'11 you are KANG

that means being tall you have tall girls that OBSESS over your, average girls who want you, and short girls who are OK with you


What is too much? The height that even tall girls 6'1-5'7" which are probably 10% of the female population no longer care, so about 6'6" to 6'4"

this is what you retards don't understand, guys who are 6'5" have 5'11-6'3" which is about 5% of women and disproportionately THIN MODELESQUE(pictures only) girls EATING OUT OF THEIR HANDS ON THEIR KNEES BEGGING FOR THESE MEN

These girls are SLAVES to these taller men, and thats boosts their SMV, PERIOD.

Imagine your a 5'5" average female, and half the females you know LOVE a certain tall 6'3"+ man, the other half of females also like these men

then for certain OTHER types of men UNDER 5'9" half the females you know HATE THEM IN DISGUST, the other half accept them

lmfao are we here to act like there are only 4 inches of acceptable height?

PLENTY of bitches are over 5'7" so saying 5'11"-6'2" is UNREALISTING because even 5'5" girls want 6' men,

wrong faggot

@QuantativeAnalyticalBS @Marco Pumpo

let me explain -> girls like guys that other girls want/WK

if your 6'5" then to girls 6'3-5'11 you are KANG

that means being tall you have tall girls that OBSESS over your, average girls who want you, and short girls who are OK with you


What is too much? The height that even tall girls 6'1-5'7" which are probably 10% of the female population no longer care, so about 6'6" to 6'4"

this is what you retards don't understand, guys who are 6'5" have 5'11-6'3" which is about 5% of women and disproportionately THIN MODELESQUE(pictures only) girls EATING OUT OF THEIR HANDS ON THEIR KNEES BEGGING FOR THESE MEN

These girls are SLAVES to these taller men, and thats boosts their SMV, PERIOD.

Imagine your a 5'5" average female, and half the females you know LOVE a certain tall 6'3"+ man, the other half of females also like these men

then for certain OTHER types of men UNDER 5'9" half the females you know HATE THEM IN DISGUST, the other half accept them

lmfao are we here to act like there are only 4 inches of acceptable height?

PLENTY of bitches are over 5'7" so saying 5'11"-6'2" is UNREALISTING because even 5'5" girls want 6' men,

Screenshot 20240607 194137 Chrome
wrong faggot

@QuantativeAnalyticalBS @Marco Pumpo

let me explain -> girls like guys that other girls want/WK

if your 6'5" then to girls 6'3-5'11 you are KANG

that means being tall you have tall girls that OBSESS over your, average girls who want you, and short girls who are OK with you


What is too much? The height that even tall girls 6'1-5'7" which are probably 10% of the female population no longer care, so about 6'6" to 6'4"

this is what you retards don't understand, guys who are 6'5" have 5'11-6'3" which is about 5% of women and disproportionately THIN MODELESQUE(pictures only) girls EATING OUT OF THEIR HANDS ON THEIR KNEES BEGGING FOR THESE MEN

These girls are SLAVES to these taller men, and thats boosts their SMV, PERIOD.

Imagine your a 5'5" average female, and half the females you know LOVE a certain tall 6'3"+ man, the other half of females also like these men

then for certain OTHER types of men UNDER 5'9" half the females you know HATE THEM IN DISGUST, the other half accept them

lmfao are we here to act like there are only 4 inches of acceptable height?

PLENTY of bitches are over 5'7" so saying 5'11"-6'2" is UNREALISTING because even 5'5" girls want 6' men,

I agree with your analysis but i don't think most women want someone that tall
I rarely see 6'5 that are attractive, it's like they are so tall, it becomes ugly and you just see their height (unless you are talking about countries like the netherlands)
at some point being that tall is almost bad, it looks so weird when a guy that tall dates an average woman

in any case, in terms of attractiveness boost, there's barely any difference between 6'2 or 6'4
at that point you are close to max height, where it doesn't even matter the exact height, you are tall and thats what women like
any additional points will come from other features you have
not debunked, the study forces women to pick a single height, not even a range of heights, it's very well understood for women heights functions as a MINIMUM and not a single number @Marco Pumpo this guy is retarded
Women were given the option to select for their preferred height and 180cm it is. Regardless of the duration of a relationship.
Women were given the option to select for their preferred height and 180cm it is. Regardless of the duration of a relationship.
right got it 6'5" is as bad as 5'4" your a dumbfuck, 6" taller than your wanted height to a girl is better than even 1" shorter
Considering you three made the same moronic mistake, I most certainly am superior to you three, intellectually speaking. It is painfully obvious. Are you going to continue living in a deluded state?
we just didn't invest the time and money to verify a chart that unlike you we don't really care about. maybe it's behind a paywall or maybe someone made it up and put the wrong source. whatever, it's not like someone is paying me for this shit. i agreed like 3 times already now that we can discard it. but you keep harping on it like it's the biggest victory of your life.

Until you debunk the study, requesting for another makes no logically sense. You're simply moving the goal post because you can't support 'your' black pill ideology.
i'm not defending any ideology. good for me if 5'11" is the preferred height. you are the one shilling for this so hard and mad again.


The homogamous preference applies to all human races. If you want to get technical, the women from other countries outside of European one's will prefer an optimal range lower than that seen in Europe. Such as, a preference for an optimal height of 5'6" to 5'9", in SEA countries.
you don't know these values. you are globally interpolating data from a small study in one country.

I'm in the process of getting a degree in a hard science subject.
i mog you.

Absolute projection. You have the normie personality type. Being born with said personality type, means that you're a sub clinical psychopath from birth. You're stupid and lack passion, and most importantly, sexuality! You're the perfect sub human pawns for whatever regime comes into power. Your nature is sickening.
we just didn't invest the time and money to verify a chart that unlike you we don't really care about.
Well clearly you do care because you're here right now typing paragraph after paragraph about how wrong I am. Lol.

i'm not defending any ideology. good for me if 5'11" is the preferred height. you are the one shilling for this so hard and mad again

Hahaha. Everything I said there can be linked to studies in psychology. You have the effeminate conformist personality type that is sub clinically psychopathic. You wouldn't know any of this because you're a sub human.

you don't know these values. you are globally interpolating data from a small study in one country.
That's an entirely different study. You haven't even looked at it. This is what I'm talking about. The IQ gap is so big between us. You're so beneath me. You're the student here, I am the mentor. Know your place.

i mog you
You had to go to a man made building and kiss the arses of others to learn what they know. Everything you see here written from me was from the observations I made out in the real world, which I can corroborate with evidence from the various fields. I mog you.
honestly the second video. I realy did not sense she genuinely liked him. Like i get it. Two types of relationships. One that is magnetic. She will fawn over you, the other she's being more pragmatic and thinking "i will learn to love him" in time. But during that time, your setting her up all fat like cars, homes, jewelry, clothes.

But the second kind of relationship is difficult to gauge. Could be she's just using him. who knows
Thing is she is getting gifts. That one is one year ago. The latest one is them fighting. Could be mix of both.
You fat fuck.

Order summary​

From Taco Bell

Big Cheez-It® Crunchwrap Supreme®




3 Cheese Chicken Flatbread Melt


Cantina Chicken Crispy Taco
Cantina Chicken Crispy Taco • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Cantina Chicken Soft Taco
Cantina Chicken Soft Taco • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Double Stacked Taco


Chalupa Supreme®
Chalupa Supreme® - Steak


Grilled Cheese Burrito
Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito


Chicken Enchilada Burrito


Cantina Chicken Burrito
Cantina Chicken Burrito • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Cantina Chicken Quesadilla
Cantina Chicken Quesadilla • Guacamole • Reduced Fat Sour Cream • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Steak Quesadilla


Diablo Sauce Packet


Avocado Ranch Sauce




Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar
Large MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar


MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar
Large MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar


Order summary​

From Taco Bell

Big Cheez-It® Crunchwrap Supreme®




3 Cheese Chicken Flatbread Melt


Cantina Chicken Crispy Taco
Cantina Chicken Crispy Taco • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Cantina Chicken Soft Taco
Cantina Chicken Soft Taco • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Double Stacked Taco


Chalupa Supreme®
Chalupa Supreme® - Steak


Grilled Cheese Burrito
Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito


Chicken Enchilada Burrito


Cantina Chicken Burrito
Cantina Chicken Burrito • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Cantina Chicken Quesadilla
Cantina Chicken Quesadilla • Guacamole • Reduced Fat Sour Cream • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Steak Quesadilla


Diablo Sauce Packet


Avocado Ranch Sauce




Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar
Large MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar


MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar
Large MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar

You're literally flexing your binge eating disorder like it's something to be proud of. You American's are a meme at this point.

Order summary​

From Taco Bell

Big Cheez-It® Crunchwrap Supreme®




3 Cheese Chicken Flatbread Melt


Cantina Chicken Crispy Taco
Cantina Chicken Crispy Taco • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Cantina Chicken Soft Taco
Cantina Chicken Soft Taco • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Double Stacked Taco


Chalupa Supreme®
Chalupa Supreme® - Steak


Grilled Cheese Burrito
Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito


Chicken Enchilada Burrito


Cantina Chicken Burrito
Cantina Chicken Burrito • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Cantina Chicken Quesadilla
Cantina Chicken Quesadilla • Guacamole • Reduced Fat Sour Cream • Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


Steak Quesadilla


Diablo Sauce Packet


Avocado Ranch Sauce




Avocado Verde Salsa Sauce Packet


MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar
Large MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar


MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar
Large MTN DEW® Baja Blast™ Zero Sugar

I just woke up I'm so hungry. I just ate some amazing tacos few days ago

Nice. What's your grocery bill like?
I don't count it sadly

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