I've left the basement and arrived at Bristol, England, UK


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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I'm staying at a uni hostel. I have my own room but I have to share the bathroom and kitchen. All of the quests are foreigners except for myself and they're as cold as ice. I had an awkward encounter yesterday in the kitchen when this Italian looking guy just walked in and sat there at the table in silence while I was cooking. He then got up off the chair and messed around with the knob of the old fashioned cooker. Surprisingly, I didn't even feel that uncomfortable in the silence amongst a stranger. I asked him basic questions because his English was terrible. "I've been in England one month." He said. While placing a pizza in the oven. I had no idea people were this anti social all up and down this bloody country. Even the foreigners are mimicking the coldness of the natives.

I tried my luck on Tinder, I garnered 3 matches and 1 like in an hour and they eventually all unmatched with me. I messaged two of the slightly overweight 20/21 year old who were white girls who I'd rate roughly a 5 to 6 in looks. The third match was a hispanic looking woman who attends the local University, direct messaged me after matching. I was surprised but nevertheless callous and closed off because that's all I know over the years after using these dreaded apps. She ghosted me after I double messaged her. As predicted as is morning to evening. Oh well, at least I got to enjoy the nice egg and sausage evening meal. That most certainly didn't go to waste unlike the jizz in the tissue that failed to land in the bin that's on the floor

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