Cherrypicked examples don't disprove the rule. Most WMAF couples the AF is ugly or below average looking.
And it's worth noting that were talking about "couples" a ltn white guy can 100% at least get free sex from cute Asian women occasionally. And for 30 bucks you can creampie cute teens all day long.
Cherrypicked examples don't disprove the rule. Most WMAF couples the AF is ugly or below average looking.
But yes, I do agree that people who think they're gonna have models throwing themselves at them because jbw are setting themselves for major disappointment
And it's worth noting that were talking about "couples" a ltn white guy can 100% at least get free sex from cute Asian women occasionally. And for 30 bucks you can creampie cute teens all day long.
Not in the West. Going to Asia costs a lot of money. It's not worth spending all that cash for the occasional slay with a brown skinned monkey.
But yes, I do agree that people who think they're gonna have models throwing themselves at them because jbw are setting themselves for major disappointment
The only plus side of going to SEA is the fact that men hold all the power. So, you can hit and beat your Asian GF if she gets out of line.
Not in the West. Going to Asia costs a lot of money. It's not worth spending all that cash for the occasional slay with a brown skinned monkey.
Depends. If you're truecel in west, it can absolutely be worth it for the mental health benefits alone. If you can find a decent remote job you can creampie at least mid chicks basically every day. Better than getting nothing
geomaxxing is the only way you could ever get your dick wet

I’ve had girlfriends in my home country

Another incel that’s never traveled before talking shit to me. I’m the most hated by incels here.
korean girl talks about how korean guys have an inferiority complex and scared white men are taking all of the korean girls , and how bouncers reject white guys from clubs because they're jealous of white guys. literally from the horses mouth, you can deny this shit any more saying muh its cos white guys cause trouble in clubs there
@AlexBrown84 muh foreigners are only banned from clubs cos they want their own people there, nothing to do with foreigner male insecurity

u used to suck korea dick, come over to the white side
Korean men owe us their foids.

Both US and British soldiers died in the Korean War - the very least they can do is hand over their foids.

S. Korea is nothing like as hard as it's made out to be; cucks simply overestimate it because of the surgerymaxxed out women. Yet they in reality have very small eyes and grey-coloured skin. Korean foids are perfect for us.

I might even check that hotel Harald Baldr stayed in his latest Korea videos.
Korean men owe us their foids.

Both US and British soldiers died in the Korean War - the very least they can do is hand over their foids.

S. Korea is nothing like as hard as it's made out to be; cucks simply overestimate it because of the surgerymaxxed out women. Yet they in reality have very small eyes and grey-coloured skin. Korean foids are perfect for us.

I might even check that hotel Harald Baldr stayed in his latest Korea videos.
yeah they overestimate it cos ricedicks cling onto koreans like its their last string of hope so they make shit up, then people just repeat what they heard online and it causes myths about it being difficult there to be commonplace

I’ve had girlfriends in my home country

Another incel that’s never traveled before talking shit to me. I’m the most hated by incels here.
i 100% guaranteed have more bodies than you in home country. betabuxxing ugly ran through landwhales doesnt count you might as well still be incel. its hilarious, youre subhuman compared to me
How tf do you get normal conversations on tandem? I just get ignored or ghosted
wtf really? i get like 30 messages per day off korean, jap, chinese girls

what country are you from? what are your pics like?

my pics are me with my face being extremely pale
Have you ever geomaxed? If so where? Want to know who I’m talking to
i havent yet but i really want to soon, trying to convince an irl friend to come with me in the next couple months. i havent really needed to though, im literally sitting on 400+ matches in between hinge and tinder right now that i just randomly pick from every now and then (ill show anyone who doesnt believe me on a discord video call, just dm me)

i want to go just because its easier and less bs to deal with and to live like a king from how far our money stretches over there. its so hard to decide which country in sea to go to though thats been an issue as well
you have to be fucking larping, I made an account in august and people aren't even replying let alone blowing my phone up with notifications. And I'm tall and white btw
either ur a larping deathnic or ur an utter subhuman

i literally get like 30 messages per day
you have to be fucking larping, I made an account in august and people aren't even replying let alone blowing my phone up with notifications. And I'm tall and white btw
Curry and rice larps everywhere. You can only trust Alex in all honesty.
literally got flooded with messages 5 minutes after i made an account lol. this one was actually really hot for an asian. but yea im definitely a larping shitskin :ROFLMAO: im 5’7 and white but pretty much have chad face that carries me ngl
you have to be fucking larping, I made an account in august and people aren't even replying let alone blowing my phone up with notifications. And I'm tall and white btw
make a ThaiFriendly account if ur white lol these are some likes i just got literally seconds ago lol first two are actually kinda fire tbh😂

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