Advice Statistical Saturation rate by country in SEA


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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But Malaysia is where SEAs go on holiday so in reality that ones much less saturated, but the saturation hierarchy is:

1. Thailand 60%
2. Cambodia 39%
3. Vietnam 18%
4. Philippines 7%
5. Indonesia 6%

And most of them are old bald men OR legitimate tourists with their family/friends visiting for a very short while.

Thailand is giga cucked tho. I bet a vast vast majority of them 40 million are men

So that skews the dating market HEAVILY in womens favour. by A LOT. considering their entire population is only 67 million.

FUCKED. do you realize how bad that is?? 66 million population, and 40 million tourists per year(all men)

@AlexBrown84 btw that "feelingthemog" account on .org isnt me im stuck on my shitty femalegazemaxxer account can u try get me unbanned pls

i was following a guy on jewtube where he was on steroids living in thailand. he even got a thai girl pregnant. his name was dr tony huge. look him up. his old videos are now all private or deleted. he had live in maids and spent 2000 a month on prostitutes. he even injected his main girlfriend with a drug called pt141. to bad its all taken off now. maybe someone here can find them.
i was following a guy on jewtube where he was on steroids living in thailand. he even got a thai girl pregnant. his name was dr tony huge. look him up. his old videos are now all private or deleted. he had live in maids and spent 2000 a month on prostitutes. he even injected his main girlfriend with a drug called pt141. to bad its all taken off now. maybe someone here can find them.
i used to watch him too he just betabuxxes single moms but stil mogger lifestyle

also what does pt141 do?
i used to watch him too he just betabuxxes single moms but stil mogger lifestyle

also what does pt141 do?
it makes you horny but the only way to get any effects of it is to inject it. he had a video of one of his thai girls scared of the injection but he did it anyways and did an update on her. she said it made her a bit horny but her english sucks and who knows if it was an act.
it makes you horny but the only way to get any effects of it is to inject it. he had a video of one of his thai girls scared of the injection but he did it anyways and did an update on her. she said it made her a bit horny but her english sucks and who knows if it was an act.
just use malnourished thai girls as your lab rats theory
Once again you faggots are too autistic. First of all Thailand has been the most visited country for the past 20 fucking years, of course it is "saturated". And again most of the country is centered around p4p which it excels at. If you want to larp with dates and what not then fine but most pros will give you the gfe anyway, if you need a seagook to valdiate your fragile ego I dont really know what to tell you.
i was following a guy on jewtube where he was on steroids living in thailand. he even got a thai girl pregnant. his name was dr tony huge. look him up. his old videos are now all private or deleted. he had live in maids and spent 2000 a month on prostitutes. he even injected his main girlfriend with a drug called pt141. to bad its all taken off now. maybe someone here can find them.
This would have been Looksmaximus if he didn't turn on his audience and actually followed through with going to Thailand
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But Malaysia is where SEAs go on holiday so in reality that ones much less saturated, but the saturation hierarchy is:

1. Thailand 60%
2. Cambodia 39%
3. Vietnam 18%
4. Philippines 7%
5. Indonesia 6%

And most of them are old bald men OR legitimate tourists with their family/friends visiting for a very short while.

Thailand is giga cucked tho. I bet a vast vast majority of them 40 million are men

So that skews the dating market HEAVILY in womens favour. by A LOT. considering their entire population is only 67 million.

FUCKED. do you realize how bad that is?? 66 million population, and 40 million tourists per year(all men)

@AlexBrown84 btw that "feelingthemog" account on .org isnt me im stuck on my shitty femalegazemaxxer account can u try get me unbanned pls

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btw most guys going to sea are just going to the big cities aka kuala lumpur in malaysia, bali in indonesia and manila in philippines same goes for latam
what did he say he’d do?

is he worth watching
Hes the ONLY person worth wathcing kek. Was very based and genuinely changed my views, and had some genuinely entertaining videos, truly a one of a kind personality. He turned kind of crazy after a cancer scare and then turned on his audience
Fuck your gay statistics tbh i just go there by myself and i see almost no white young male in his 20s so you will definitely be top 10% because majority of tourists are currys and chinese lmao
to what countries?
Fuck your gay statistics tbh i just go there by myself and i see almost no white young male in his 20s so you will definitely be top 10% because majority of tourists are currys and chinese lmao
Fact. I'm in Bangkok, a city with around 10 million people and I've been in a few neighbourhoods. the ONLY place here that was about 10% white males in their 20s was at a rooftop bar techno party thing I took a girl to in sukhumvit on the weekend. that's the highest percent I can remember besides Patong walking st and other places in sukhumvit that I have seen in Thailand in about 6 months of living here. There's probably a lot around Khao San road too but I've never been.

The point is relative to the general population of this supposedly westernized city, in most neighbourhoods, white dudes in their 20s are easily less than 1% of the population. You won't even see any. if you walk around for an hour, after seeing hundreds of people, maybe one or 2. (plenty of cute asian girls though)

also I don't get why Thailand is so shit on for Geomaxing. from a quality of life standpoint it's great here. I saw a dermatologist yesterday 15 mins after walking into a hospital and asking for one. in Canada that would have been 4-6 monthes after being refered to one by andother doctor who is also hard to get an appointment with and then I would ahve to run around the city to get bloodwork/lab shit done too after, here it was all done in an hour and a half vist in the hospital and the bill was about $150 CAD.
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fuck doctors i wouldnt have seen any of those cucks
Fuck your gay statistics tbh i just go there by myself and i see almost no white young male in his 20s so you will definitely be top 10% because majority of tourists are currys and chinese lmao
Fact. I'm in Bangkok, a city with around 10 million people and I've been in a few neighbourhoods. the ONLY place here that was about 10% white males in their 20s was at a rooftop bar techno party thing I took a girl to in sukhumvit on the weekend. that's the highest percent I can remember besides Patong walking st and other places in sukhumvit that I have seen in Thailand in about 6 months of living here. There's probably a lot around Khao San road too but I've never been.

The point is relative to the general population of this supposedly westernized city, in most neighbourhoods, white dudes in their 20s are easily less than 1% of the population. You won't even see any. if you walk around for an hour, after seeing hundreds of people, maybe one or 2. (plenty of cute asian girls though)

also I don't get why Thailand is so shit on for Geomaxing. from a quality of life standpoint it's great here. I saw a dermatologist yesterday 15 mins after walking into a hospital and asking for one. in Canada that would have been 4-6 monthes after being refered to one by andother doctor who is also hard to get an appointment with and then I would ahve to run around the city to get bloodwork/lab shit done too after, here it was all done in an hour and a half vist in the hospital and the bill was about $150 CAD.
The internet in general just attracts rotters and people who like to look purely at statistics and extrapolate trends they see on the internet. First off, yes there are probably muh "WHITE CHADS!!" going to SEA but they are there for completely different reasons than you are. One of my normie friends took his gf there and they stayed there for 2 weeks, and another just did normal tourist shit and probably got with hostal girls or other tourists. Terminally online zoomer nevertravellers than take the information given to them by rotters and crab cuckers and just repeat information without digging any further. Thailand is still the best place to be for sex tourism hands down, and is so easily navigable. The idea that Thailand is muh oversaturaed is so fucking laughable, Thailand has been "oversaturated" for the past 20 fucking years. Like for instance someone will see a video posted by a passport bro and assume EVERYONE is doing this when in actuality most american blacks are too broke to travel, most whites are too bluepilled, cucked, increasingly broke, and normie to geomax, and in general the tech boom is coming to an end and makeshift meme jobs with it.
The internet in general just attracts rotters and people who like to look purely at statistics and extrapolate trends they see on the internet. First off, yes there are probably muh "WHITE CHADS!!" going to SEA but they are there for completely different reasons than you are. One of my normie friends took his gf there and they stayed there for 2 weeks, and another just did normal tourist shit and probably got with hostal girls or other tourists. Terminally online zoomer nevertravellers than take the information given to them by rotters and crab cuckers and just repeat information without digging any further. Thailand is still the best place to be for sex tourism hands down, and is so easily navigable. The idea that Thailand is muh oversaturaed is so fucking laughable, Thailand has been "oversaturated" for the past 20 fucking years. Like for instance someone will see a video posted by a passport bro and assume EVERYONE is doing this when in actuality most american blacks are too broke to travel, most whites are too bluepilled, cucked, increasingly broke, and normie to geomax, and in general the tech boom is coming to an end and makeshift meme jobs with it.
Facts facts facts someone who knows and has been to thailand as well you can tell. You cannot argue with basement dwellers who have not been in Asia ever in their life.

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