korean guys have basically 0 value

nearly every korean girl ive spoken to say they hate korean men because they are dangerous and ugly.
a lot of them say they are scared of being domestically abused jfl
u have to think this kind of idea spreads like wild fire through social groups then after a while basically every girl is very wary of korean guys

they also say foreigners are more 'gentle' and 'kind' so they are already more willing to start a relationship

yea 4b movement is real

i feel bad for the guys tho lol. forced to join the military and then your women do pinky sign as the symbol for staying away from korean dicks
reality is they like white skin, white facial features, white height, white dick

korean guys has brown skin, ugly asian features, short height, micropenis

any girl would react the same way as they do

the more gentle and kinder thing is a coverup story for this^
South Korea won’t exist in a few decades - it’s a fake country anyway. All great leader Kim has to do is wait a while longer then walk across the border.

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