The west:

ugly af and worships white features

brown af and worships white skin

short cute girls with short men to easily mog

high population so its worth learning the language

high quality of life

good air quality

good wages for urself and future offspring

ugly af and worships white features

brown af and worships white skin

short cute girls with short men to easily mog

high population so its worth learning the language

high quality of life

good air quality

good wages for urself and future offspring

ugly af and worships white features

brown af and worships white skin

short cute girls with short men to easily mog

high population so its worth learning the language

high quality of life

good air quality

good wages for urself and future offspring

ugly af and worships white features

brown af and worships white skin

short cute girls with short men to easily mog

high population so its worth learning the language

high quality of life

good air quality

good wages for urself and future offspring

ugly af and worships white features

brown af and worships white skin

short cute girls with short men to easily mog

high population so its worth learning the language

high quality of life

good air quality

good wages for urself and future offspring

The west has no dating life, but good everything else.

SEA has good dating life but terrible quality of life

Japan has the dating life, the wages, the high population, the high quality of life, the good air quality. It has EVERYTHING
So, how do we get a japanese gf?
- Pairs
- Omiai
- Tapple
- With
- Bumble
- Tinder
- Hellotalk
- Tandem
also learn the language
and you can probably get a job there.
i heard theyre importing over 300,000 immigrants soon.
because their country is so old. so they need immigrants to do the job.
and they'd rather have us than 3rd world low iq subhumans