JFL Stromtfrontcels Call Any White Femoid That Is Attracted To Black Men "Ugly"


Well-known Member
Sep 4, 2023
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I really don't understand this cope from stormfrontcels. If all White femoids who like black men are fat, ugly or drug addicts why do you even care? If anything blacks are doing you a favor. Also why do you even need to set up a website doxxing the femoids in question. It's almost like stormfrontcels know 99% of White femoids like black men & it's too brutal to handle jfl.

Like here. Most men would not call these femoids "Ugly"

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Even this one who was beheaded by her boyfriend was far from ugly:
I really don't understand this cope from stormfrontcels. If all White femoids who like black men are fat, ugly or drug addicts why do you even care? If anything blacks are doing you a favor. Also why do you even need to set up a website doxxing the femoids in question. It's almost like stormfrontcels know 99% of White femoids like black men & it's too brutal to handle jfl.

Like here. Most men would not call these femoids "Ugly"

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Even this one who was beheaded by her boyfriend was far from ugly:
These white foids do look kind of weird, though. So, they aren't wrong for calling them ugly.
Nope. Women are more racist than men. When are you blue pilled cucks going to realise this basic fact of life?
Its not that they’re more racist they’re just more eugenecist (if that’s even a word).

White women who normally wouldn’t date black guys (for various reasons) would date him if he were top 0.5% of looks.

This one time at the mall I saw a legit Stacy with a fucking 6’4 jacked Tyrone with good facial bones and I had to look twice from how rare of a sight his genes were.
White women just have the most attractive appearance and can demand more out of a mate, and since nowadays their demands are left uncheck water is wet they only go for and share Chad.
Its not that they’re more racist they’re just more eugenecist (if that’s even a word).
The dysgenic trend data disprove your claim that they are eugenecists inherently.

White women who normally wouldn’t date black guys (for various reasons) would date him if he were top 0.5% of looks.
Nope. Every single study to date shows that white females choose white Chad every single time. Caucasian females can't distinguish between a HTN and a tyrone. Because they arent evolved with the ability to do so.

This one time at the mall I saw a legit Stacy with a fucking 6’4 jacked Tyrone with good facial bones and I had to look twice from how rare of a sight his genes were.
Outliers don't disprove the rule.
date shows that white females choose white Chad every single time
Well I don’t know hur dur maybe it’s because white men have the most attractive features throughout all the races.

Why do you think white men are really the only race who are able to pull girls above their looks level from other races.
That doesn't make white men attractive on a primal level to the majority of non white females.
Dating culture (hookup quick sex) is all about looks my friend, whites dominate in the looks category. So of course they are popular amongst non white females.
There’s nothing more animalistic than modern dating practices
Dating culture (hookup quick sex) is all about looks my friend, whites dominate in the looks category. So of course they are popular amongst non white females.
Dating apps 99% of the time never lead to sex, let alone a relationship. Attraction isn't solely based on visual stimuli. Sense of smell is a major part of it.

Like I said, it doesn't make white men desirable as partners.
Dating apps 99% of the time never lead to sex
I know you’re stupid as fuck for rejecting JBW already however I’ve got one thing to tell you since your blackpill hasn’t updated to the latest update in 2023…

Women use Dating Apps for validation and use Instagram to vet potential partners and then move on to Snapchat to talk to the ideal candidates.

Dating Apps don’t mean shit.

Instagram, Snapchat and now tiktok is EVERYTHING
I know you’re stupid as fuck for rejecting JBW already however I’ve got one thing to tell you since your blackpill hasn’t updated to the latest update in 2023…

Women use Dating Apps for validation and use Instagram to vet potential partners and then move on to Snapchat to talk to the ideal candidates.

Dating Apps don’t mean shit.

Instagram, Snapchat and now tiktok is EVERYTHING
You have yet to disprove anything I've said. You are now getting overly emotional like a woman because you've lost the debate.
I know you’re stupid as fuck for rejecting JBW already however I’ve got one thing to tell you since your blackpill hasn’t updated to the latest update in 2023…

Women use Dating Apps for validation and use Instagram to vet potential partners and then move on to Snapchat to talk to the ideal candidates.

Dating Apps don’t mean shit.

Instagram, Snapchat and now tiktok is EVERYTHING
Women, especially in the West, use online dating as an ego booster.

Instagram is the only legit way to meet women from online and if you don't have an active social life, it doesn't matter your looks level, they will see it as a red flag and thus reject said male.
Women, especially in the West, use online dating as an ego booster.

Instagram is the only legit way to meet women from online and if you don't have an active social life, it doesn't matter your looks level, they will see it as a red flag and thus reject said male.
Now you’re just regurgitating what I’ve said JFL
I wouldn't call them ugly so much as trashy. "Dissolute" is the word that comes to mind. It is true, getting pumped and dumped by a nigger, especially for a couple weeks or so, does serious damage to the female psyche. She will forever be demanding validation and emotional support from whatever betabuxx is stupid enough to fall for her and absorb all of her toxicity. Or she will become virtually sexless..."honey, not tonight, I'm not in the mood", or "that's disgusting, I don't do that". Speaking from reality here...my sisters are/were all degenerate modern feminists.

From what I've seen, white women who date non-white men are usually the dominant partner in the relationship. But the truth is, you can't tell a nigger anything. They are as obdurate as they are small-brained. If they decide on a whim to find some new snatch because the old snatch is demanding more than it is putting out, they will walk away without any qualms over broken hearts or fatherless children.

Same with the flip whores who would go for black men in Angeles, they were always the trashiest of the trash. Giving a lap dance to a scrawny ass nigger on the side of the boulevard while waiting for some food to be prepared.

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