there are more and more refugee girls from one of my countries here and i always approach them even though its really unnaceptable in our culture LOL (1 Viewer)


Well-known Member
Apr 28, 2024
Fucking weird hearing people speaking arabic in the same accent as my fam all of the sudden, I troll them and greet them and talk to them in our accent so they think how tf, this guy doesnt look like hes from our country at all so they get confused af. They are all ultra conservative village people, so me speaking to them is extremely disrespectful since a man shouldnt speak to women he doesnt know but i know they like the attention from a lighter skinned and taller than your countries men dude, no morals for your hypergamy.

One girl asked me to meet their dad (for marriage ofc just like back in the day for you guys, fucked up that i have to clarify this, you guys are cooked) and she was 17 JFL, im cooked if my mom finds out so i stopped doing it. The whole community is gathering together and my mom has a bunch of them as contacts now in her phone and picknicks with them in the park in the weekends. If words spreads around I will be shunned heavily and no father will let their daughter get married to the sinning playboy :(

No way im gonna marry a 4'11' goblin brown arab anyways lol, levantine lebanese only :love:
fucking disgusting how even a whole life of opression of female nature and hypergamy gets overridden as soon as they get attention for once when their parents arent around, muh "the media brainwashed women into feminism they like being opressed in their feminine nature" only incels say that shit cause they need to opress women for pussy which leads to a bigger population of lower genetic quality since women are the filter, hence more depression cause people incel innit.
sounds cucked.

but if that's the way you wanna go then so be it. hope it works out for you in the end :)
going to their dad? yeah you have to kiss their dad on the feet and pay dowry and then you get the girl, but shes virgin guaranteed. I dont like it no "love chasing", but i understand its best for soyciety
@Marco Pumpo not kiss them on the feet literally but be very nice and call them everyday askin how they are and meet the family every week for like a month+ for him to filter you and then you get to see her without hijab and covering clothing and then you say you both say yes or no to marriage lol

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