Japanese girls are not sexually traditional at all, at least in the big cities. I would make the argument that Japan is the most sexually debauched country on the planet. There is very little importance tied to the act of sex itself. Romance and sex are discrete, separate concepts.
- Women will sleep with you shortly after meeting you without putting much thought into it.
- Prostitution is commonplace and accepted. You'll often hear middle-aged businessmen casually yapping about the brothels they visited the previous night.
- Prostitutes tend to be, more or less, young and "typical" girls. To many, selling their bodies is not too different from working at a convenience store. Working girls are often in the industry to make their way through university. Sadly, this is also true to a lesser extent for high school girls. You'll occasionally see a high school girl walking around with a Louis Vuitton purse... yeah, her parents didn't buy her that.
- "Deviant" sexual acts are not a hard sell. For example, many women are open to threesomes.
- It is easy to maintain relationships with several women at the same time without anyone getting upset. You can be transparent about it.
- Cheating is brutally rampant. Japanese people cheat more than anyone else in the world to my knowledge. Men visit brothels. Women have flings they meet at the bar or on dating apps (including HelloTalk). If you date multiple women you will experience it at least once, guaranteed. Additionally, because of the general subtlety and nuance of Japanese social interactions and relationships, you may not even realize it. If I were more cynical I'd say Japan is a society of liars. Smoke and mirrors. I read somewhere that 50% of marriages involve cheating but don't quote me on that.
- Converting casual sexual encounters to meaningful relationships is a rough endeavor. In Japan, I feel like a white girl feels the West. Tons of women want to fuck me for my body, but when I text them the next day, no response. Two weeks pass. No response. Then, out of the blue, I get a text like "hey what you doing tonight let's hang
". We meet up, have sex, then repeat the process. It may not sound so bad now but after you have sexual abundance you will want deeper connections, and being seen as only a sexual object feels shitty.
I am not a fan of taking street interviews at face value but there is a relevant video where a YouTuber interviews women to hear their opinions. It is mostly in line with my personal experience. You might find it enlightening:
For all of the above reasons I would generally rate Japan as a wonderful destination to visit for pleasure, but a poor location to seek long-term relationships. Don't get me started with the situation surrounding divorce. I can elaborate if you want.
I would also consider Japan a rare example of where it's better to bring the girl back to your home country rather than stay in hers.
Also note that as with any country the differences between individuals trump the societal trends. Japan is not a monolith.
$60,000 USD per year is around 9,000,000 JPY per year. This could place you in the upper echelon of society in terms of "money halo" depending on your age.
The spending power of 9,000,000 JPY in Tokyo is similar to the spending power of $80,000 or $85,000 in a medium-sized American city. In New York City, it would probably be like $110,000 or $120,000. I know people who make substantially less and live comfortable lives while retaining their own "harems".
I will at some point.