The level of scientific illiteracy on this forum is outright scary at times

i agree with the title.

Some members aren't open to having their minds changed.
the question is: are you? so far i've only seen you deny any useful feedback given to you by 100%.

initially i thought you belonged to the few men here who are following the truth, that's why i wanted to prevent your ban. but then i got the impression that you are just cherrypicking study results to solidify and defend your own beliefs. also you get mad like a wild dog if someone challenges them and attack people on a personal level, that's not encouraging a scientific discussion culture here.
i agree with the title.

the question is: are you? so far i've only seen you deny any useful feedback given to you by 100%.

initially i thought you belonged to the few men here who are following the truth, that's why i wanted to prevent your ban. but then i got the impression that you are just cherrypicking study results to solidify and defend your own beliefs. also you get mad like a wild dog if someone challenges them and attack people on a personal level, that's not encouraging a scientific discussion culture here.
how old are you? based on my limited experience majority of the people don't know much about science and don't have the intellectual capacity to actually have their own opinions about anything. it's way easier to observe this when it comes to "taboo" topics like the actual reasoning behind attraction. excluding the recent blackpill trend on TikTok, there should be something weird (not necessarily in a negative way) about you if you spend any time thinking about these topics.

also remember that normies only use mainstream websites/apps. even reddit is seen as a social media for the outcast by many people. so it's expected to see more weirdos on these obscure forums. @QuantativeAnalyticalBS is just one of them.
how old are you? based on my limited experience majority of the people don't know much about science and don't have the intellectual capacity to actually have their own opinions about anything. it's way easier to observe this when it comes to "taboo" topics like the actual reasoning behind attraction. excluding the recent blackpill trend on TikTok, there should be something weird (not necessarily in a negative way) about you if you spend any time thinking about these topics.

also remember that normies only use mainstream websites/apps. even reddit is seen as a social media for the outcast by many people. so it's expected to see more weirdos on these obscure forums. @QuantativeAnalyticalBS is just one of them.
you are right. i'm 38 and i had my personal outcast experiences when i was young and got kinda blackpilled even before the term existed. as a result i took measures back then to ascend to normie tier.

also i had some kind of awakening when travelling other continents and experienced being treated and valued completely differently despite displaying the same behaviour.

that's how i got into these attraction topics and geomaxxing.

however, i also experienced that behaviour can make a difference and can give you considerable leverage. the whole red pill stuff is obviously exaggerated by PUAs and all these dating coaches, but it isn't complete nonsense in my opinion. it's just another small piece in the puzzle.
Science is bullshit. You can find one study, and then find contradicting study. Few hundreds years ago science was saying that earth is flat or gravity force doesn't exist. So it's always evolving. How the fuck can you know that anything is true now? What you experiencing is what called ignorance.

Let me give you example: some idiot do study where participants eat egg everyday. After 2 weeks, everyone does bloodwork. All people markers improved. Idiot concludes that eggs are amazing for health.
Another idiot does same study and sees that LDL increased. He concludes: eggs very bad! Because of cholesterol! In reality, you can't say one food is good or bad because there are so many variables. It's the same for your fucking "muh genetics and evolution science". Fucking idiot. You can't put it inside the box and say "this is absolutely true!". This is sign of the idiot, he believes "muh science" and thinks he's very smart without questioning anything, a.k.a. ignorance.

Science is such shit. Another example: you see world from your perspective, you can never see world from another perspective. If only your perspective exist, this is called solipsism. Science says that solipsism is false. But how can you prove it? Science can't prove solipsism is false. Maybe consciousness is fundamental, not material. "But science says solipsism is true!". Science can't even prove fundamentals of reality, how the fuck can you assume that all your beliefs are true. The wise man is who knows he don't know, not like you ignorant fuck
initially i thought you belonged to the few men here who are following the truth, that's why i wanted to prevent your ban. but then i got the impression that you are just cherrypicking study results to solidify and defend your own beliefs. also you get mad like a wild dog if someone challenges them and attack people on a personal level, that's not encouraging a scientific discussion
That's exactly what you did when you linked a chart with no data set and then another study you never read that was easily proven false. I only get mad when stupid morons like you comment on my post wasting my time and everyone else's. Like I said, get educated before commenting. The study I quoted was directly linked from the most reputable source. I was reading into the methodology and not just taking the scientists word for his conclusions on the science behind the attractiveness for height.

Everything I've said on this forum is what I've observed in reality and guess what? The scientific community has documented the same phenomenon many decades ago and said phenomena has reached theory status. The fact that my posts startled a lot of you guys tells me that most of the members on this forum are low intelligence.

Science is bullshit
I stopped reading instantly. How can you be this retarded?
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It means you're really smart. I'm really impressed. You were born with good genes, genius IQ

he’s not that weird tbh

there’s weirder users here
Not that weird? Have you looked in the mirror? You're a rent boy who gets flown out and then get bummed by wealthy homosexual Jew clients etc. You can't get any weirder than that...

I tried being respectful to you. You caused this to yourself. There're very few individuals on this forum. No different than in real life or any other place.

IMG 5539

Not that weird? Have you looked in the mirror? You're a rent boy who gets flown out and then get bummed by wealthy homosexual Jew clients etc. You can't get any weirder than that...

I tried being respectful to you. You caused this to yourself. There're very few individuals on this forum. No different than in real life or any other place.

View attachment 6654
Thats why i got banned, i cant shitpost anywhere

Not that weird? Have you looked in the mirror? You're a rent boy who gets flown out and then get bummed by wealthy homosexual Jew clients etc. You can't get any weirder than that...

I tried being respectful to you. You caused this to yourself. There're very few individuals on this forum. No different than in real life or any other place.

View attachment 6654
i’d say i’m pretty normal
That's exactly what you did when you linked a chart with no data set and then another study you never read that was easily proven false. I only get mad when stupid morons like you comment on my post wasting my time and everyone else's. Like I said, get educated before commenting. The study I quoted was directly linked from the most reputable source. I was reading into the methodology and not just taking the scientists word for his conclusions on the science behind the attractiveness for height.
regarding the bumble chart that i posted: it said that the source was statista and i simply didn't invest the money to verify it just for a discussion in a forum with some incel i don't know. there are tons of bumble statistics posted on statista, but they're all hidden behind a paywall and you have to pay 500$ to unlock them. so we don't know if this data is really there or not. thus i already agreed twice that it can be discarded. what more do you want?

and the other study that i posted and all the other ones listed in the paper you posted were not "easily proven false". not even the authors of your favortie study themselves would claim such thing because they know as well as me that's not how social science works. your way of thinking applies to maths, physics, chemistry. but not social science! it was a study with only 95 females in only one country, that is not representative in any way. again, i'm not saying its results are wrong, it simply didn't automatically "debunk" all the other studies!

Not that weird? Have you looked in the mirror? You're a rent boy who gets flown out and then get bummed by wealthy homosexual Jew clients etc. You can't get any weirder than that...

I tried being respectful to you. You caused this to yourself. There're very few individuals on this forum. No different than in real life or any other place.

View attachment 6654
based tbh. id do gay for pay
Not that weird? Have you looked in the mirror? You're a rent boy who gets flown out and then get bummed by wealthy homosexual Jew clients etc. You can't get any weirder than that...

I tried being respectful to you. You caused this to yourself. There're very few individuals on this forum. No different than in real life or any other place.

View attachment 6654

@AlexBrown84 did you ban @QuantativeAnalyticalBS for this? he used to post here every single day and disappeared after this.

or maybe he roped because you were his last perceived friend here until you called him moderately weird...
It's outright scarey how ignorant and wrong a lot of the members on this forum are about how genetics and evolution works. Some members aren't open to having their minds changed. So, they are literally NPCs.
you dont get laid even with selfimprovement jfl

Not that weird? Have you looked in the mirror? You're a rent boy who gets flown out and then get bummed by wealthy homosexual Jew clients etc. You can't get any weirder than that...

I tried being respectful to you. You caused this to yourself. There're very few individuals on this forum. No different than in real life or any other place.

View attachment 6654
So the rumors are true?
regarding the bumble chart that i posted: it said that the source was statista and i simply didn't invest the money to verify it just for a discussion in a forum with some incel i don't know. there are tons of bumble statistics posted on statista, but they're all hidden behind a paywall and you have to pay 500$ to unlock them
Until you can present the data for the chart, you have no valid argument.

and the other study that i posted and all the other ones listed in the paper you posted were not "easily proven false".
I disproved the study you used as evidence to counter my post in under 5 minutes. You're still unable to admit when you are wrong because you're a moron who's beneath me intellectually speaking.

not even the authors of your favortie study themselves would claim such thing because they know as well as me that's not how social science works.
The study I listed has been trialled and tested withstanding hard criticism. The failed study you've linked was easily falsifiable. The way they collected the data was flawed. The male participants self reported their height, thus the data is worthless.
Until you can present the data for the chart, you have no valid argument.
i'm not gonna pay 500$ for this so yes, i agree.

You're still unable to admit when you are wrong because you're a moron who's beneath me intellectually speaking.
what's your degree? your I/O mindset gives me the impression that you are lacking some basic knowledge about social science.

The study I listed has been trialled and tested withstanding hard criticism.
do you have a source for this? or is this your general description for peer reviews?

The failed study you've linked was easily falsifiable. The way they collected the data was flawed. The male participants self reported their height, thus the data is worthless.
if self reported data was worthless we wouldn't even have regular voting polls because their outcome would be random.

and yes i know, political views are not dating. i agree that the study data is of lower quality as it could have been because they asked the men instead of measuring them.
if self reported data was worthless we wouldn't even have regular voting polls because their outcome would be random.
I never questioned the validity of self reporting per say. Only in this case when there's an inherent bias among men to lie about their height to exacerbate their attractiveness to the opposite sex.

do you have a source for this? or is this your general description for peer reviews?
Cambridge University press featured the study in their summary of female height preference. You can't get better than that.
Cambridge University press featured the study in their summary of female height preference. You can't get better than that.
i don't know this summary article but if your theory is based on this study, larger studies would have to be conducted to prove it. even only to consider it representative for a country like france an adequate sample would usually be around 1000 participants to reduce error margin (we only have 100 females here).

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