Tired of White guys coping about race


Nothing to Lose
Dec 17, 2023
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I’ve never met a white guy in my life who gets white girl pussy care about racial consciousness/awareness.

Chad has Tyrone friends and go to parties and shit, only losers cope with race (even though I don’t think they’re wrong).

White guys just need to realize that white women will transform America into Brazil 2.0 within 250 years which may seem like a long time, however this will be merely a blimp in the history of the USA.

America will be a multicultural mutt country and there’s nothing you can do about it.
usa prob won’t even exist in 250 years unless they change the government structure. doubt it will happen since they worship the constitution

china mogs. never had cucked democracy and never really given power to the sheep class, as it should be
usa prob won’t even exist in 250 years unless they change the government structure. doubt it will happen since they worship the constitution

china mogs. never had cucked democracy and never really given power to the sheep class, as it should be
The United States isn’t a democracy. Don’t let the media gaslight you. It’s supposed to be a constitutional republic. The media and corporations are trying to brainwash everyone into thinking it’s a democracy and that democratic rules applies even though they don’t.
I’ve never met a white guy in my life who gets white girl pussy care about racial consciousness/awareness.

Chad has Tyrone friends and go to parties and shit, only losers cope with race (even though I don’t think they’re wrong).

White guys just need to realize that white women will transform America into Brazil 2.0 within 250 years which may seem like a long time, however this will be merely a blimp in the history of the USA.

America will be a multicultural mutt country and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Nice psychosis induced rambling. Yeah there’s more racemaxing than before but what you fail to understand is that the white population isn’t going down, the percentage is. That isn’t due to racemixing it’s due to the flood of immigrants that are pouring into the country everyday. Just because the percentage of whites is shrinking doesn’t actually mean there is less of them. Also you bring up Brazil, but have you ever actually been to Brazil? There’s loads of actual white people there Jfl.

By the way there is no such thing as muh chad and muh Tyrone that’s prime incels.is cope.
Good goy. Social credit increased 15 points!
You will take 5 boosters approved by the Glorious Leader Xi and you will live in the shoebox. 🇨🇳
i will get state mandated chinese han gf
Nice psychosis induced rambling. Yeah there’s more racemaxing than before but what you fail to understand is that the white population isn’t going down, the percentage is. That isn’t due to racemixing it’s due to the flood of immigrants that are pouring into the country everyday. Just because the percentage of whites is shrinking doesn’t actually mean there is less of them. Also you bring up Brazil, but have you ever actually been to Brazil? There’s loads of actual white people there Jfl.

By the way there is no such thing as muh chad and muh Tyrone that’s prime incels.is cope.
I lived in Brazil for four years, most “white” people there are off brand white at best, White (Anglo Saxon) are super rare.
Nice psychosis induced rambling. Yeah there’s more racemaxing than before but what you fail to understand is that the white population isn’t going down, the percentage is. That isn’t due to racemixing it’s due to the flood of immigrants that are pouring into the country everyday. Just because the percentage of whites is shrinking doesn’t actually mean there is less of them. Also you bring up Brazil, but have you ever actually been to Brazil? There’s loads of actual white people there Jfl.

By the way there is no such thing as muh chad and muh Tyrone that’s prime incels.is cope.
Whites are barely having children, their numbers are declining
I’ve never met a white guy in my life who gets white girl pussy care about racial consciousness/awareness.

Chad has Tyrone friends and go to parties and shit, only losers cope with race (even though I don’t think they’re wrong).

White guys just need to realize that white women will transform America into Brazil 2.0 within 250 years which may seem like a long time, however this will be merely a blimp in the history of the USA.

America will be a multicultural mutt country and there’s nothing you can do about it.
It's About phenotype not race you utter brainlet
I lived in Brazil for four years, most “white” people there are off brand white at best, White (Anglo Saxon) are super rare.
Nice moving the goalpost. “Everyone who isn’t Anglo isn’t white.” By that notion then there’s almost no whites in the United States and hasn’t been for the last 150+ years.
Whites are barely having children, their numbers are declining
idk which planet you are living on. Everywhere I go I see white people with kids.
America had good intentions but it’s been flawed since inception - also whites are gods chosen
usa prob won’t even exist in 250 years unless they change the government structure. doubt it will happen since they worship the constitution

china mogs. never had cucked democracy and never really given power to the sheep class, as it should be
Because you're a niggers and shitskin
Aryan descent (= "German-blooded") is therefore a person who, from the point of view of the German people, is free of a foreign blood strain. The blood of the Jews and Gypsies who also live in the European settlement area, that of the Asian and African races and the natives of Australia and America (Indians) is considered foreign here, while for example an Englishman or Swede, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or Italian, if he himself is free from such blood stains, which are also foreign to him, must be regarded as related, i.e. as Aryan, whether he lives in his homeland, in East Asia or America or whether he is a citizen of the United States of America or a South American free state . It goes without saying that, for example, when it comes to marriage, a German national, a girl of purely German descent, is closer to us than another Aryan who is more distantly related.
Nice moving the goalpost. “Everyone who isn’t Anglo isn’t white.” By that notion then there’s almost no whites in the United States and hasn’t been for the last 150+ years.

idk which planet you are living on. Everywhere I go I see white people with kids.
Sorry, Brazil isn’t white keep coping
What's there to cope about. Women will always pick a white man over you. And there's nothing you can do to change it. And it's white men dating ethnics in America. White women are the most loyal race. Ur women betray you in hordes
It's statistical reality. Who else are white women gonna date? Broke poor manlet ethnics with small dicks? They don't do that cos they've already got the tallest richest best looking highest status race of men.
this is gigacope. white women are not the most race loyal. there’s plenty of coalburners especially in countries like usa and brazil meanwhile other races of women never date outside their race
Of course it’s not 100% white but there’s a ton of whites there. You’re the one that’s coping with your fantasy that every single white girl is having 100 babies with black thugs.
I never said that, majority of Brazilians are mixed. Plus quit being an idiot man.
Brazil is truly 30% white or less.
Most Brazilians are mixed
You don’t even know I am Brazilian Jfl. I’ve never met another swarthy looking Brazilian other than myself and my family. Every other Brazilian I’ve ever known has been white and pale skin tone. EA9A1766-1CBE-4BC6-8D40-6CB3D68AF619.jpeg
These girls are such shit skins bro!!! (This is Brazil btw.)

I live in the United States but still never seen another swarthy Brazilian.
You don’t even know I am Brazilian
You didn’t have to tell me, I could fucking tell because only Brazilians fight tooth and nail to prove they are a white country :ROFLMAO:

I can go on any dating app and screen record, most the women on there are brown not white. They only have some Caucasian facial features and LARP as if they’re white.

Desculpa João, você não é branco.
You didn’t have to tell me, I could fucking tell because only Brazilians fight tooth and nail to prove they are a white country :ROFLMAO:

I can go on any dating app and screen record, most the women on there are brown not white. They only have some Caucasian facial features and LARP as if they’re white.

Desculpa João, você não é branco.
Yeah but I’m not trying to convince you I’m white. I’m telling you the reality, nigga. All the dark ass people are in the favelas.
I’ve never met a white guy in my life who gets white girl pussy care about racial consciousness/awareness.

Chad has Tyrone friends and go to parties and shit, only losers cope with race (even though I don’t think they’re wrong).

White guys just need to realize that white women will transform America into Brazil 2.0 within 250 years which may seem like a long time, however this will be merely a blimp in the history of the USA.

America will be a multicultural mutt country and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Don't pretend the radical social changes, decay, and muttification in America aren't being continually talked about in white-only circles, albeit in veiled terms that skirt the boundaries of Jew-approved speech. These days you never know when someone's phone is recording "incriminating" audio for future use, like with the LA City Council wiretapping incident.

And no, Chads aren't cool with unemployed niggers hanging around their McMansion all day. Zoomer whiteoids hang out with mulattos and spics, true...that is also why they get into hard drugs, flunk their classes, waste their earnings, talk in trashy negro slang, and otherwise debase themselves to fit in and be cool.

White women are blah blah blah, what bullshit. It's Hispanic men & women who are flooding America's borders and maternal wards. Feminist white foids abort their worthless brownoid spawn 95 times out of 100. One could argue that a "roastie" is a white foid who has had an abortion. The murder hollows out her soul and turns her pussy into a flabby, sterile hole which itches for mere pleasure instead of procreation.
You didn’t have to tell me, I could fucking tell because only Brazilians fight tooth and nail to prove they are a white country :ROFLMAO:
They are proud of their European genes...that's more than self-hating Anglo-Germanic cucks can say. It's ironic that the browning of America will actually enhance colorism and entrench conservative views among those of mostly European admixture. And believe me, white guys are getting plenty of Euro-dominant Latina pussy in America. Niggers can make mulattos with the squatemalans, and white foids can die childless with their five cats, JFL.
What's there to cope about. Women will always pick a white man over you. And there's nothing you can do to change it. And it's white men dating ethnics in America. White women are the most loyal race. Ur women betray you in hordes
Yes white men are strong
Sorry, Brazil isn’t white keep coping
My point is Brazil is a white country like American is a white country. Obviously it’s not 100% white and not all the people are white but it’s predominantly a white place.

If you’re going to say Brazil isn’t white than the United States isn’t either.
I’ve never met a white guy in my life who gets white girl pussy care about racial consciousness/awawareness.

100 years ago, virtually every white American cared about race despite having wives and kids.

Chad has Tyrone friends and go to parties and shit, only losers cope with race (even though I don’t think they’re wronwrong
You're assuming Chads go to parties and aren't prioritising their relationship. Again, not every Chad is a degenerate scum bag who sleeps around.

White guys just need to realize that white women will transform America into Brazil 2.0 within 250 years which may seem like a long time, however this will be merely a blimp in the history of the USA
Incorrect. The environment is controllable and thus eugenics and genocides can take place removing the undesirable people. One great example of this are the native Americans. They once numbered in the millions dominating America and they're now an extreme minority.

Racism is natural. Humans will be humans. The sooner you come to terms with this O.P the better.

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