Well heading to cambodia for 2 weeks for a visa run


Living geomax.SEA indonesia at the moment
Sep 19, 2023
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I will let you know how it goes. Food and pussy wise
reason im leaving indo 2 months too soon. MOTHER FUCKING IMMIGRATION

cock swagglers fucked me

okay, i admit, i don't know fuck all about indo immigration, just google research
and all the research said "just go online and use their portal"
well instead of EXTENDING my visa, i just applied and got new ones that i was supposed ot leave for a day and come back.

well, i think it's immigrations fault, cause they saw my profile, they KNEW i had a walk in visa. And they converted my visa to a 211a anyways. so personally i think it was up to immigration to DENY my visa and that would have forced me to go to the immigration office personally avoiding the fine. And so i was in indonesia for 3 months illegally
and indonesian gov doens't fuck around. 1mil rupiah a day for overstay 62 USD a day

so they said i was 83 days overstay. but buddy saw that immigration also made a mistake and said mehhhh. lets make it 53 DAYS BUDDY!
MOTHER FUCKER that's 3400 USD i had to pay. not to get black listed. now the black list is anywhere form 6 months to 2 years, then it lifts. But im getting so much pussy in indo land, i don't wanna leave. And i mean, i do not even have to leave my cave and i got teens to 20 somethings, bugging to come over and fuck. its gotten to the point, girls will offer their friends to me. Hey..you wanna fuck my friend? LOL....awesome

so, i have to do a visa run and now i gotta best buddy in immigration LOL. sure he's going to take a bit off the top about 30 bucks to process my visas, but they will be done right. and i can extend for 180 days. and i don't have to wait in any lines, simple whatsapp and he does all the work.

so tahts' good
but a 3400 dollar fucking lesson to me. FUCK...my cheap ass almost had a heart attack. I won't buy a samsung phone for 800 dollars. FUUUUUCK. 3400 *sobs. Oh well......anyways

today cambodia, 3 hour flight. got an airbnb right by the red light district 500m away (far enough that at night i will be able to sleep no party sounds).

i will update everyone. about to fly in an hour. reason i picked cambodia. Closest from jakarta. only 3 hours. And it's beside vietnam and thailand so i can visit those places by bus and at least say i have been there.
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All good for 3400 you can always make more money

I went to hospital one time thought was sick and insurance didn't cover it paid myself
what about stds, how do you avoid those?
Are the antibiotics effective?

How much you pay an indo girl? Any pics to get a sense of what indo girls you get?
okay before i get to any questions.

first night. I just happen to get an awesome AIRBB, only a fucking hope skip and jump away from the "red light" district.

now i went to bed early, so i didn't get a complete vibe of the place. but one thing i noticed about cambodia, no one begs here. NOT ONE SINGLE kid or cripple begged me for money

another thing here, the language is impossible. IT would be very difficult to learn, cause their alphabet is unreadable.

now, i went down to the water front, was cool. that's in the RL district. I didn't notice many hookers until i saw the signs

they are very very very covert here. like i saw this one fat guy shoo in a girl in the cab very quickly, she looked underage about 15ish. so they are very covert about sex here.
the girls on the walk way walk up and down and at the time i was there, you normally had to approach them. like your picking them up

i was sitting on my phone and all of a sudden a cute girl is sitting beside me, looks about 16ish. she speaks good english, asks if i want sex. I said "let me guess you have a kid" she says yes, 8mo. and im like ahhh...that's why. No thanks.
she moved on.

but maybe i didnt' stay late enough. started back at my hotel at 9 (fucking tired on the first day of travel). I will go back again tonight to analyse more.

and alot of white people here. Coming from indonesia. were i RARELY saw white people. here. in the area i was at, there was a fuck ton (personally i dont' like it, no one here treats you special) *sad face

apartment is fucking awesome. HUGE has everything. only thing it doens't have is a tv in the bedroom. (i might buy a small one and put it there) i dont' give a fuck, owner can have it, i just like to be comfy.
All good for 3400 you can always make more money

I went to hospital one time thought was sick and insurance didn't cover it paid myself
Your right, i know. But fuck...im cheap bro. I swear im jewish and was switched at birth.
what about stds, how do you avoid those?
Are the antibiotics effective?

How much you pay an indo girl? Any pics to get a sense of what indo girls you get?
i post lots of pics here. you just gotta find em. Im not spoon feeding anyone anymore. And i NEVER use condoms. And the only STD i have ever gotten was crabs. and personally if god said "andrew, you never gotta use condoms again but you get an std once a year, one you can chose"

i would pick crabs. Easy as fuck to be gone, just use crab shampoo. infact, i would just mix the crab shampoo with my normal shampoo and never ever get crabs either.

no scaring, no residual nothing

anyways. no. i have not had an STD and i dont' use condoms. asian girls are cleaner. They wash BEFORE they fuck and after they fuck and DEMAND you wash before and after too. Never had a smelly asian pussy yet.

and i gotta admit, tight.....holy fuck, that has not been even a problem. where in the west, you pick up a western girl, it's 50/50 if it's hotdog hallway time.

only had 2 asian girls that were hotdog hallway feeling. and i have fucked in my 4 months in indo, ALOT. like too many to count.

and think 2/3rds of them fuck for money. So that's gotta tell you something. (but then again, they aren't fish bowl workers, the girls i am normally with these are girls who only fuck for money when they need it)

so that may also make a difference
i post lots of pics here. you just gotta find em. Im not spoon feeding anyone anymore. And i NEVER use condoms. And the only STD i have ever gotten was crabs. and personally if god said "andrew, you never gotta use condoms again but you get an std once a year, one you can chose"

i would pick crabs. Easy as fuck to be gone, just use crab shampoo. infact, i would just mix the crab shampoo with my normal shampoo and never ever get crabs either.

no scaring, no residual nothing

anyways. no. i have not had an STD and i dont' use condoms. asian girls are cleaner. They wash BEFORE they fuck and after they fuck and DEMAND you wash before and after too. Never had a smelly asian pussy yet.

and i gotta admit, tight.....holy fuck, that has not been even a problem. where in the west, you pick up a western girl, it's 50/50 if it's hotdog hallway time.

only had 2 asian girls that were hotdog hallway feeling. and i have fucked in my 4 months in indo, ALOT. like too many to count.

and think 2/3rds of them fuck for money. So that's gotta tell you something. (but then again, they aren't fish bowl workers, the girls i am normally with these are girls who only fuck for money when they need it)

so that may also make a difference
What made you choose south east asia? Would you say Cambodia/Philippines are the easiest? Did you try before other places like Eastern Europe or East Asia? Any luck there or what do you think about these places?
What made you choose south east asia? Would you say Cambodia/Philippines are the easiest? Did you try before other places like Eastern Europe or East Asia? Any luck there or what do you think about these places?
never tried europe. but i like asia. simple as. There is so many people over on this side, that once you live here, you see the west has fallen. The west is done. Not only for women, but other things too.

in indonesia. It's RARE for me to go out to dinner and spend more than 6 dollars. infact i cringe now. tonight the guy that owned teh airbnb im staying in, we went out for drinks, we had 5 it was 15 dollars, i gave 17.

that's like 250k in indonesia and i would NEVER spend that much alone.

inflation has not hit asia. not like the west. where everything is fucking expensive. i like having 12 dollars in my pocket and feeling like the king of the world "I CAN BUY ANYTHING MUAHAHAHAH". type dealio.

shit, pussy in indo is only 25 dollars. here in cambodia, a teen girl approached me and asked for 100,000k which is 24 dollars. so basically the same.

why date LOL....seriously. oh, i can go on dates with you, and MAYBE get pussy but spend 150 dollars. OR....i can pay 25 dollars for pussy that's several years younger than you. And i pay her to leave. Not to stay.

hmm hard choice
Ik what you mean. It hurts but it won't change trajectory of life. I spent more on my Thai trip in 1 month
ya but you forget. Im paying for a place still in indo. have to pay for a round trip to cambodia, pay for an apartment in cambodia. And the food and entertainment for that stay in cambodia.

it's not JUST 3400 dollars

so basically paying about 5k for 2 weeks. thats' almost a months worth of "rental income" clearing 1500 for a month sucks.
dam, cambodia seems like a fun place, keep posting more as it's not talked about too much, you like indo girls or cambodians more. Heard cambodians are more "jungle" looking
ya but you forget. Im paying for a place still in indo. have to pay for a round trip to cambodia, pay for an apartment in cambodia. And the food and entertainment for that stay in cambodia.

it's not JUST 3400 dollars

so basically paying about 5k for 2 weeks. thats' almost a months worth of "rental income" clearing 1500 for a month sucks.
What does the airbnb place looks like, got some pics? Is it more western living or more like a local? How much do you pay per night?
dam, cambodia seems like a fun place, keep posting more as it's not talked about too much, you like indo girls or cambodians more. Heard cambodians are more "jungle" looking
i think cambodian girls are hot, but maybe it's because they use alot of makeup and indo girls don't.

but i find everything is twice as expensive as indo.

the ONLY thing that is cheaper is booze.

but in the girly bars, it's up to 5 bucks a beer. so, it can be very expensive.

but average groceries here is twice as expensive as indo. fucking pack of bacon cost me 8 dollars here in cambodia

now obviously street food is cheap like indonesia. but that is a given.

restaurants are really fucking touristy, so touristy prices.

went to the gun range, for a hand gun rental and a box of shells. 60 dollars
fucking bullshit
your a dumbfuck just get permanent residency
alright smarty how the FUCK do you do that. You do know indo immigration isn't that fucking easy

not old enough to retire.

so, tell me how you get permanent residency dumb fuck (guy obviously knows more than companys that do indo immigration visas)
What does the airbnb place looks like, got some pics? Is it more western living or more like a local? How much do you pay per night?
this airbnb is very western, only two things it's missing, tv in bedroom and microwave.

otherwise, it's right in the action, fucking HUGE apartment and i paid 560 for 2 weeks. kinda pricey, but it's a visa run, so i don't care
alright smarty how the FUCK do you do that. You do know indo immigration isn't that fucking easy

not old enough to retire.

so, tell me how you get permanent residency dumb fuck (guy obviously knows more than companys that do indo immigration visas)
the solution to any problem is always make more money

sorry your too poor to buy legal rights
the solution to any problem is always make more money

sorry your too poor to buy legal rights
glad you know my financial situation.

youre a clown

so, lets just say, clown. that i have the money. Are ya REALLY going to invest in a country, that you are not sure you want to live in for the rest of your life, you asshole.

ya that's right, your a non thinking, asshole.

well let me use my brain, cause obviously yours is just good to put hats on.

NO...your not. Cause of example, in my country of cayman. You would need to invest 2mil.

now i know the philipeans is only 20k. But i DO NOT LIKE the philipeans

and not every country even has that option. So you know what. im done with you. fuck off, suck a bag of dicks, you know nothing moron.
okay been in cambodia for a week now. it's okay.

rent here is super fucking cheap, you can get nice apartments here for 200 to 300 USD per month. WTF...and i mean, NICE apartments. You ARE NOT getting these kinds of apartments in indo for less than 800 dollars a month.

and alot of them include internet, water, electricity. (FOR 200 to 300) dollars WTF. now this is a one bedroom (not studio) but usually VERY VERY spacious.

so, looking into immigration right now.

i have only found one grocery store close to my place right now and i can say that the price of most of the stuff is about par, or MAYBE 20% less than i would pay in cayman. (cayman prices are about on par with miami prices)

so, that's a draw back. But i really cannot say if that's the prices across the board. Until i get to another grocery store for comparison. And you can also go to the open markets. usually always a bit cheaper. With open veggie markets and meat (but this reminds me of cuba and fuck that. i am NOT eating meat that is not chilled and they allow flies and bugs to hang out on that meat laying their eggs or whatever the fuck they do)

so no to the open meat market. But veggies. ya, no fucking problem. those are cheap as fuck.

but expect the veggies to be small. like they have no patience. Cucumbers. why allow them to grow full size when they can be 1/3 size and we cna sell em now, sorta dealio.

okay that's all for today. (oh, cambodian girls are hot, and same tightness as indos) i think it's because they wear mini skirts and slutty shit, unlike indo girls. and makeup. but according to internet research, average cambodian guys dick is only 4.5 inches. So here im a cock star

oh ya, and one final thing. The girls here are really receptive. Even though there are alot of western dudes living here. almost everyone i approach is freindly and i feel if i pushed it to the next level, can go further with them

shit, they give out there numbers like it's candy.

girl in yellow is a bartender that gave me her number last night.

girl with sunglasses i fucked a few nights ago.

girl hiding her face i fucked yesterday, she was a good shag, like fucked like a cock goblin


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apartment example
Rental Price:$240/m (free:Internet,cable TV,garbage collection,parking lot…)Location:Russian Market Walking Distance (ACE International School,Lucky Express,Angkor Mart,Super Duper,Starbucks coffee,brown coffee,...)

this is an average apartment. but you can get cheaper 180ish (same amenities, but usually one floor not two like this one)

but all are similar.


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pretty good for that price. good to see there are still countries left where you don't pay western prices for an eastern shithole. where are you exactly? phnom penh? i was there a few years ago. sexy girls and a bit of a wild east vibe. too much stinky trash lying around everywhere though, siem reap was better in that regard but felt a bit like a sleepy town.

the poverty of the country is good for the wallet but the other side of the coin is that women are a bit too desperate for my taste. if they want to be good girls they have to work their asses off in shit jobs for super low wages. as a result many of them go into paysex because it's just so tempting if they have the looks to escape the daily shithole struggle.
glad you know my financial situation.

youre a clown

so, lets just say, clown. that i have the money. Are ya REALLY going to invest in a country, that you are not sure you want to live in for the rest of your life, you asshole.

ya that's right, your a non thinking, asshole.

well let me use my brain, cause obviously yours is just good to put hats on.

NO...your not. Cause of example, in my country of cayman. You would need to invest 2mil.

now i know the philipeans is only 20k. But i DO NOT LIKE the philipeans

and not every country even has that option. So you know what. im done with you. fuck off, suck a bag of dicks, you know nothing moron.
we are talking about SEA maxing nobody wants to buy citizenship in your shithole country
apartment example
Rental Price:$240/m (free:Internet,cable TV,garbage collection,parking lot…)Location:Russian Market Walking Distance (ACE International School,Lucky Express,Angkor Mart,Super Duper,Starbucks coffee,brown coffee,...)

this is an average apartment. but you can get cheaper 180ish (same amenities, but usually one floor not two like this one)

but all are similar.
How fast is the internet? Can you show a speedtest result? How are the prices at the Russian Market?
Is the tap water clean? Can you brush teeth with it or you need a bottled water? Do you avoid it getting to your eyes when you shower?
How fast is the internet? Can you show a speedtest result? How are the prices at the Russian Market?
Is the tap water clean? Can you brush teeth with it or you need a bottled water? Do you avoid it getting to your eyes when you shower?
internet is fast and reliable. most of SEA is like that
(i dont' know about philippeans but indo, japan, malaysia, singapore and cambodia all good.

as far as water, i got acustom to drinking dangerous water, due to all my years in DR. hung over, in the morning with a hairy tongue and forgot to buy water type dealio.

so, only water that ever got me, was cuba. but it took an entire week to hit me. Where my aunt got it, within 6 hours. (we both drank tap water at the same time in cuba)
i never want to relive that experience. i was vomiting blood out of my ass. I almost died (no embellishment. i vomitted so much blood out of my ass, that i needed to go to the hospital, but i could not stand up without passing out, so i could not drive myself to the hospital and i was NOT calling an ambulance or asking a friend to drive me. And have to live with that embarasment. so i said fuck it, if i die i die. And i called in sick to work for 3 days and just let it pass)

but this water, i brush teeth, shower and make my coffee with it.

meh, if it's got dirty pipes, who cares. Means i get all those yummy minerals, like copper and aluminum, iron and zinc and all that. like drinking a multivitamin LOL
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Cheap and affordable only issue is many don't speak english
actually coming from indonesia. I find ALOT of people speak english here
but yes, there is places that DO NOT speak english. Translator works well.
pretty good for that price. good to see there are still countries left where you don't pay western prices for an eastern shithole. where are you exactly? phnom penh? i was there a few years ago. sexy girls and a bit of a wild east vibe. too much stinky trash lying around everywhere though, siem reap was better in that regard but felt a bit like a sleepy town.

the poverty of the country is good for the wallet but the other side of the coin is that women are a bit too desperate for my taste. if they want to be good girls they have to work their asses off in shit jobs for super low wages. as a result many of them go into paysex because it's just so tempting if they have the looks to escape the daily shithole struggle.
i guess they have had a change of management since you were here. I am staying in phnom penh. and there is a garbage truck every time i go outside picking up the trash. But ya, it's fucking gross smelling when it's there. like vomit inducing. But the trick is to hold your finger under your nose like your making a mustache. It works. stops the smell immediately. until you get clear of the area

but this is the first country i have seen that is as cheap as this. holy fuck im shocked, and immigration here, is more simple than indo. If i stay here for 7 years. And can speak fluent khmer. I can get my citizenship.

it's very fucking cheap here. except for the tourist area, it's fucking expensive. But still cheaper than indo, but not much. Tonight i paid 20 dollars for supper. Ceasar salad (chicken was breaded so i threw it away) and 5 huge oysters and a draft beer

for me, coming from the north of indonesia. where you can feed TWO people with that amount of money. I think it's expensive (but this is north jakarta) if you go south, you will easily pay more than that. damn foreigners.
i guess they have had a change of management since you were here. I am staying in phnom penh. and there is a garbage truck every time i go outside picking up the trash. But ya, it's fucking gross smelling when it's there. like vomit inducing. But the trick is to hold your finger under your nose like your making a mustache. It works. stops the smell immediately. until you get clear of the area
the trash mustache :LOL: hilarious man, gave me a flashback... but good to know that the situation is improving.

and btw generally refreshing to read some fresh real life content here. honestly i was just about to drop out of this forum because of the neverending supply of hateful assholes. like the guy who called you a dumbfuck for not just getting permanent residence. maybe i should just block all of them to protect my eyes from reading all this shit.

anyways in return a little story from side: if you wanna take a trip to visit angkor wat i recommend bringing a girl from phnom penh because as i said siem reap is basically a sleepy town full of tourists. that's how i did it at least because i didn't wanna be alone there or pay hookers. the girl i dated in phnom penh initially refused because she was running a small shop there and had to take spontaneous vacation from that which obviously results in loss of income. so i offered to compensate for that but not by just giving money because i wanted to make sure she doesn't just fuck me over with some whore trick. so i went to the big market with her to buy supplies for the shop and we brought them there which gave me a peek into her life and showed me the struggles of an average worker there. anyway, i carry great memories from having her company during the angkor wat trip and in siem reap having her cute little body next to me in bed and chilling at the hotel pool.

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actually coming from indonesia. I find ALOT of people speak english here
but yes, there is places that DO NOT speak english. Translator works well.
How many non pros have you fucked since arriving? I heard that the country is heavily socially conservative and that slaying is tough to next to impossible (source 2018 JamesFT.)
How many non pros have you fucked since arriving? I heard that the country is heavily socially conservative and that slaying is tough to next to impossible (source 2018 JamesFT.)
well here is a fucked up thing. I slept till about 12 today. and i check my second phone (indo phone) the one im using in cambodia.

and i get this message from trc or something that says "it is prohibited to send illegal pornography through this network" or something like that

and i got the message at 1154 today (i was fucking sleeping). So i have no idea what the fuck they are talking about. I NEVER use my phone for sending anything but whatsapp insta or messenger messages. and i haven't send any "porn" through my phone. SO im bamboozled into why i got that sms message.

so i google "is porn legal in cambodia" it turns out, that it' is. Kinda stupid, cause every hotel has porn on the tv.

so that is really making me think. Maybe the reason why this place is so cheap is because their internet policy is fucking draconian. Although alot of white people live here, they seem as old or MUCH older than me. And even at my age 44 it's rare to have someone on the net like i use it (but I was an IT analyst, so my internet usage is normal for who i am and not my age).

been bugging me ever since i got that RANDOM sms message. im trying to think "who did i send porn to?" and im coming up blank so i don't fucking know.

had time to google and this is one example of the anti porn stance

A Cambodian court on Tuesday suspended 10 months of a one-year jail term it handed to a British man found guilty of producing pornography in connection with a party in the town of Siem Reap, home to the ruins of Angkor Wat. Cambodia, a conservative Buddhist country, is frequented by young tourists backpacking through Southeast Asia. Daniel Jones, who was tried on Thursday in the Siem Reap provincial court, was among 10 foreigners the police detained in a January 25 raid on the event, called “Pub Crawl or Let’s Get Wet”. Authorities said the group danced provocatively at a pool party and posted pictures of themselves dancing on social media. Judge Um Chan Thol ordered Jones to serve just one month and 22 days of his one-year sentence, calling the pornography “unintentional”.

dude got two months in jail for dancing provocatively. My alarming concern is look at how it's worded. the judge decided "okay it' s not porn but i still gotta give you something anyways" in other words "we arent' ever wrong, so suck it up, buttercup. that's baddddddd

fuck this place man....back to indo i go.
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the trash mustache :LOL: hilarious man, gave me a flashback... but good to know that the situation is improving.

and btw generally refreshing to read some fresh real life content here. honestly i was just about to drop out of this forum because of the neverending supply of hateful assholes. like the guy who called you a dumbfuck for not just getting permanent residence. maybe i should just block all of them to protect my eyes from reading all this shit.

anyways in return a little story from side: if you wanna take a trip to visit angkor wat i recommend bringing a girl from phnom penh because as i said siem reap is basically a sleepy town full of tourists. that's how i did it at least because i didn't wanna be alone there or pay hookers. the girl i dated in phnom penh initially refused because she was running a small shop there and had to take spontaneous vacation from that which obviously results in loss of income. so i offered to compensate for that but not by just giving money because i wanted to make sure she doesn't just fuck me over with some whore trick. so i went to the big market with her to buy supplies for the shop and we brought them there which gave me a peek into her life and showed me the struggles of an average worker there. anyway, i carry great memories from having her company during the angkor wat trip and in siem reap having her cute little body next to me in bed and chilling at the hotel pool.

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nice girl, and about blocking the trolls thats exactly what i do. No time for that shit. Some guys in here, have pointed out things that helped me, in my travels. or with other things. Alex is always posting interesting shit. but hey glad i could help you in some way.

i mean, i dont' mind being called dumb when im dumb. I am always open to critism, but your right. That example is a perfect one "just get permanent residency" like i just go to the 7/11 and ask for the permanent residency sim. LOL fucking guy is a tool. LOL

anyways, your trip report and buying her supplies, you are no dummy. you are always HMM what could be this girls angle. smart. I think the same way.
NEVER EVER trust 3rd worlders to be honest. It's sad but it's true. Once you get to know them. then judge them by their "honesty" but until then. You can and usually are simply a hustle to them.

the only time i have found you can trust a 3rd worlder, is if they are as well off or better than you, and you know damn well, if they are better off than you, it's THEM who are watching you, for your hustle.

and im actually paranoid about that girl picture you posted and me opening it. After that wierd message i recieved today
How many non pros have you fucked since arriving? I heard that the country is heavily socially conservative and that slaying is tough to next to impossible (source 2018 JamesFT.)
things can change in 6 years. i find the girls here really receptive. As long as you dont' look like a scrub

i have fucked 3 girls, one non and two pro
i mean, i dont' mind being called dumb when im dumb. I am always open to critism, but your right. That example is a perfect one "just get permanent residency" like i just go to the 7/11 and ask for the permanent residency sim. LOL fucking guy is a tool. LOL
he actually continued seething at you in other threads because of your reply. but nevermind...

and im actually paranoid about that girl picture you posted and me opening it. After that wierd message i recieved today
i understand your concern. trc is the cambodian telecom regulator, so the sender may be legit. i would have expected this kind of stuff to happen in china, but cambodia? that's disappointing. however, how do you even know this is related to your activities? maybe it's just a general disclaimer they are sending out in that network? you didn't share porn and the picture i posted is just a dressed adult woman lying next to the pool, so you should be fine.

however, as a general safety measure i recommend you to protect yourself from your internet service provider sniffing on your activities. i'll drop you a PN on that. even if you return to indo it is advisable imo. it's a muslim country and you never know when shit will start hitting the fan there. there's already some crazy shit going on with morality police in aceh and only god (or allah in this case) knows if, when and where this mentality will spread all over the country.
he actually continued seething at you in other threads because of your reply. but nevermind...

i understand your concern. trc is the cambodian telecom regulator, so the sender may be legit. i would have expected this kind of stuff to happen in china, but cambodia? that's disappointing. however, how do you even know this is related to your activities? maybe it's just a general disclaimer they are sending out in that network? you didn't share porn and the picture i posted is just a dressed adult woman lying next to the pool, so you should be fine.

however, as a general safety measure i recommend you to protect yourself from your internet service provider sniffing on your activities. i'll drop you a PN on that. even if you return to indo it is advisable imo. it's a muslim country and you never know when shit will start hitting the fan there. there's already some crazy shit going on with morality police in aceh and only god (or allah in this case) knows if, when and where this mentality will spread all over the country.
im pretty versed with IT crap, 20 years of being a network administrator. but your right, going to download virtual box for my new mac, and make a win10 image. then when i am done using it, encrypt it. and surf with that. This way i can restore the image as well, to "before i surfed" so, even if they decrypt the container that holds the virtua box image. They are only going to get what i had on the image "BEFORE" i surfed.

well the message arrived like this

ការចែកចាយរូបភាព និងសម្ភារៈអាសអាភាសខុសច្បាប់

i translated it and it said directly
"illegal distribution of pornographic images and materials"

and it said nothing more. No contact number no fuck all. just that.
when i translated it, I was thinking WTF are they talking about?
cause im not really a phone guy. when i respond to messaged here, it's on my laptop. I do open the responses from time to time on my phone, maybe thats' what it was, since in my thread i think i have me banging an indo chick?
i mean, that's the only thing i can think of.

i have porn vids on my phone, but all legal. so i deleted those just in case. i mean, forensically they can get it back but, really. going to go to all that trouble for legal porn.

its been bothering me all day, cause im scratching my head. i dont' use my phone to go to 4 chan. so i am really perplexed at what that message meant. maybe your right and it's a blanket message

anyways. is what it is i guess. probably worrying for nothing. but it's the first time i have ever seen that.
personally, i think it was a "warning" like we see the porn that you looked at. And if you continue expect problems. or something of that nature
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im pretty versed with IT crap, 20 years of being a network administrator. but your right, going to download virtual box for my new mac, and make a win10 image. then when i am done using it, encrypt it. and surf with that. This way i can restore the image as well, to "before i surfed" so, even if they decrypt the container that holds the virtua box image. They are only going to get what i had on the image "BEFORE" i surfed.

well the message arrived like this

ការចែកចាយរូបភាព និងសម្ភារៈអាសអាភាសខុសច្បាប់

i translated it and it said directly
"illegal distribution of pornographic images and materials"

and it said nothing more. No contact number no fuck all. just that.
when i translated it, I was thinking WTF are they talking about?
cause im not really a phone guy. when i respond to messaged here, it's on my laptop. I do open the responses from time to time on my phone, maybe thats' what it was, since in my thread i think i have me banging an indo chick?
i mean, that's the only thing i can think of.

i have porn vids on my phone, but all legal. so i deleted those just in case. i mean, forensically they can get it back but, really. going to go to all that trouble for legal porn.

its been bothering me all day, cause im scratching my head. i dont' use my phone to go to 4 chan. so i am really perplexed at what that message meant. maybe your right and it's a blanket message

anyways. is what it is i guess. probably worrying for nothing. but it's the first time i have ever seen that.
personally, i think it was a "warning" like we see the porn that you looked at. And if you continue expect problems. or something of that nature
The laws your looking at is also producing porn, not consuming it. Fair to say PH wins yet again in my eyes.
welp last day in cambodia

yesterday got my primary phone stolen (luckily it was only a samsung a05) costs 150 dollars. and fortunate that i do NO BANKINg or other shit on my phone. So rushed home. changed my email and gmail account passwords, done.

always do banking on your computer. is my motto and glad i did. i went to the bathroom, left my phone on the table, it was open left it on the gps map watching the cab, cause i was waiting for grab, (open air dining sorta dealio with ALOT of traffic) had to piss really bad and my grab cab was almost there.

come back, phone was gone, but grab cab was waiting

so hopped in, and said "home nowwwww"

so sitting in the airport get an email. it's airasia emailing me LAST MINUTE that my flight will be delayed another hour and a half. weeeeeee. hopefully it's not mechanical, but it's probably mechanical. that shoudl calm my nerves since i have a fear of flying

overall, i will compare to indo cambodia

infostructure is similiar for streets, cleanliness and building asthetics
the nightlife is more in your face in camb
the girls seem sexier in camb but i think it's because they DO NOT dress modestly, at all.
all 4 girls i was with, had full bush. indo girls for some reason either shave or are nearly bald. (so indo pussy looks nicer)
I think the reason is indo's look more Philippinish, but cambodians look more viet/thai.
prices where i was staying (main party area) was why i left the dominican republic. beer/food. almost back home prices. too expensive.
apartments are fucking cheap and super nice in cambodia. like i cannot understate that. on both parts. An apartment i would pay 250 for in camb, would EASILY be 800 in indo. and the indo apartments RARELY make sense. oh it's a 2 bedroom apt , with a 2 seater couch in the living room. that kinda of stupid shit.
or a one bedroom apartment with a 6 seater dining table taking up a huge amount of space. Im starting to think indonesians aren't exactly that smart
but cambodian apartments are huge.
finally the language. since there are alot of white guys in cambodia, alot of the signs are in english. but MANY cambodians do not speak english. i personally think trying to learn cambodian would be very hard.
indo language easy to learn, but depending on where you go, either lots of english speaking or none at all.
so in cambodia it would not be hard to make white friends.

anyways, that's a wrap on cambodia
nice summary! i agree with the comparison to indonesia.

i noticed the same about latam btw, prices there are just too high in general.

doing important stuff like banking on your phone should be fine. it's encrypted, so as long as you have a device pin or password it would take them considerable effort to crack it. only specialized criminals would be able to do it, for sure not some petty thief.
Seems like Cambodia is just A weekly destination. Especially since it's hard to speak to girls.

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