Advice Statistical Analysis of All Asian Countries [Which Country Is Best To Geomaxx To?]


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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The west:
❌ ugly af and worships white features
❌ brown af and worships white skin
❌ short cute girls with short men to easily mog
❌ high population so its worth learning the language
✅ high quality of life
✅ good air quality
✅ good wages for urself and future offspring

✅ ugly af and worships white features
✅ brown af and worships white skin
✅ short cute girls with short men to easily mog
✅ high population so its worth learning the language
✅ high quality of life
✅ good air quality
✅ good wages for urself and future offspring

✅ ugly af and worships white features
✅ brown af and worships white skin
✅ short cute girls with short men to easily mog
❌ high population so its worth learning the language
❌ high quality of life
❌ good air quality
✅ good wages for urself and future offspring

✅ ugly af and worships white features
✅ brown af and worships white skin
✅ short cute girls with short men to easily mog
✅ high population so its worth learning the language
❌ high quality of life
❌ good air quality
❌ good wages for urself and future offspring

✅ ugly af and worships white features
✅ brown af and worships white skin
✅ short cute girls with short men to easily mog
❌ high population so its worth learning the language
❌ high quality of life
❌good air quality
❌ good wages for urself and future offspring

❌The west has no dating life, but good everything else.

❌SEA has good dating life but terrible quality of life

✅Japan has the dating life, the wages, the high population, the high quality of life, the good air quality. It has EVERYTHING

So, how do we get a japanese gf?
  1. Pairs
  2. Omiai
  3. Tapple
  4. With
  5. Bumble
  6. Tinder
  7. Hellotalk
  8. Tandem

also learn the language

and you can probably get a job there.

i heard theyre importing over 300,000 immigrants soon.

because their country is so old. so they need immigrants to do the job.

and they'd rather have us than 3rd world low iq subhumans
@geomaxer autist
@BoomBoom autist who pays for sex in asia as a young guy (over)
@AlexBrown84 mogger geomaxxer but jealous of ur trustfund
@kamster autist
@Pained4ever crab
@fatchadlitecel inactive
@Horizon55 literal virgin
@Aphex idk
@BeardedUnicorn fell for ricedick propaganda
@6"8_With_Tall_Girl_fetish idk
@QuantativeAnalyticalBS ricedick with race dysmorphia who logs online every day to seethe at us fucking his women
@KingWigga idk
@Kevin_Logan idk
@Tai Bwo Wannai nigger and larps about geomaxxing but tries to shame others for not geomaxxing
@biggunsar idk
@ImFree007 an alt of someone here but i wont say who
@Friar Tuck idk
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@geomaxer autist
@BoomBoom autist who pays for sex in asia as a young guy (over)
@AlexBrown84 mogger geomaxxer but jealous of ur trustfund
@kamster autist
@Pained4ever crab
@fatchadlitecel inactive
@Horizon55 literal virgin
@Aphex idk
@BeardedUnicorn fell for ricedick propaganda
@6"8_With_Tall_Girl_fetish idk
@QuantativeAnalyticalBS ricedick with race dysmorphia who logs online every day to seethe at us fucking his women
@KingWigga idk
@Kevin_Logan idk
@Tai Bwo Wannai nigger and larps about geomaxxing but tries to shame others for not geomaxxing
@biggunsar idk
@ImFree007 an alt of someone here but i wont say who
@Friar Tuck idk
Wdym crab bitch
@geomaxer autist
@BoomBoom autist who pays for sex in asia as a young guy (over)
@AlexBrown84 mogger geomaxxer but jealous of ur trustfund
@kamster autist
@Pained4ever crab
@fatchadlitecel inactive
@Horizon55 literal virgin
@Aphex idk
@BeardedUnicorn fell for ricedick propaganda
@6"8_With_Tall_Girl_fetish idk
@QuantativeAnalyticalBS ricedick with race dysmorphia who logs online every day to seethe at us fucking his women
@KingWigga idk
@Kevin_Logan idk
@Tai Bwo Wannai nigger and larps about geomaxxing but tries to shame others for not geomaxxing
@biggunsar idk
@ImFree007 an alt of someone here but i wont say who
@Friar Tuck idk
i think @Tai Bwo Wannai has actually geomaxxed haha
japan is fucked, if you go to work there you'll never have a pension cuz of population decline
@geomaxer autist
@BoomBoom autist who pays for sex in asia as a young guy (over)
@AlexBrown84 mogger geomaxxer but jealous of ur trustfund
@kamster autist
@Pained4ever crab
@fatchadlitecel inactive
@Horizon55 literal virgin
@Aphex idk
@BeardedUnicorn fell for ricedick propaganda
@6"8_With_Tall_Girl_fetish idk
@QuantativeAnalyticalBS ricedick with race dysmorphia who logs online every day to seethe at us fucking his women
@KingWigga idk
@Kevin_Logan idk
@Tai Bwo Wannai nigger and larps about geomaxxing but tries to shame others for not geomaxxing
@biggunsar idk
@ImFree007 an alt of someone here but i wont say who
@Friar Tuck idk
from now on i'd like you to title me 'fakecelest of fakecels'
japan is fucked, if you go to work there you'll never have a pension cuz of population decline
theyre importing immigrants there dipshit. its gonna become like western countries where the capital is mostly foreigners

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