Story old people are selfish and i hate them


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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was getting ready to get on my flight yesterday and sitting down when this old fucking european couple probably in their 70s started talking to me

they were telling me how they just arrived to hong kong an hour ago from france and so on

won’t even bother saying the rest of their bullshit but it was so annoying.

and if they were the same age as me, i guarantee they wouldn’t start a conversation. my years of traveling and never having a couple the same age as me come up and start a conversation at an airport proves it

and then the old lady started talking about how she plays music and i should come to her performance on thursday

like wtf. why would i spend my precious youth on you

but yea, fuck old people the energy sucking vampires they are.

i really hope i don’t live to be such an old age

and if i do, ill go somewhere quiet to die

not try and be an attentionwhore for young people and proceed to go on about how you love traveling to a certain country and how you’re retired there

“but muh they were being nice” idc. by that age, you should have the self realization that no young person wants to have an unwarranted conversation with a stinky boomer couple

idgaf about your story
That's white leftist boomers, they have an obsession with being nice to strangers. They assumed that being alone, you were a lonely social outcast and would appreciate feeling included in a conversation, even being invited to a social event where you could make friends.
>old people are selfish
Quite the opposite, old white leftists are the most gratuitously, smarmingly charitable people on Earth. It's young people in most of the world who are 100% self-absorbed in public settings and won't even acknowledge your existence unless doing so serves their interests, i.e. excuse me would you mind taking a photo of us?

Anyway, spending time around Asians does tend to give one an aversion reaction to unwarranted familiarity from complete strangers. It's a violation of Asian social propriety to talk to a stranger as if they were a friend.

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