JFL Kyrgyzstan: Thousands of Pakis Flee After Natives Start Attacking Foreigners


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Dec 26, 2022

Kyrgyzstan: Thousands of Pakis Flee After Natives Start Attacking Foreigners​

Snake Baker May 24, 2024

This whole immigration and multiculturalism thing isn’t really working anywhere on earth.
Probably, it’s about time to start rethinking it.
Pakistan has repatriated more than 3,000 Pakistanis, mostly students, from Kyrgyzstan in the past week after recent attacks on foreigners over an unknown dispute with migrants, the deputy prime minister said Wednesday.
Pakistan began using special and commercial flight over the weekend to bring people home. More were expected to return later Wednesday, bringing their number to slightly over 4,000 by midnight.
Ishaq Dar told a news conference in Islamabad that the situation was under control now in the capital Bishkek, where authorities are trying to arrest people who attacked foreigners, including Pakistanis.
Thousands of Pakistanis study or work in Kyrgyzstan, and Dar said most of them wanted to come home.
Once these sorts of race riots start, there isn’t any way to stop them.
That’s why there is so much oppression in the White Western World.
They know that if a fire starts, they’re not going to be able to put it out.

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theyre such little rats man, just stay in your own country and fix that instead of triyng to come to good ones other people have built
theyre such little rats man, just stay in your own country and fix that instead of triyng to come to good ones other people have built
If the west didnt bomb the rest of the world while acting like they are innocent, you wouldnt have had nearly as much refugees moving into the west. You reap what you sow whitey
i want to keep bombing them + force them to stay there, would be ideal
You can be childish and edgy but if you saw a child ripped in half shouting for her mother by a bomb that the uk dropped you would change your mind real quick. Even the "toughest" fuck yeah kill much terrorists types get ptsd and regret everything they did because they realise they are just pawns used to sell weapons by the elite for the military industrial complex
You can be childish and edgy but if you saw a child ripped in half shouting for her mother by a bomb that the uk dropped you would change your mind real quick. Even the "toughest" fuck yeah kill much terrorists types get ptsd and regret everything they did because they realise they are just pawns used to sell weapons by the elite for the military industrial complex
ah okay yea true i wouldnt wanna bomb innocent children. but adult shitskins can get it. fuck them. nothing of value is lost
ah okay yea true i wouldnt wanna bomb innocent children. but adult shitskins can get it. fuck them. nothing of value is lost
Respect your opinion even though alot of value could be made if we just let others societies flourish and keep to ourselves while sharing new tech in between societies by a free market, but thats just my idealistic view. At the end of the day people want power

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