Rehab Room on Ethnics geomaxxing


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
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Good video overall, tho as usual he makes some pretty retarded statements like how autism is correlated with your looks or to lie about your country of origin to a lesser one jfl. I have heard several people get treated better in Thailand when the locals find out they are American compared to being from Africa.
Good video overall for sure. I think there's something to be said for lying about your country if you're an ethnic man. I'm a pretty firm believer in the "demonstrate low value" (DLV) approach where you make yourself seem relatively low status at first and slowly inject signs of higher status as you get to know her better. Claiming to be from India and slowly leaking that you're in fact from America could be a viable form of this strategy.

I have seen so many Africans pretend they are from the U.S. and it's as hilarious as it is sad. So funny to ask them what their favorite football team is and they say the "New York Hawks" or some nonsense.

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