Advice I live in Tokyo, ask me anything

How many japanese wifus are actually fuckable and good looking without filters and plastic surgerys

Plastic surgery is not really prevalent among young people in Japan unlike in Korea or Taiwan. Middle-aged ladies get botox and fillers but that's about it.

tallfag fakecel. tho anything below 6'6 is still short

6'6" would definitely be too tall in Japan
The problem is that they aren't staying here longer than two or three weeks, and by the time they finally start to "get it", they have to take a plane home. Don't come to Japan for less than three weeks, and if you must, don't leave Tokyo. Your first week here will probably be shit for luck.
Any thoughts on Osaka btw? Do you moreso mean just stay in one city and Tokyo is kinda the de facto place to start, or is there a little more to it? It's kinda hella expensive to stay longer term and have a clubbing lifestyle (+ I'd probably drain my bank account buying weeb shit in Akihabara etc. tbh) whereas one could stay in Osaka for quite a lot longer. Ppl like @cool say it seems way better as a geomaxxing destination
Any thoughts on Osaka btw? Do you moreso mean just stay in one city and Tokyo is kinda the de facto place to start, or is there a little more to it? It's kinda hella expensive to stay longer term and have a clubbing lifestyle (+ I'd probably drain my bank account buying weeb shit in Akihabara etc. tbh) whereas one could stay in Osaka for quite a lot longer. Ppl like @cool say it seems way better as a geomaxxing destination

Only visited a few times. Dotonbori is the main hub and shares some similarities with Tokyo's Kabukicho and the surrounding Shinjuku districts. You also have Kita-Shinchi in Osaka which is a bit grimy but fun.

Osaka is a fine city and still very large on the global scale. It's about the size of Chicago. There's plenty to do and generally fewer foreigners which is a nice perk. It's a bit dirtier and lacks some of the charm that makes Tokyo special, but Osaka has its own culture going on that's there to appreciate.

However, I really don't think the cost of living that much lower than Tokyo. There's affordable areas in west Tokyo. Just search rents on a site like

Japanese people love to drone on about how Kansai (Osaka region) people are "warmer" and "more open" but I don't really see it.

Loose tier list of Japan cities for geomaxxing NOT considering cost of living:
  • S Tier: Tokyo > Osaka
  • A Tier: Yokohama > Fukuoka > Sapporo
  • B Tier:
  • C Tier: Nagoya, Kobe, Kyoto
  • D Tier: Hiroshima, Sendai
  • F Tier: Everywhere else, seriously, don't bother living in Niigata or any other godforsaken medium-sized city
I still maintain the position that Tokyo is the best place to be. If you really want to visit other cities, they're not going anywhere, just take the shinkansen.

If you have the opportunity to take an extended vacation to Japan before moving, consider visiting both cities for at least a week. Then you'll be equipped to make a decision for yourself. However, if you're walking in blind I think you'd be making a mistake by not living in Tokyo.

The expats I know who live in other cities, after a while, all end up visiting Tokyo in their free time, getting dating app matches from Tokyo, and generally fantasizing about living here. But people who live in Tokyo never even think about other cities.

Again though, Osaka does the job and if you find a reason to live there (job/school/etc.) it is a great place to live.
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If I went by United States SMV standards, then I do see a lot of 5 MTNs walking arm-in-arm with 7s and 8s. I have also witnessed the bewilderment from foreign female tourists which is funny to see. I am not vitriolic about this like some are but seeing Becky from London get flustered that an "uglier" guy has a Japanese girlfriend who is cuter than her, that's an interesting sight.

If you don't mind, I would love for you to post pictures of what you consider 7s and 8s Japanese women.
apologies if you already answered this question bc there's a lot in this thread to read.

where did you grow up and how was life back home? were you a normie or above and nt?
If you don't mind, I would love for you to post pictures of what you consider 7s and 8s Japanese women.

Here you go. I used screengrabs from the video I posted on the previous page. This way you can actually look at them from multiple angles and see how they look when they talk and move. I felt really dirty making this since I'm usually not a fan of picking people out and rating them. But I'll do it for my geomax homies. Wondering if you guys agree with my assessment.

apologies if you already answered this question bc there's a lot in this thread to read.

where did you grow up and how was life back home? were you a normie or above and nt?

United States suburbs of a larger metropolitan area.

I thought I was somewhat autistic through high school but later realized I was just not a turbo normie, and possibly not well socialized as a child. I always landed in a weird spot between the chadlite sports normies and the social outcast kids. During lunch period I would literally go back and forth between the tables of the two groups. Was a little too weird for the turbo normies (thought I was gay for liking anime and non-turbo normie video games). Was a little too normie for the social outcasts (thought I was a douchebag for liking girls and parties). Like the latter group though I spent most of my time in the basement doing dumb shit which further hurt my social skills.

When I entered university with a fresh start I felt like more of a social normie since people's interests diversified and there was less of a monopoly on turbo normie hobbies like American football like top 40 hip hop. Dressed better and attended social functions which resulted in a positive feedback loop. If I never went to university I'd probably be in a dark place right now.

I always was and continue to be overly analytical and a bit edgy (hence why I post rambling essays on this forum) which may be a mildly autistic trait.

I have always done well with women particularly in 1-on-1 situations. The natural social grace just flows out. If I am non-NT it only shows through in platonic situations, usually large groups of guys. Alcohol fixes it.

Looks wise I'm somewhere between a 6 and 6.5 but I boost to an 8 in Japan. I follow this China life YouYuber named laowhy86 and I think I look a lot like him, but I'm not tall.
the two 7s feel a lot more like 6s to me
friend of the 8, could be a 7

too many girls to rate, but i agree most of the others look to be 5s and 6s

their teeth are so weird, makes it harder to rate
the two 7s feel a lot more like 6s to me
friend of the 8, could be a 7

too many girls to rate, but i agree most of the others look to be 5s and 6s

their teeth are so weird, makes it harder to rate

That's fair. The 7 on the left fits Japanese looks standards really well, many Japanese guys would rate her an 8. Looks a lot like a pop idol or JAV star. The 7 on the right is just my exact type.

The friend of the 8 has too long of a face or something for me, seems like a solid 6.

I never cared too much about the teeth. It's definitely something that typical Westerners care a lot more about. Girls with weird teeth are great candidates to bring back to the West with you because their SMV will drop (cynical but true).
That's fair. The 7 on the left fits Japanese looks standards really well, many Japanese guys would rate her an 8. Looks a lot like a pop idol or JAV star. The 7 on the right is just my exact type.

The friend of the 8 has too long of a face or something for me, seems like a solid 6.

I never cared too much about the teeth. It's definitely something that typical Westerners care a lot more about. Girls with weird teeth are great candidates to bring back to the West with you because their SMV will drop (cynical but true).
Yes, i'm sure japanese guys would give completely different ratings
and i probably would too if i lived there for a few months
Yes, i'm sure japanese guys would give completely different ratings
and i probably would too if i lived there for a few months

It makes me wonder if there's a way to "perceptionmaxx" by consuming media with certain types of women in it. Growing up I was always into white girls, probably because I was surrounded by them and seeing them in media. Around the time I came to Japan I started to prefer Asian women.

If I ask my American buddy what he thinks of an Asian girl he might say she's a 5, but I find her to be at least a 7. The reverse is also true, it takes a particularly attractive white girl for me to actually want her, but while I see her as a 6 she sees herself as an 8 (because all the white guys around her see her as an 8). Thus I can virtually never date any white women.
It makes me wonder if there's a way to "perceptionmaxx" by consuming media with certain types of women in it. Growing up I was always into white girls, probably because I was surrounded by them and seeing them in media. Around the time I came to Japan I started to prefer Asian women.

If I ask my American buddy what he thinks of an Asian girl he might say she's a 5, but I find her to be at least a 7. The reverse is also true, it takes a particularly attractive white girl for me to actually want her, but while I see her as a 6 she sees herself as an 8 (because all the white guys around her see her as an 8). Thus I can virtually never date any white women.
what would be the point of that, to force yourself to like women you dont find attractive? lmao

i would say media is an obvious one, i didnt care about japanese/asian girls until i started to be more into anime, then i started researching japanese culture, chinese, you start looking at vlogs...
but that doesnt change the fact i see asian beauty through my western lens

i would guess as you start to know and understand a culture, adapt to it, you will also start liking the local girls closer to the local consensus

to me it makes a lot more sense to work on yourself and know what you like, find a girl that fits you
than going after girls that you dont even care about
these guys will never venture to the tier 2s of china

at most they’ll go look at pandas for a week in chengdu and larp that they’re in blade runner while in chongqing

"Omg bro it looks like we're on the ground but it's actually the 22nd floor!!! China is so advanced bing chilling!!"

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